



            Epistemologie ellenistiche
The PhD module devoted to the doctrines of knowledge in the Hellenistic age consists of 4 seminars. The first seminar deals with the question of the so-called scientific sense-perception theorized by the Academic Speusippus and later taken up by the Stoic Diogenes of Babylon as Philodemus informs in his De musica. The second seminar deals with Epicurean epistemology (Canonics) while the third one is about the doctrine of the criterion in ancient Stoicism. Finally, the last meeting focuses on the (alleged) skepticism of Arcesilaus and its Socratic-Platonic roots.

  •   8 marzo 2022, ore 17.30-19.30, sala seminari - I piano
  • 15 marzo 2022, ore 17.30-19.30, sala seminari - I piano
  • 12 aprile 2022, ore 17.30-19.30, sala seminari - I piano
  • 26 aprile 2022, ore 17.30-19.30, sala seminari - I piano


            Le Meditazioni cartesiane di Edmund Husserl
Starting from a critical reading of a classic, the seminar aims at providing a general introduction to the phenomenological approach and its contribution to contemporary philosophical debate. In particular, it will be discussed how in Husserl’s thought the question of intersubjectivity reveals to be the crucial issue to assess the epistemological status of phenomenology.

  • 10 marzo 2022, ore 9-11, sala seminari - I piano
  • 17 marzo 2022, ore 9-11, sala seminari - I piano
  • 24 marzo 2022, ore 9-11, sala seminari - I piano
  • 31 marzo 2022, ore 9-11, sala seminari - I piano


            Il ruolo del francescanesimo nella formazione della cultura estetica moderna
The module aims to deepen the contribution provided, from the spiritual, philosophical, and artistic point of view, by Franciscanism, between the XIII and XIV centuries, to the creation of the gnoseological framework by which in the following centuries it was possible to affirm aesthetics as a philosophy that put at the center of its reflection sensibility, feeling and their most exemplary products, such as art. A type of contribution that, to be understood in all its full extent, must refer to the complex notion of secularization, of which the module will try to follow and deepen some guidelines.

  •   6 aprile 2022, ore 12:30-14:30, sala seminari - I piano
  • 13 aprile 2022, ore 9:30-11:30, sala seminari - I piano
  • 20 aprile 2022, ore 9:30-11:30, sala seminari - I piano
  • 27 aprile 2022, ore 9:30-11:30, sala seminari - I piano


            Cartesio e il problema del rapporto mente-corpo
In his popular Descartes’s Error. Emotion, Reason, and Human Brain (1994) the neurologist Antonio Damasio claims that the modern efforts to understand emotions and cognition in neuro-biological terms were obstructed by the influence of the “Cartesian dualism” on Psychology. Yet, Descartes never considered cognition without taking the body and the brain into account. The course gives an historical overview of the development in Les passions de l’âme (1649) of a radically new “physiological psychology” of emotions, seeking to explain the embodied nature of human mind. The course will also address historical issues and case studies of philosophical and medical elaborations about the Mind-Body Problem.

  • 17 maggio 2022, ore 14.30-16.30, ex-cappelletta - piano terra
  • 24 maggio 2022, ore 14.30-16.30, sala seminari - I piano
  • 31 maggio 2022, ore 14.30-16.30, sala seminari - I piano
  •   7 giugno 2022, ore 14.30-16.30, sala seminari - I piano





faculty sponsor: Marina De Palo
students coordinators: Edoardo Moré, Luca Di Vincenzo, Flaminia Carocci, Nicola Sighinolfi
titleFilosofie del linguaggio oggi. A partire da un classico

This seminar rests on the cooperation between the doctoral school in philosophy and the LabSIL (https://web.uniroma1.it/storiaideelinguistiche/) of La Sapienza. There is a long and important tradition of studies about theories of language and their history, represented by scholars such as Antonino Pagliaro, founder of the Roman school of linguistics, his pupils Walter Belardi, and Tullio De Mauro and as Lia Formigari, who have carried a large part of their research at the university La Sapienza. Labsil is now a meeting place for younger and older scholars concerned by this issue. The specific branch of philosophy of language carried out by the LabSIL intertwines theoretical and philosophical reflections on language with the history of linguistic theories and with philological attention to texts (philologeîn and philosopheîn). This intertwinement shows the epistemological value of a philosophy of linguistics built on the history of theories. According to this tradition, the aim of the seminar is to bring together different disciplines and skills, first and foremost those of philosophers, historians, philosophers of science and linguists.

  • 28 gennaio 2022, ore 17.00 - P. LASPIA (Univ. di Palermo): Symbola, semeia, homoiomata. Riflessioni a partire dall’incipit del De Interpretatione di Aristotele
  • 18 febbraio 2022, ore 17.00 - A. PENNISI (Univ. di Messina): Spinoza e il linguaggio. Riflessioni sul mistero della cognizione incarnata
  • 11 marzo 2022, ore 17.00 - M. FAVARETTI CAMPOSAMPIERO (Univ. Ca’ Foscari Venezia) Leibniz e la funzione cognitiva del linguaggio: un’eredità feconda
  • 22 aprile 2022, ore 17.00 - G. MANETTI (Univ. di Siena): Benveniste e il linguaggio: le sorgenti segrete di un linguista poliedrico – intervengono: F. VENIER (Univ. di Bergamo) e I. FENOGLIO (ITEM CRNS/ENS)
  • 6 maggio 2022, ore 11.00 - M. DELL’UTRI (Univ. di Sassari): Hilary Putnam: la teoria del significato e il suo sfondo metafisico
  • 13 maggio 2022, ore 17.00 - F. GIULIANI (Sapienza, Univ. di Roma) Irigaray: il linguaggio e il genere

The seminar will be held online on the google-meet platform:


faculty sponsor: Stefano Velotti
students coordinators: Antonio Ianniello
title: In the making. Artistic Practices, Aesthetics, Anthropology

The Permanent Seminar of Aesthetics, in collaboration with "Cattedra internazionale Emilio Garroni" (CiEG, www.cieg.info), aims to articulate research paths on the background of Emilio Garroni's reflection, which has deeply marked the studies of the Roman school of Aesthetics. Starting from the discussion of some central theoretical places of this tradition – from Kant's notion of Gemeinsinn, in its theoretical/aesthetic/political values, to that of the status of perception and imagination – in recent years the attempt has been to explore the possibility of new connections between aesthetics and participation, with a focus on artistic practices and urban form of life as exemplary laboratories to observe and question the contemporary world. The purpose of the seminar series 2021-2022 is to investigate the role of artistic practices within our relationship with the environment and how we can redefine the collective openness to socio-material affordances. We are interested specifically in how the ecological-enactive paradigm sheds light on our aesthetic experiences, imaginative processes, and creativity.

  •  28/03/2022, ore 16.30, aula V (Villa Mirafiori) - Alva NOË (University of California, Berkley): titolo da definire
  • 01/04/2022, ore 16.30, aula VI (Villa Mirafiori) - Tim INGOLD (University of Aberdeen): Anthropological affordances
  • 04/04/2022, ore 16.30, aula Magna (Università di Architettura, Piazza Borghese) - Lambros MALAFOURIS (University of Oxford): titolo da definire
  • 05/04/2022, ore 16.30, aula V (Villa Mirafiori) - Erik RIETVELD (University of Amsterdam): Art-Science collaborations that transform our ecological niche

faculty sponsor: Donatella Di Cesare
students coordinator: Leonardo Arigone, Fulvio Rambaldini

The permanent seminar of Theoretical Philosophy is offered in cooperation with the Center of Italian and Continental Philosophy (web.uniroma1.it/filosofiaitalianaecontinentale/en). The seminar aims to discuss some fundamental theoretical issues of the Western philosophical tradition, in order to promote the discussion among professors, researchers, doctoral students and students. The seminar consists of lectures, conferences, study days and symposia with Italian and foreign scholars and is also an opportunity for doctoral students to submit their research to colleagues and professors.

  • 21/10/2021, aula VI, ore 14:30 - Donatella DI CESARE, Marcello MUSTÈ, Alberto MARTINENGO, Leonardo ARIGONE, Flavio LUZI, Fulvio RAMBALDINI: Presentazione di “Utopia del comprendere”
  • 4/11/2021, aula VIII, ore 17:00 - Donatella DI CESARE, Roberto ESPOSITO: Presentazione de “Il complotto al potere”
  • 15/03/2022, aula VI, ore 14:30 - Wolfram EILENBERGER: Violenza, guerra e pacifismo. Tra Hannah Arendt e Simone Weil
  • 28/03/2022, aula X ore 14:30 - Marco CASSUTO MORSELLI: Il problema della traduzione nell’ebraismo
  • 10/05/2022, aula VI ore 14:30 - Thomas VASEK: Presentazione di “Heidegger e Michelstaedter. Un’inchiesta filosofica”

Workshop: ETHICS
faculty sponsor: Piergiorgio Donatelli
students coordinators: Morgana Bizzego, Filippo Sanna

The Ethics Workshop seeks to explore philosophical reflection on ethics from the perspective of the pluralism of normative agendas and theoretical languages, across a variety of issues: foundational themes, questions of human nature seen in the dimensions of the everyday and common life, philosophical psychology, social ethics, bioethics and issues concerning the non human world and the environment, as well as the study of the history of ethics as the source of new genealogies of contemporary problems. The Workshop privileges the analytical style in philosophy, with the aim to foster a dialogue among independent critical approaches (such as the ethical liberalism of J.S. Mill and John Rawls, Martha Nussbaum’s capability approach, Amartya Sen’s anti-transcendentalism, care ethics, feminist theory and gender studies, Stanley Cavell’s moral perfectionism, Cora Diamond’s Wittgensteinian conceptual approach, Michel Foucault’s perspective on the technologies of the self, recent forms of ethical naturalism) with different disciplines such as the natural sciences, law, political theory, cognitive science, and the social sciences.

  • 15 marzo, ore 15.30-17.30, aula seminari - Sandra LAUGIER (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne), TV Series as Tools for Democracy
  • 23 marzo, ore 14.00-16.00, aula seminari - Marco FASOLI (Sapienza), Esiste una "manipolazione digitale"?
  • 30 marzo, ore 14.00-16.00, aula seminari - Filippo SANNA (Sapienza), Richard Rorty e l'ironista-liberale: tra Jürgen Habermas e Michel Foucault
  • 6 aprile, ore 14.00-16.00, aula seminari - Sarin MARCHETTI (Sapienza), Utopia e contesti morali
  • 13 aprile, ore 14.00-16.00, aula seminari - Morgana BIZZEGO (Sapienza), Il perfezionismo emersoniano nella tradizione dell'etica analitica
  • 19 aprile, ore 15.30-17.30, aula seminari - Federico LIJOI (Sapienza), Amore, malinconia e moderazione in Freud
  • 27 aprile, ore 14.00-16.00, aula seminari - Alessio VACCARI (Sapienza), La genealogia come metodo di spiegazione e di giustificazione dell'etica
  • 4 maggio, ore 14.00-16.00, aula seminari - Luca MARCHETTI (Sapienza), La mente in azione. Per una prospettiva enattivista
  • 11 maggio, ore 14.00-16.00, aula seminari -  Piergiorgio DONATELLI (Sapienza), Morgana BIZZEGO (Sapienza), Filippo SANNA (Sapienza), Euphoria, educazione morale e serie televisive

faculty sponsor: Caterina Botti, Chiara Giorgi, Elettra Stimilli
students coordinators: Martina Barnaba, Giulia Dettori
titleBodies and social reproduction. Critical perspectives

The activities of the permanent workshop on Philosophy, gender studies and practices of differences for the season 2021-2020 will be devoted to interdisciplinary deal with the theme of bodies, care and social reproduction. The cycle of four conferences organized will be structured as follows: the first one will introduce, in general terms, the philosophical and historical background of the theme chosen; the second will address the issues of  care, domestic work and reproductive work; the third will address the interplay among welfare, gender, citizenship and differences; the forth will address production and social reproduction with a specific focus on the role of 'family values' in neoliberal policies.

  • April 28th, 2022 - Martina BARNABA (Università La Sapienza), Giulia DETTORI (Università La Sapienza), Isabella D’ANGELO (Università di Bologna): Corpi, riproduzione sociale e femminismi: temi e problemi
  •  June 9th, 2022 - Alisa DEL RE (Università di Padova), Marina MONTANELLI (Università di Firenze): Lavoro di cura e lavoro riproduttivo
  • September 22nd, 2022 - Chiara SARACENO (honorary fellow Collegio Carlo Alberto di Torino); Elena GRANAGLIA (Università di Roma Tre): Welfare, genere, cittadinanza
  • December 1st, 2022, 10.30 am - Melinda COOPER (University of Sydney), Sandro MEZZADRA (Università di Bologna): Le politiche neoliberali tra produzione, riproduzione e “valori familiari”


faculty sponsor: Simone Pollo
students coordinator: Margherita Bianchi, Costanza Majone, Leonardo Ursillo, Andrea Olmo Viola
title: Le emozioni dopo Darwin. Centocinquanta anni da “L’espressione delle emozioni nell’uomo e negli animali”

The permanent seminar of "Evolution, ethics and ecology" collects the legacy of two permanent seminars already active in the past years: the permanent Seminar of "Ecoevolution and Cognition" (founded and coordinated by Prof. Elena Gagliasso) and the permanent Seminar of "Animal Studies"(founded and coordinated by prof. Simone Pollo). Aim of the Seminar is to discuss the epistemological and ethical issues connected to the biological sciences, starting from the naturalistic framework of explanation and study of the living world offered by Darwinian theory and its most recent developments. The topics covered by the seminar activities are: the debate on the nature and methods of the theory of evolution; ecology, environmental philosophy and environmental ethics; animal ethics and the wider field of animal studies; the most recent developments of ethology and cognitive sciences; the relationship between science and society; environmental and animal rights movements. These and other topics will be discussed in study seminars, conferences, traineeships and training schools. Seminar activities are carried out in collaboration with Res Viva, Interuniversity Center for Epistemological and Historical Research on Living Sciences.

  • 6 aprile 2022, ore 16.30 - Fausto CARUANA (Università di Parma), Barbara CONTINENZA (Università di Roma Tor Vergata): Le emozioni in (e attorno) a Darwin
  • 28 aprile 2022, ore 16.30 - Alessandra FUSSI (Università di Pisa), Lorenzo GRECO (Università dell’Aquila): Le emozioni, il carattere e la società
  • 18 maggio 2022, ore 16.30 - Pier Francesco FERRARI (ISC Marc Jeannerod), Corrado SINIGAGLIA (Università di Milano): Le emozioni fra etologia e neuroscienze
  • 14 settembre 2022, ore 16.30 - Giovanna COLOMBETTI (University of Exeter), Carmela MORABITO (Università di Roma Tor Vergata): Le emozioni incarnate
  • 28 settembre 2022, ore 16.30 - Eugenio LECALDANO (Sapienza), Massimo MARRAFFA (Università di Roma Tre): Le emozioni e l'identità

To participate in the classroom, send an email to: Seminariopermanente3E@gmail.com
Online participation is free, without registration, on the Zoom platform:
ID riunione: 872 5905 0313
Passcode: 934765


faculty sponsor: Nunzio Allocca
students coordinator: Luca Di Vincenzo
title: Scienze della salute e teoria della complessità: percorsi transdisciplinari

The seminar aims to promote the collaboration of Italian and foreign scholars experts in various fields of knowledge (philosophy, sociology, history of science and techniques, history of institutions, medicine, cognitive sciences, cultural studies, language and communication sciences), according to a plural epistemic approach beyond the traditional division of the 'two cultures', for a new integrated conception of health.

  • 5 aprile 2022, ore 13:30-15:00, Aula VI - Luciano MECACCI (Università di Firenze): Scienza, salute e senso comune: la Psicologia è una disciplina normativa?
  • 26 aprile 2022, ore 13:30-15:00, Aula VI - Fabio GEMBILLO (Università di Messina): In che senso salute e complessità sono in relianza
  • 10 maggio 2022, ore 13:30.15:00, Aula VI - Lorenzo NIGRO (Sapienza Università di Roma): Sincronizzati con la Natura: paesaggi divini dal Vicino Oriente al Mediterraneo
  • 18 maggio 2022, ore 13:30-15:00, Aula VI - Jean Christophe COURTIL (Universitè Toulouse II – Jean Jaurès): Quand le sexe rend malade: les origins antiques de la moralization sexuelle dans la medicine occidantale
  • 7 giugno 2022, ore 11:30-13:00, Aula VI - Claire CRIGNON (Sorbonne Université): La santé entre approche commune et approche scientifique


faculty sponsor: Anna Lisa Schino
students coordinator: Fiormichele Benigni
titleThe theological-political root of modern democracy

The Permanent Seminar on the History of Philosophy aims to offer PhD students of the various curricula an opportunity to investigate the themes and working methods of historians of philosophy, i.e. an approach that starts from a rigorous analysis of texts. The reconstruction of historical-philosophical issues and paths becomes the theoretical opportunity for a comparison with the lessons of the great classics in order to understand the genesis, development and destiny of modernity.

  • 11 gennaio, aula II, ore 16.30-18.30 - Luisa VALENTE: Coniugati, reggitori e contemplativi: i tre generi di uomini e la città ideale secondo Pietro Abelardo
  • 18 gennaio, aula II, ore 16.30-18.30 - Giovanni LICATA: La teoria averroistica della religione come farmaco o veleno salutare tra Quattro e Cinquecento
  • 25 gennaio, aula II, ore 16.30-18.30 - Pina TOTARO: La figura di Cristo in Spinoza tra teologia politica e democrazia moderna
  • 1 febbraio, aula II, ore 16.30-18.30 - Elettra STIMILLI: Il Leviatano e la democrazia: Jacob Taubes e Carl Schmitt a confronto
  • 10 febbraio, aula II, ore 16.30-18.30 - Emidio SPINELLI: Filosofia e politiche della sostenibilità: radici greche ed ebraiche della proposta di Hans Jonas
  • 15 febbraio, aula II, ore 16.30-18.30 - Donatella DI CESARE: La teocrazia anarchica e l’insorgenza della democrazia
  • 17 febbraio, aula II, ore 16.30-18.30 - Massimiliano LENZI: Dominium. John Wyclif e la grazia come fondamento politico
  • 22 febbraio, aula II, ore 16.30-18.30 - Stefano BANCALARI: Riflessi teologico-politici del pensiero di Levinas
  • 24 febbraio, aula II, ore 16.30-18.30 - Federico LIJOI: Protego ergo obligo. Considerazioni su teologia politica e democrazia
  • 28 febbraio, aula II, ore 16.30-18.30 - Gaetano LETTIERI: Un dispositivo cristiano nell'idea di democrazia?

TThe meetings will take place both in the classroom (registration at fiormichele.benigni@uniroma1.it) and remotely on the google-meet platform:  https://meet.google.com/evn-vwnf-twv



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