
The Ph.D. program in Mathematics lasts 3 years and aims to train its students for a professional or academic career, in the area of Pure and Applied Mathematics.

To attain this goal, the doctoral program provides:

  • a broad and high-level preparation in mathematics;
  • the opportunity to deepen mathematical understanding and abilities through scientific research;
  • participation in a research program in promising areas of mathematics or its applications in an interdisciplinary setting.
The excellence of the research performed in the Department together with the wide-ranging collaborative relationships maintained by researchers in the Department of Mathematics guarantee the high quality of the doctoral program.  Our doctoral program belongs to the Vito Volterra Doctoral School, which is an additional opportunity for enriching the scientific and cultural value of our program.
The doctoral program starts every year at the beginning of November and, for the following three years the students attend courses, develop an individual research project under the guidance of a supervisor, and participate to the research activities of the Department of Mathematics.
The number of available fully supported fellowships (with no teaching duties) and of positions without financial support is announced every year in the call for applications.
Starting from academic year 2015-2016, the PhD school in Mathematics of Sapienza, Università di Roma, has joined their forces with the PhD schools in Mathematics at Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata and Università degli Studi di Roma Tre, offering compatible schedules for the admission procedure and graduate courses, and the possibility of choosing a thesis supervisors in any of the three schools.



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