______ ______ ______ PHD CLASSES ______ ______ ______
The Question of Logic and Scientific Realism
The course aims to highlight that the reflection on the nature and epistemology of logic is relevant for the debate on scientific realism. The course consists of four seminars. The first seminar presents Quine's criticism of logical conventionalism and Kripke's criticism of the Quinean conception of logic, and it illustrates the so-called adoption problem. The second seminar deals with the debate between the proponents of exceptionalist conceptions of logic and the proponents of anti-exceptionalist conceptions of logic, and it illustrates some of the major theoretical difficulties that the anti-exceptionalism about logic has to face, such as the adoption problem. The third seminar focuses on the heuristic conception of logic, which can be regarded as an anti-exceptionalist conception of logic, and it aims to suggest that certain features of this conception allow it to solve some of the main theoretical problems that standard formulations of anti-exceptionalism are unable to solve. In particular, it will be shown how the heuristic conception of logic can address the adoption problem. Finally, the fourth seminar aims to highlight the similarity between some crucial arguments in the debate concerning the epistemology of logic and some crucial arguments in the debate concerning scientific realism.
What the Tortoise said to Achilles, Quine and Kripke, 7 February, 10:00-12.00 – room XI
Logical exceptionalism and anti-exceptionalism, 14 February – 10:00-12.00 – room XI
The heuristic conception of logic, 21 February – 10:00-12.00 – room XI
Counterfactuals and scientific realism, 28 February – 10:00-12.00 – seminar room
History as First Philosophy. A path through phenomenology.
The stream of thought that Edmund Husserl has inaugurated aims at re-founding a 'first philosophy' addressed, as a 'rigorous science', to 'things themselves'. Phenomenology is therefore strongly speculative and theoretical in its approach, excluding historical considerations. However, in the development of the method, both in Husserl and later in the 'heresies' of his disciples, history gradually acquired an increasingly central role: no longer a specific object upon which theory can be exercised, but a condition of possibility of thought itself. Forcing the assumptions of phenomenology so far as to transcend them, history thus rises to the role of 'first philosophy'. The course will be articulated through a discussion with four authors, each proposing a key term to address the meaning of the question of history.
Husserl and teleology, 20 March, Aula X 14-16 hrs.
Heidegger and Destruction, 27 March, Aula X 14-16 hrs.
Derrida and deconstruction, 10 April, Aula X 14-16 hrs.
Foucault and archaeology, 17 April, Aula X h. 14-16 hrs.
Philosophy as the therapy of desire: Le Bon, Nietzsche, Freud, Wittgenstein.
In this series of lectures, I would like to take a close look at four authors who, in different capacities, at different times and in different ways, elaborated a conception of philosophy as a therapy of desire. In particular, I will focus on the way in which philosophy, becoming combined in the late 19th and 20th centuries with psychology and psychoanalysis, was denoted as a practice for facilitating the dissolution of illusions, i.e., of those metaphysical or religious representations, which allow us to escape from reality and to reject its inherent finitude and transience. In the work of these authors, philosophical reflection no longer provided a consolatory contemplation of a true and happy realm concealed behind our false and painful existence, but had the function of governing reality (Le Bon), rejoicing in reality (Nietzsche), accepting reality (Freud), and experiencing reality (Wittgenstein).
First lesson: Le Bon and the hope of desire, 10 May, seminar room, 16.00-18.00
Second lesson: Nietzsche and the moderation of desire, 17 May, seminar room, 16.00-18.00
Third lesson: Freud and the repression of desire, 24 May, seminar room, 16.00-18.00
Fourth lesson: Wittgenstein and the temptation of desire, 31 May, seminar room, 16.00-18.00
The knot of mimesis: the unquenchable critical force of a key figure of aesthetics.
The seminar aims to address one of the crucial figures of aesthetics, namely the notion of “mimesis”, with reference to some of its philosophically salient aspects: the non-obviousness of its theoretical statute; the polyvalence of its uses, between ancient and modern; the threshold character that needs to be ascribed, more generally, to its mode of being and operating. Taking into account, in particular, the contribution offered by the studies of Gunter Gebauer and Christoph Wulf, and their trans-disciplinary reinterpretation of the idea of “mimesis”, it will be a matter of highlighting how the productivity of this figure is due precisely to its constituting itself as a kind of “place-non-place”: as a space (paradoxically) suspended between identity and difference, between reality and possibility, between repetition and openness to the new. In this perspective, attention will tend to converge on the prominent role that the question of “mimesis” comes to play in the aesthetic reflection of Walter Benjamin and Theodor W. Adorno. A scenario, this, in which it is precisely the idea of “mimesis”, variously declined, that functions as a privileged theoretical tool to which it is possible to appeal, strategically, in the attempt to re-understand the same conditions of the representability of the modern.
23 Aprile, 16.00-18.00, seminar room
7 May, 16.00-18.00, Aula IV
14 May, 16.00-18.00, seminar room
21 May, 15.00-17.00, cappelletta
First lesson, 12 March 2024, seminar room, 10.00-13.00: Sapienza Library and services: Nilde, national and international interlibrary loan, open access resources, Italian and international catalogues, tools and strategies for bibliographical research, humanistic databases (Elisabetta TAMBURINI, Biblioteca di Filosofia).
Second lesson, 25 March 2024, seminar room, 10.00-13.00: Sapienza digital resources, IRIS, ANVUR journal classification, IF and bibliometrics (Scopus and WoS), unding Institutional (Antonella FALLERINI, Biblioteca di Studi orientali).
Third lesson, 26 March 2024, seminar room, 10.00-13.00: Information literacy, plagiarism (software Turnitin), Google scholar, quotation styles, reference management software (Valentina ROVACCHI, Biblioteca di Psicologia).
______ ______ ______ WORKSHOPS ______ ______ ______
faculty sponsor: Anna Lisa Schino
students coordinator: Benedetta Catoni
title: Truth, Fiction, AI
The Permanent Seminar on the History of Philosophy aims to offer PhD students of the various curricula an opportunity to investigate the themes and working methods of historians of philosophy, i.e. an approach that starts from a rigorous analysis of texts. The reconstruction of historical-philosophical issues and paths becomes the theoretical opportunity for a comparison with the lessons of the great classics in order to understand the genesis, development and destiny of modernity.
• martedì 16 gennaio, aula II, ore 15-17 - Francesco Fronterotta, Natura, intelligenza e artificio: verità e verosimiglianza nel Timeo di Platone
• martedì 23 gennaio, aula II, ore 16-18 – Francesco Verde, Il problema dell'errore nel Teeteto di Platone
• martedì 30 gennaio, aula II, ore 16-18 – Luisa Valente, La verità come rettitudine in Anselmo d'Aosta
• giovedì 1° febbraio, aula II, ore 16-18 – Gaetano Lettieri, Verità, finzione, intelligenza artificiale nell’Epistola a Flora di Tolomeo gnostico
• martedì 6 febbraio, aula II, ore 16-18 – Emidio Spinelli, Meglio essere scettici: senza vero, né verità ...
• martedì 13 febbraio, aula II, ore 16-18 – Massimiliano Lenzi, Verità e finzione in Tommaso d’Aquino
• giovedì 15 febbraio, aula II, ore 16-18 – Annalisa Schino, Verità e finzione nella comunicazione politica secondo Hobbes: manipolazione delle menti e governo delle coscienze
• martedì 20 febbraio, aula II, ore 16-18 – Stefano De Luca, Deus in machina? Intelligenza Artificiale e politica
• giovedì 22 febbraio, aula II, ore 16-18 – Francesco Valerio Tommasi, L’uomo come 'intelligenza artificiale'. Michel Foucault e la storia dell’antropologia
• martedì 27 febbraio, aula II, ore 16-18 – Pina Totaro, Finzione e verità nella filosofia di Spinoza
• giovedì 29 febbraio, aula II, ore 16-18, da confermare – Nello Cristianini, Come le macchine sono diventate intelligenti senza pensare in modo umano
faculty sponsor: Donatella Di Cesare
students coordinator: Leonardo Arigone
title: Politics and critique of democracy
The permanent seminar of Theoretical Philosophy is offered in cooperation with the Center of Italian and Continental Philosophy (web.uniroma1.it/filosofiaitalianaecontinentale/en). The seminar aims to discuss some fundamental theoretical issues of the Western philosophical tradition, in order to promote the discussion among professors, researchers, doctoral students and students. The seminar consists of lectures, conferences, study days and symposia with Italian and foreign scholars and is also an opportunity for doctoral students to submit their research to colleagues and professors.
Workshop schedule:
- 20/3/2024 ore 16, aula II: Marx analista della prima crisi di una democrazia europea – Michele Prospero
- 9/4/2024 ore 15: Walter Benjamin nel XXI secolo – Sigrid Weigel
- 12/4/2024 ore 16-18, aula III: Crisi della democrazia liberale e rifeudalizzazione della società – Massimo De Carolis
- 15/5/2024 ore 15: Franz Kafka e Walter Benjamin – Peter Neumann
faculty sponsor: Simone Pollo, Fabio Sterpetti
students coordinators: Antonia Faustini, Costanza Majone
Title: Plural looks on human and non-human nature
The permanent seminar of "Evolution, epistemology, ethics and ecology" collects the legacy of two permanent seminars already active in the past years: the permanent Seminar of "Ecoevolution and Cognition" (founded and coordinated by Prof. Elena Gagliasso) and the permanent Seminar of "Animal Studies" (founded and coordinated by prof. Simone Pollo). Aim of the Seminar is to discuss the epistemological and ethical issues connected to the biological sciences, starting from the naturalistic framework of explanation and study of the living world offered by Darwinian theory and its most recent developments. The topics covered by the seminar activities are: the debate on the nature and methods of the theory of evolution; ecology, environmental philosophy and environmental ethics; animal ethics and the wider field of animal studies; the most recent developments of ethology and cognitive sciences; the relationship between science and society; environmental and animal rights movements. These and other topics will be discussed in study seminars, conferences, traineeships and training schools. Seminar activities are carried out in collaboration with Res Viva, Interuniversity Center for Epistemological and Historical Research on Living Sciences.
Workshop schedule:
1. L’identità, le identità (22 Marzo 2024)
• Eugenio Lecaldano (Sapienza)
• Massimo Marraffa (Università di Roma Tre)
2. La mente, le menti (19 aprile 2024)
• Paolo Pecere (Università di Roma Tre)
• Marco Viola (Università di Roma Tre)
3. Le città e i paesaggi nell’antropocene (24 maggio 2024)
• Paolo D’Angelo (Università di Roma Tre)
• Maria Concetta Zoppi (Università di Firenze)
4. Le pratiche della conoscenza: fra storia della scienza e futuro della democrazia (Ottobre 2024)
• Elena Canadelli (Università di Padova)
• Fabrizio Rufo (Sapienza)
5. Filosofie e storie di umani e animali (Ottobre 2024)
• Serenella Iovino (University of North Carolina)
• Micaela Latini (Università di Ferrara)
Tutti gli incontri inizieranno alle 16.00 e si terranno presso l'Aula X (Villa Mirafiori)
faculty sponsor: Caterina Botti
students coordinators: Norma Felli, Bianca Monteleone
title: Oltre la maternità: corpi, sessualità e riproduzione
The aim of the permanent workshop on Philosophy, gender studies and practices of differences is twofold. First, it aims at exploring and testifying to the ways in which gender differences, differences in sexuality, social and ethnical differences, illness and mental illness and other axes of differentiation have been built and read within the history of Western philosophy. Second, it aims at exploring the different lines of thought and practices which have been developed in reaction to the discriminations which found their basis in these categories and concepts: feminist philosophies, queer theories, postcolonial and anti-racist thinking and so forth. The activity of the permanent workshop will include, therefore, cycles of conferences and seminars devoted both to the history and historiography of philosophy and to more recent reflections and theorizations, together with a special attention to contemporary practical issues.
Workshop schedule:
- 19 Febbraio 2024, ore 16.00-19.00, aula II: Perché parlare ancora di aborto? Una riflessione sulla pratica abortiva e sulla legge 194; Relazioni di: Caterina Botti (Sapienza), Anna Pompili (LAIGA - Roma); Laura Ronchetti (Università Campo Basso). Materiale per la discussione: L. Conti, Il tormento e lo scudo. Un compromesso conto le donne, Fandango, Roma, 2023 (I ed. 1981).
- 23 Marzo 2024, ore 10.30-13.00, aula II: La psicoanalisi oltre il patriarcato. Ripensare i legami familiari, il materno, il paterno, l’infanzia e la sessualità. Relazione di: Manuela Fraire (SPI – Roma). Discussant: Maria Luisa Boccia (CRS - Roma), Felice Cimatti (Università della Calabria), Tommaso Romani. Materiale per la discussione: M. Fraire, La porta delle madri, Cronopio, Napoli, 2023
- 19 Aprile 2024, 16.00-19.00, aula IX: La gravidanza per altri/e. Prospettive a confronto. Relazioni di: Valentina Pazè (Università di Torino), Maria Rosari Marella (università di Roma 3). Materiale per la discussione: V. Pazè, Libertà in vendita. Il corpo fra scelta e mercato, Bollati Boringhieri, Torino, 2023, cap. 3; M. R. Marella, La GPA tra conflitti distributivi e governo del limite, Politica del diritto 3, 2023, pp. 365-388.
- 27 Maggio 2024, 16.00-19.00, aula seminari: Il potere politico dei corpi. Ripensare la riproduzione sociale. Relazione di: Elettra Stimilli (Sapienza). Discussant: Giulia Dettori e Caterina Botti (Sapienza). Materiale per la discussione: E. Stimilli, La filosofia dei Mezzi, Neri Pozza, Vicenza, 2023 (II parte).
- 4 Giugno 2024, 16.00-19.00, aula X: Sessualità, corpi e politica. Rileggere Carla Lonzi. Relazioni di: Martina Barnaba (Sapienza), Norma Felli (Sapienza), Bianca Monteleone (Sapienza). Materiale per la discussione: C. Lonzi, Sputiamo su Hegel e altri scritti, La tartaruga, Roma, 2023 (I ed. 1974).
faculty sponsor: Marina De Palo, Filomena Diodato
students coordinators: Flaminia Carocci, Edoardo Morè, Nicola Sighinolfi, Francesco Verde
title: Linguaggio, Intelligenza naturale e artificiale
This seminar rests on the cooperation between the doctoral school in philosophy and the LabSIL (https://web.uniroma1.it/storiaideelinguistiche/) of La Sapienza. There is a long and important tradition of studies about theories of language and their history, represented by scholars such as Antonino Pagliaro, founder of the Roman school of linguistics, his pupils Walter Belardi, and Tullio De Mauro and as Lia Formigari, who have carried a large part of their research at the university La Sapienza. Labsil is now a meeting place for younger and older scholars concerned by this issue. The specific branch of philosophy of language carried out by the LabSIL intertwines theoretical and philosophical reflections on language with the history of linguistic theories and with philological attention to texts (philologeîn and philosopheîn). This intertwinement shows the epistemological value of a philosophy of linguistics built on the history of theories. According to this tradition, the aim of the seminar is to bring together different disciplines and skills, first and foremost those of philosophers, historians, philosophers of science and linguists.
Workshop schedule:
- 13/03/2024, Presentazione: Tra linguistica, comunicazione parlata e intelligenza artificiale (videointervista pubblicata dal sito GSCP-SLI). Intervengono F. DOVETTO (coordinatrice GSCP), F. DIODATO (Sapienza Università di Roma), E. GAGLIASSO (Sapienza Università di Roma). Saranno presenti: F. ALBANO LEONI, G. TAMBURRINI, F. CUTUGNO che hanno realizzato il video. Modera M. DE PALO
- 27/03/2024, MARCO MAZZEO (Università della Calabria), Il frammento sulle macchine di Marx: linguaggio e lavoro cognitivo nell'era degli automi
- 17/04/2024, CARMELA MORABITO (Università di Tor Vergata), Funzioni cognitive, movimento, emozioni
- 15/05/2024, STEPHANIE SMADJA (Université Denis Diderot - Paris VII), Des fonctions positives du langage intérieure, entre intelligence naturelle et intelligence artificielle
- 4/06/2024, FILOMENA DIODATO (Sapienza, Università di Roma), IA come mente (e memoria) collettiva. Una prospettiva semiotica
Tutti gli incontri si terranno in aula VIII (Villa Mirafiori)
Workshop: ETHICS
faculty sponsor: Piergiorgio Donatelli, Federico Lijoi, Alessio Vaccari
students coordinators: Viviana Vozzo, Luca Antonio donato
The Ethics Workshop seeks to explore philosophical reflection on ethics from the perspective of the pluralism of normative agendas and theoretical languages, across a variety of issues: foundational themes, questions of human nature seen in the dimensions of the everyday and common life, philosophical psychology, social ethics, bioethics and issues concerning the non human world and the environment, as well as the study of the history of ethics as the source of new genealogies of contemporary problems. The Workshop privileges the analytical style in philosophy, with the aim to foster a dialogue among independent critical approaches (such as the ethical liberalism of J.S. Mill and John Rawls, Martha Nussbaum’s capability approach, Amartya Sen’s anti-transcendentalism, care ethics, feminist theory and gender studies, Stanley Cavell’s moral perfectionism, Cora Diamond’s Wittgensteinian conceptual approach, Michel Foucault’s perspective on the technologies of the self, recent forms of ethical naturalism) with different disciplines such as the natural sciences, law, political theory, cognitive science, and the social sciences.
Workshop schedule:
● 18 marzo, Sandra Laugier (Paris 1), Piergiorgio Donatelli (Sapienza), Symposium on Wittgenstein and Forms of Life, ore 10.00-12.00, Aula Seminari
● 3 aprile, Ines Crispini (Università della Calabria), Libertà, equità, pluralismo. Tre principi etici per l’uso responsabile dei software intelligenti, ore 16.30-18.30, Aula Seminari
● 29 aprile, Vanessa Nurock (Université Côte d’Azur), Ernesto Baltasar García-Peñuela (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos), Symposium on AI, ethics and humanism, ore 10.00-12.00, Aula Seminari
● 20 maggio, Piergiorgio Donatelli, Elettra Stimilli, Caterina Botti, Giorgio Fazio, Estelle Ferrarese, Fragilità, cura e teoria critica, tavola rotonda in occasione del volume di E. Ferrarese, La fragilità della cura degli altri (Castelvecchi 2024), 9.30-13.00, Aula Seminari
● 6 giugno, Skepticism, the ordinary and popular time, giornata di studi, 14.00-19.00, Aula Seminari
● 7 giugno, Cavell e il cinema. Giornata di studi in occasione della pubblicazione dei volumi Il mondo visto. Riflessioni sull’ontologia del cinema (Cue Press 2023) e Alla ricerca della felicità. La commedia hollywoodiana del rimatrimonio (Cue Press 2022), 9.30-13.00, Aula Seminari
● 13 giugno, Wittgenstein, filosofia e antropologia, Discussione con Veena Das, in occasione della pubblicazione del suo volume Vita e parole. La violenza e la discesa nell’ordinario (Castelvecchi 2024).