Aesthetics Workshop
faculty sponsor: Stefano Velotti
students coordinator: Francesca Natale
16 dicembre 2019 (aula IV, ore 16.30-19.30): Matteo VEGETTI (Università della Svizzera Italiana), Le neo-plebi e lo spazio post-metropolitano
27 febbraio 2020 (aula XI, ore 15.00-19.30): JOHN BINGHAM-HALL and THEATRUM MUNDI (London), The world as a stage -- Convegno rinviato
28 febbraio 2020 (aula XI, ore 9.30-13.30): JOHN BINGHAM-HALL and THEATRUM MUNDI (London), The theatre as a laboratory -- Convegno rinviato
23 marzo 2020 (ore 16.00-19.30, Cappelletta, piano terra): Keti LELO, Salvatore MONNI (Università di Roma Tre), La mappa della disuguaglianza
29 aprile 2020 (ore 16.00-19.30): Massimo PALMA, L'uso ripetuto delle cose urbane. Regolarità e conflitti in città
7 maggio 2020: Walter TOCCI, La crisi di Roma merita una teoria?
Theoretical Philosophy Workshop
Ontologia, antropologia e politica
faculty sponsor: Elettra Stimilli
students coordinator:
25 marzo 2020 (aula XIII, ore 11.30-13.30): Enrica LISCIANI PETRINI (Università di Salerno), La 'nuova ontologia' di Marleau Ponty
31 marzo 2020 (aula XI, ore 17.30-19.30): Valentina NAPOLITANO (University of Toronto), Teopolitica e Antropologia
29 maggio 2020 (aula, ore ): Marcello MUSTO (York University), Colonialismo, rivoluzione ed emancipazione: Le ricerche dell'ultimo Marx
Ethics Workshop
Wittgenstein: Ethics and Culture
faculty sponsor: Piergiorgio Donatelli
students coordinator: Margherita Bianchi
The Ethics Workshop seeks to explore philosophical reflection on ethics from the perspective of the pluralism of normative agendas and theoretical languages, across a variety of issues: foundational themes, questions of human nature seen in the dimensions of the everyday and common life, philosophical psychology, social ethics, bioethics and issues concerning the non human world and the environment, as well as the study of the history of ethics as the source of new genealogies of contemporary problems. The Workshop privileges the analytical style in philosophy, with the aim to foster a dialogue among independent critical approaches (such as the ethical liberalism of J.S. Mill and John Rawls, Martha Nussbaum’s capability approach, Amartya Sen’s anti-transcendentalism, care ethics, feminist theory and gender studies, Stanley Cavell’s moral perfectionism, Cora Diamond’s Wittgensteinian conceptual approach, Michel Foucault’s perspective on the technologies of the self, recent forms of ethical naturalism) with different disciplines such as the natural sciences, law, political theory, cognitive science, and the social sciences.
18 marzo (aula IX, ore 16.30-18.30): Sandra LAUGIER (Paris 1), Why Ordinary Ethics?
15 aprile (aula IX, ore 16.30-18.30): Miranda BOLDRINI (Sapienza), Iris Murdoch: l’etica filosofica come pratica morale
29 aprile (aula IX, ore 17.30-19.30): Russell B. GOODMAN (New Mexico), Cavell and the Trascendentalists
30 aprile (aula II, ore 9-13): CONVEGNO Transatlantic Philosophy: Emerson, Wittgenstein, Cavell
13 maggio (aula IX, ore 16.30-18.30): Alessio VACCARI (Sapienza), Genealogia. Pluralità o identità di prospettive?
29-30 giugno (aula XII, ore 10-18) CONVEGNO Romanticism, Democracy, and the Self
1 ottobre, James CONANT (Chicago e Lipsia), TBA
Philosophy, Gender studies and Practices of differences Workshop
Women, philosophies and feminisms: Between thinking and being thought of
faculty sponsor: Caterina Botti, Luisa Valente
students coordinator: Giulia Dettori
The aim of the permanent workshop on Philosophy, gender studies and practices of differences is twofold. First, it aims at exploring and testifying to the ways in which gender differences, differences in sexuality, social and ethnical differences, illness and mental illness and other axes of differentiation have been built and read within the history of Western philosophy. Second, it aims at exploring the different lines of thought and practices which have been developed in reaction to the discriminations which found their basis in these categories and concepts: feminist philosophies, queer theories, postcolonial and anti-racist thinking and so forth. The activity of the permanent workshop will include, therefore, cycles of conferences and seminars devoted both to the history and historiography of philosophy and to more recent reflections and theorizations, together with a special attention to contemporary practical issues.
16 marzo 2020 (ore 16.30-18.30 - aula VIII): Sophia CONNELL (Birkbeck College, London), Aristotle on the intelligence of women
30 marzo 2020 (ore 16.30-18.30 - aula VIII); Michela PEREIRA (Università di Siena): Medioevo, filosofia, maschile, femminile
20 aprile 2020 (ore 16.30-19.30 - aula VIII): Sandra PLASTINA (Università della Calabria), Filosofe nell’età moderna: Camilla Erculiani, Moderata Fonte, Lucrezia Marinelli e la confutazione dell’aristotelismo --- Pina TOTARO (ILIESI/CNR, Roma), Il “cartesianesimo delle dame”: la critica di Eleonora Barbapiccola
4 maggio 2020 (ore 16.30-18.30 - aula VIII): Maria Luisa BOCCIA (Università di Siena, CRS), Uguali, differenti. Due scenari divergenti: Olympe De Gouges e Mary Wollstonecraft
18 maggio 2020 (ore 16.30-18.30 - aula VIII): Giacomo GAMBARO (Università di Padova), Lonzi e Irigaray: la differenza come taglio del pensiero
Evolution, Ethics and Ecology Workshop
Prospettive relazionali tra scienza ed etica
faculty sponsor: Simone Pollo
students coordinator: Margherita Bianchi, Leonardo Ursillo
The permanent seminar of "Evolution, ethics and ecology" collects the legacy of two permanent seminars already active in the past years: the permanent Seminar of "Ecoevolution and Cognition" (founded and coordinated by Prof. Elena Gagliasso) and the permanent Seminar of "Animal Studies"(founded and coordinated by prof. Simone Pollo). Aim of the Seminar is to discuss the epistemological and ethical issues connected to the biological sciences, starting from the naturalistic framework of explanation and study of the living world offered by Darwinian theory and its most recent developments. The topics covered by the seminar activities are: the debate on the nature and methods of the theory of evolution; ecology, environmental philosophy and environmental ethics; animal ethics and the wider field of animal studies; the most recent developments of ethology and cognitive sciences; the relationship between science and society; environmental and animal rights movements. These and other topics will be discussed in study seminars, conferences, traineeships and training schools. Seminar activities are carried out in collaboration with Res Viva, Interuniversity Center for Epistemological and Historical Research on Living Sciences.
6 novembre 2020, Simone Pollo (Sapienza), L’etica naturalizzata nell’epoca del cambiamento climatico, Leonardo Ursillo (Sapienza), Dall'Origine dell'Uomo al progresso evolutivo
23 novembre 2020, Elena Collaro (Durham University - Newcastle University), How human bias impacts research in animal cognition; Dominika Dzwonkowska (UKSW), Virtue Ethics and Animals
4 dicembre 2020, Giulia Iannucci (Sapienza), Ereditare e costruire: pratiche alimentari e nicchie ecologiche; Francesco Remotti (Università di Torino), Homo sapiens? Un animale accecato dalla sua cultura
18 dicembre 2020, Margherita Bianchi (Sapienza), Aspetti controintuitivi del comportamento cognitivo vegetale; Gianfranco Pellegrino (LUISS), L'altra intelligenza, ovvero le conseguenze etiche dell'intelligenza vegetale
History of Philosophy Workshop
Persuasione, suggestione, fascinazione e carisma. Governo delle coscienze e processi di pensiero
faculty sponsor: Anna Lisa Schino
students coordinator: Fiormichele Benigni
The History of Philosophy Workshop covers topics and methodological approaches in the history of philosophy from Antiquity to the present day.
16 gennaio (aula II, ore 15.30-17.30) - Francesco VERDE: Paideia, retorica e filosofia nel Contro i sofisti di Isocrate
23 gennaio (aula II, ore 15.30-17.30) - Massimiliano LENZI: «Dixit et facta sunt». Il potere della parola divina secondo Tommaso d’Aquino
30 gennaio (aula II, ore 15.30-17.30) - Raffaella SANTI: Hobbes e la retorica del corpo politico
6 febbraio (aula II, ore 15.30-17.30) - Roberto FINELLI: Falsa coscienza e autodissimulazione: il percorso sofferto dell'‘‘ideologia’’ nel pensiero di Karl Marx
14 febbraio (aula II, ore 15.30-17.30) - Carlo GINZBURG: Fake News? Una vecchia storia nuova
20 febbraio (aula II, ore 15.30-17.30) - Chiara GIORGI: Persuasione, controllo e integrazione: le politiche sociali del fascismo
27 febbraio (aula X, ore 15.30-17.30) - Federico LIJOI: Potere e suggestione: da Le Bon a Freud