______ ______ ______ PHD CLASSES ______ ______ ______
From means to bodies. A critique of teleological explanation
What is the role of 'means' in philosophical discourse? This is the question that will be attempted to be answered in this course, taking into account that, in the elaboration of Western rationality, ends have been privileged rather. A philosophical analysis of the concept of the means cannot be separated from a critique of the teleological explanation, which has largely dominated metaphysics, and of the subject underlying the goal-oriented perspective. Thus, the field of experience that takes shape from bodies will emerge, not simply understood as instruments for extraneous purposes that sanction their subordinate nature, but as non-instrumental means of a new social reproduction and different techniques of life.
10 May 2023, 11.30 a.m. - 1.30 p.m., Seminar room
19 May 2023, 11.30 a.m. - 1.30 p.m., ex Cappelletta room
24 May 2023, 10.30 a.m. - 12.30 a.m., ex Cappelletta room
31 May 2023, 11.30 a.m. - 1.30 p.m., Seminar room
“La philosophie en effet”: philosophy in deconstruction (with J. Derrida, S. Kofman, J. L. Nancy, P. Lacoue-Labarthe)
It is well-known that deconstruction aims mainly to a certain displacement of an alleged “main characteristic” of man and of subject’s subjectivity, as it was conceived throughout the history of Western philosophy. It is also known how Jacques Derrida (1930-2004) early endeavoured, already during the 60s, to dismantle logocentrism, even though that did not mean, for the French philosopher, to report or to reject logos, namely any kind of rational reflection – as it is often interpreted –, but on the contrary that meant to distance himself from its centrality into philosophical discourse and philosophical writing; it meant therefore to perform a decentralization and a displacement of its centre. However, what is less well-known is that in this complex, painful démontage and titanic décloison which certainly implied some drifts and even the dismantling of a whole tradition – from the concept of domain linked with subject’s sovereignty (in all declinations) to political sovereignty and beyond –, Derrida was not alone. Together with a group of friends and philosophers very close to him, at the end of the 70s he creates a decisive series by the Galilée Editions, titled “ La philosophie en effet ”: with Jean-Luc Nancy (1940-2021), Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe (1940-2007) and Sarah Kofman (1934-1994), the group’s only female philosopher, he makes room, through publications of volumes within the series and by way of endless debates, to an epochal discussion about the presuppositions of philosophy and on the outcomes (still and in movement) of deconstruction, never abandoning those thematical peculiarities dear to the group’s single authors and maintaining a common approach and a common posture, through the dialogue with literature, arts, psychoanalysis and politics. What is meant here is to present, although succinctly, the hopes and the affects, the outcomes and the effects of the synergies of the “ Philosophie en effet ”.
Erasmus Guest Professor - Jacob ROGOSINSKI (Université de Strasbourg)
7 marzo 2023, ore 12.00-14.00, aula Seminari: Qui accueille qui ? - L’hospitalité sans ipséité de J. Derrida
8 marzo 2023, ore 12.00-14.00, aula Seminari: J.L. Nancy et l’impossible possibilité de la communauté
modulo Orietta OMBROSI (Università Sapienza)
14 marzo 2023, ore 12.00-14.00, aula Seminari: Jacques Derrida: La decostruzione del carnofallogocentrismo
15 marzo 2023, ore 14.00-16.00, aula Seminari: Jean Luc-Nancy: Toccare la pelle fragile del mondo
Erasmus Guest Professor - Joseph COHEN (University College Dublin)
21 marzo 2023, ore 12.00-14.00, aula Seminari: Derrida I : From Phenomenology to “Différance”
22 marzo 2023, ore 12.00-14.00, aula Seminari: Derrida II: On the “Différance” of the Political
modulo Orietta OMBROSI (Università Sapienza)
28 marzo 2023, ore 12.00-14.00, aula Cappelletta: Sarah Kofman: una parola soffocata e una scrittura dimenticata
29 marzo 2023, ore 12.00-14.00, aula Cappelletta: S. Kofman e J. Derrida: i debiti filosofici di un’amicizia “impossibile”
Progress: science and ethics
The idea of “Progress” is an invention of modern thought, even if it has roots in classic, middle-age and renaissance philosophies. Born with the Scientific revolution and refined during the Enlightenment, the idea of Progress affirms that human beings can be able to give a direction “for the better” to history and civilization processes, thanks to their cognitive and moral capacities. The course will examine the historical roots of he notion of Progress, its theoretical articulations in the philosophy of the Enlightenment and how it is developed by contemporary philosophical analysis.
10 marzo 2023, ore 16.30-18.30, aula Seminari
17 marzo 2023, ore 16.30-18.30, aula Seminari
24 marzo 2023, ore 16.30-18.30, aula Seminari
31 marzo 2023, ore 16.30-18.30, aula Seminari
Stoicism, Epicureanism and Skepticism in the Latin Middle Ages
Among the ancient and late antique philosophical traditions, it is above all Platonism, Aristotelianism and Neo-Platonism that have had their continuity in the Latin Middle Ages. But also Skepticism, Stoicism and Epicureanism, albeit in a very mediated and mostly marginal way, were to some extent adapted to the Christian context within medieval Latin philosophy and theology. The aim of this course is to highlight some aspects of such 'permanences' or 'emergencies'.
9 marzo 2023, ore 10.30-12.30, aula Seminari
16 marzo 2023, ore 10.30-12.30, aula Seminari
23 marzo 2023, ore 10.30-12.30, aula Seminari
30 marzo 2023, ore 10.30-12.30, aula Seminari
1° modulo - 13 marzo 2023, ore 10-13, aula 22 (città Universitaria, edificio CU026) - Elisabetta TAMBURINI (Biblioteca di Filosofia): Biblioteca e servizi Sapienza, Nilde, prestito interbibliotecario nazionale e internazionale. Cataloghi italiani e internazionali, Risorse Open Access. Strategie e strumenti avanzati per la ricerca bibliografica
2° modulo - 20 marzo 2023, ore 10-13, aula 22 (città Universitaria, edificio CU026) - Antonella FALLERINI (Biblioteca di Studi orientali): Risorse elettroniche Sapienza, IRIS, Classificazione ANVUR riviste, IF e bibliometria (Scopus e WoS), Funding Institutional
3° modulo - 27 marzo 2023, ore 10-13, aula 22 (città Universitaria, edificio CU026) - Valentina ROVACCHI (Biblioteca di Psicologia): Information literacy, plagio (software Turnitin), Google scholar, stili citazionali, reference management software
4° modulo - 3 aprile 2023, ore 10-13, aula Seminari (Villa Mirafiori) - Elisabetta TAMBURINI (Biblioteca di Filosofia), Antonella FALLERINI (Biblioteca di Studi orientali): Banche dati umanistiche
______ ______ ______ WORKSHOPS ______ ______ ______
faculty sponsor: Marina De Palo
students coordinators: Flaminia Carocci, Sara Dellino, Edoardo Moré, Nicola Sighinolfi
title: Corpo e linguaggio: percorsi di (non) senso
This seminar rests on the cooperation between the doctoral school in philosophy and the LabSIL (https://web.uniroma1.it/storiaideelinguistiche/) of La Sapienza. There is a long and important tradition of studies about theories of language and their history, represented by scholars such as Antonino Pagliaro, founder of the Roman school of linguistics, his pupils Walter Belardi, and Tullio De Mauro and as Lia Formigari, who have carried a large part of their research at the university La Sapienza. Labsil is now a meeting place for younger and older scholars concerned by this issue. The specific branch of philosophy of language carried out by the LabSIL intertwines theoretical and philosophical reflections on language with the history of linguistic theories and with philological attention to texts (philologeîn and philosopheîn). This intertwinement shows the epistemological value of a philosophy of linguistics built on the history of theories. According to this tradition, the aim of the seminar is to bring together different disciplines and skills, first and foremost those of philosophers, historians, philosophers of science and linguists.
16 marzo 2023, ore 16.30, aula XIII - Marco MAZZEO (Università della Calabria): Il delirio di negazione. Quando il verbo disfa la carne
30 marzo 2023, ore 16.30, aula XIII - Valentina CARDELLA (Università degli Studi di Messina): La schizofrenia come esperienza linguistica
27 aprile 2023, ore 16.30, aula XIII - John E. JOSEPH (The University of Edinburgh): Body, mind and language
18 maggio 2023, ore 16.30, aula XIII - Marina DE PALO (Sapienza Università di Roma), Corpo e linguaggio: lavori in corso; Flaminia CAROCCI: Saturo e indeterminato: il mondo schizofrenico, «una questione liminare»; Edoardo MORÉ: Sinestesia, immaginario ed espressione: corpi linguistici; Nicola SIGHINOLFI: La pesantezza del corpo. Passività e linguaggio in una prospettiva materialistica
25 maggio 2023, ore 16.30, aula XIII - Antonino PENNISI (Università degli Studi di Messina): L'ottava solitudine. Il cervello e il lato oscuro del linguaggio
15 giugno 2023, ore 16.30, aula XIII - Vittorio GALLESE (Università di Parma): Il Mondo Est-Etico: dai neuroni specchio al Sé Digitale.
faculty sponsor: Stefano Velotti
students coordinators: Flaminia Carocci, Adele Rugini
title: Making sense of a world in the making: enactivism, social aesthetics, (un)controllability
Three and a half days of in-person seminars (May 23 morning to May 26 morning included) devoted to interwoven topics in which the invited speakers are specialists. Attendees –selected from doctoral students and faculty, about 20 of them – will actively participate in the seminars and should be familiar with the proposed bibliography. The proceedings may also be followed remotely. This year's seminar will focus on a number of interconnected themes:
- the relationship between unreflected experience and intentional reflection, between spontaneity and control
- the "impersonal" organization of experience
- the debate on various forms of enactivism
- the conditions of possibility of meaning in (urban) experience
- the aesthetics of social relations
- the transformations of perception in relation to the new digital realities
These issues have profound implications – more or less direct – on our associated life, which is the very general reference horizon we deal with in relation to aesthetics. For years, in fact, our focus has been on current forms of life (in the societies we know best, those of the “global north”). But we believe that one of the means to understand them is to try to understand more deeply how human consciousness is constituted, what are our relations with others and with the (natural-constructed) environment, how to conceive of “human nature” in relation to new (and old) technologies, what social (political, artistic, urban) strategies may result from them.
23 maggio 2023, ore 09:30-11:00 - Alva Noë (University of California, Berkeley): Perception as a Relationship
23 maggio 2023, ore 16:00-17:30 - Andrea Pinotti (Università degli Studi di Milano): Nonuments. An Epigenetic Approach to Performative Memorials
24 maggio 2023, ore 9:30-11:00 - Pablo Sendra (University College London): Designing Disorder
25 maggio 2023, ore 09:30-11:00 - Hartmut Rosa (Friedrich Schiller Universität Jena): Uncontrollability, Responsivity and ‘Responsability‘. In Search of a ‘Third Voice’ between Active and Passive
25 maggio 2023, ore 16:00-17:30 - Barbara Carnevali (EHESS - Paris): Design as Social Aesthetics
26 maggio 2023, ore 09:30-13:00 - Chiara Cappelletto (Università degli Studi di Milano), Elisabetta Modena (Università degli Studi di Milano)
Workshop: ETHICS
faculty sponsor: Piergiorgio Donatelli, Federico Lijoi, Sarin Marchetti, Alessio Vaccari
students coordinators: Morgana Bizzego, Filippo Sanna
The Ethics Workshop seeks to explore philosophical reflection on ethics from the perspective of the pluralism of normative agendas and theoretical languages, across a variety of issues: foundational themes, questions of human nature seen in the dimensions of the everyday and common life, philosophical psychology, social ethics, bioethics and issues concerning the non human world and the environment, as well as the study of the history of ethics as the source of new genealogies of contemporary problems. The Workshop privileges the analytical style in philosophy, with the aim to foster a dialogue among independent critical approaches (such as the ethical liberalism of J.S. Mill and John Rawls, Martha Nussbaum’s capability approach, Amartya Sen’s anti-transcendentalism, care ethics, feminist theory and gender studies, Stanley Cavell’s moral perfectionism, Cora Diamond’s Wittgensteinian conceptual approach, Michel Foucault’s perspective on the technologies of the self, recent forms of ethical naturalism) with different disciplines such as the natural sciences, law, political theory, cognitive science, and the social sciences.
12 aprile 2023, ore 14.30-16.30, aula Seminari - Stefano Biancu (LUMSA): “Oltre il dovere? L’etica alla prova della supererogazione”
27 aprile 2023, ore 15.30-17.30, aula Seminari - Carla Bagnoli (Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia): Gaslighting: dynamicsof authority and power
27 aprile 2023, ore 14.30-16.30, aula Seminari - Marcello Ienca (TUM-EPFL): AI ed Io: riflessioni filosofiche all‘intersezione tra intelligenza artificiale e neuroscienze
8 maggio 2023, ore 14.30-16.30, aula Seminari - Richard Shusterman (Florida Atlantic University): Ethicsand Aesthetics
18 maggio 2023, ore 9.00-18.30, aula Seminari - International Conference: Wittgenstein, Culture, and Forms of Life. The Philosophical Investigations after 70 Years
19 maggio 2023, ore 10.00-12.30, aula Seminari - Juliet Floyd (Boston University): The Turing Test as a view from somewhere
24 maggio 2023, ore 14.30-16.30, aula Seminari - Julia Driver (Universityof Texas-Austin): Blameand the suberogatory
8 giugno 2023, ore 14.30-16.30, aula Seminari - Roberto Bordoli (Università di Urbino): Filosofia tra storie ed etiche
faculty sponsor: Caterina Botti, Marina De Palo, Ilaria Tani
students coordinators: Flaminia Carocci, Sara Dellino
title: Filosofie del linguaggio e differenza di genere, tra lingua e discorso
The activities of the permanent workshop on Philosophy, gender studies and practices of differences for the season 2021-2020 will be devoted to interdisciplinary deal with the theme of bodies, care and social reproduction. The cycle of four conferences organized will be structured as follows: the first one will introduce, in general terms, the philosophical and historical background of the theme chosen; the second will address the issues of care, domestic work and reproductive work; the third will address the interplay among welfare, gender, citizenship and differences; the forth will address production and social reproduction with a specific focus on the role of 'family values' in neoliberal policies.
5 aprile 2023, ore 16.30, aula XI - Fabrizia GIULIANI (Sapienza Università di Roma), Olivia GUARALDO (Università degli studi di Verona): Il peso del corpo: il genere tra linguaggio e politica
19 aprile 2023, ore 16.30, aula XI - Laura CAPONETTO (University of Cambridge): Atti linguistici e riduzione al silenzio: Filosofia del linguaggio femminista
8 maggio 2023, ore 16.30, aula XI - Claudia BIANCHI (Università Vita-Salute S. Raffaele): Linguaggio, genere e violenza
24 maggio 2023, ore 16.30, aula XI - Cristina DEMARIA (Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna): Trasformazioni della categoria di genere e costruzioni della soggettività
4 ottobre 2023, ore 16.30, aula Seminari - Adriana CAVARERO (Università degli studi di Verona): Filosofia dell’espressione vocale e differenza di genere
17 ottobre 2023, ore 16.30, aula Seminari - Patrizia VIOLI (Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna): Uno, nessuno, centomila. Quanti generi nella lingua?
faculty sponsor: Simone Pollo
students coordinators: Antonia Faustini, Costanza Majone
title: The different biodiversity
The permanent seminar of "Evolution, ethics and ecology" collects the legacy of two permanent seminars already active in the past years: the permanent Seminar of "Ecoevolution and Cognition" (founded and coordinated by Prof. Elena Gagliasso) and the permanent Seminar of "Animal Studies"(founded and coordinated by prof. Simone Pollo). Aim of the Seminar is to discuss the epistemological and ethical issues connected to the biological sciences, starting from the naturalistic framework of explanation and study of the living world offered by Darwinian theory and its most recent developments. The topics covered by the seminar activities are: the debate on the nature and methods of the theory of evolution; ecology, environmental philosophy and environmental ethics; animal ethics and the wider field of animal studies; the most recent developments of ethology and cognitive sciences; the relationship between science and society; environmental and animal rights movements. These and other topics will be discussed in study seminars, conferences, traineeships and training schools. Seminar activities are carried out in collaboration with Res Viva, Interuniversity Center for Epistemological and Historical Research on Living Sciences.
24 febbraio 2023, ore 16.30-19.30, aula VI - Nino CANNATÀ (Regista), Elena PONTIGGIA (Critica e curatrice), Iolanda PLESCIA (Sapienza) Angela VETTESE (IUAV): L’universo verde (proiezione del film “Alik Cavaliere. L’universo verde” di N. Cannatà)
13 marzo 2023, ore 16.30-19.30, aula IX - Elena CASETTA (Università di Torino), Andrea PORCIELLO (Università di Catanzaro): La filosofia della biodiversità
27 marzo 2023, ore 16.30-19.30, aula IX - Giovanni CAUDO (Università di Roma Tre), Fabiola FRATINI (Sapienza): La biodiversità urbana
17 aprile 2023, ore 16.30-19.30, aula IX - Liliana CORI (CNR), Elena GAGLIASSO (Sapienza): L’ecologia e la biodiversità
9 maggio 2023, ore 16.30-19.30, aula V - Giorgio MANZI (Sapienza); Menno SCHILTZUIEN (Leiden University): La scienza della biodiversità
29 maggio 2023, ore 16.30-19.30, aula IX - Vittoria BRAMBILLA (Università di Milano), Domenico FULGIONE (Università di Napoli): Le biodiversità fra agricoltura e territorio
ottobre 2023, ore 16.30-19.30, aula IX - Gianfranco BOLOGNA (WWF), Danilo SELVAGGI (LIPU), Fabrizio RUFO (Sapienza): Le politiche della biodiversità
The meetings will take place both in the classroom and remotely on the google-meet platform:
faculty sponsor: Nunzio Allocca
students coordinators: Luca Di Vincenzo
title: Technology, Medicine and Communication Processes in the Debate on the “Two Cultures”
The seminar aims to promote the collaboration of Italian and foreign scholars experts in various fields of knowledge (philosophy, sociology, history of science and techniques, history of institutions, medicine, cognitive sciences, cultural studies, language and communication sciences), according to a plural epistemic approach beyond the traditional division of the 'two cultures', for a new integrated conception of health.
18 aprile 2023, ore 11.30-12.30, aula VI - M. GAVRILA (Sapienza): Comunicazione, sicurezza e reti digitali
19 aprile 2023, ore 14:30-16.30, aula VI - C. CRIGNON (Nancy - Université de Lorraine): Technique et médecine
9 maggio 2023, ore 11.30-12.30, aula VI - G. POLIZZI (Università di Pisa): G. Bachelard e la fenomenotecnica
24 maggio, ore 14:30- 16:30, aula VI - G. GEMBILLO (Centro Studi Filosofia della Complessità ‘E. Morin’) e G. GIORDANO (Università di Messina): Le scienze come ricchezza e come maledizione: filosofie e tecnologie nel ‘900
faculty sponsor: Anna Lisa Schino
students coordinator: Fiormichele Benigni
title: Political theology and modern democracy
The Permanent Seminar on the History of Philosophy aims to offer PhD students of the various curricula an opportunity to investigate the themes and working methods of historians of philosophy, i.e. an approach that starts from a rigorous analysis of texts. The reconstruction of historical-philosophical issues and paths becomes the theoretical opportunity for a comparison with the lessons of the great classics in order to understand the genesis, development and destiny of modernity.
10 gennaio 2023, aula II, ore 16.30-18.30 - Maxime ROVERE: Il problema di ‘Dio’ nella discussione di Spinoza e dei suoi amici: un’elaborazione collettiva
17 gennaio 2023, aula II, ore 16.30-18.30 - Pietro SECCHI: Giordano Bruno tra teologia e politica. Con alcune riflessioni sulla democrazia
24 gennaio 2023, aula II, ore 16.30-18.30 - Carlo ALTINI: Contro Carl Schmitt. Il problema teologico-politico in Leo Strauss
31 gennaio 2023, aula II, ore 16.30-18.30 - Vittorio FRAJESE: La teologia del potere indiretto dei papi e la sua critica nel Leviathan
7 febbraio 2023, aula II, ore 16.30-18.30 - Gregorio BALDIN: Paolo Sarpi tra "Fizzione" e "Tora": teologia politica e religione al servizio della Serenissima
The meetings will take place both in the classroom and remotely on the google-meet platform: