Arché – il principio, il comando
▪ 6 maggio 2021 - ore 11.30-13.30 - aula VIII
▪ 13 maggio 2021 - ore 11.30-13.30 - aula VIII
▪ 20 maggio 2021 - ore 11.30-13.30 - aula VIII
▪ 27 maggio 2021 - ore 11.30-13.30 - aula VIII
Etiche pragmatiste: teoria e anti-teoria morale
▪ 9 aprile 2021 - ore 9.30-11.30 - aula IX
▪ 16 aprile 2021 - ore 9.30-11.30 - aula IX
▪ 23 aprile 2021 - ore 9.30-11.30 - aula IX
▪ 30 aprile 2021 - ore 9.30-11.30 - aula IX
Fenomenologia e strutturalismo: il ruolo del soggetto nel linguaggio
▪ 25 febbraio 2021 - ore 17.00-19.00
▪ 2 marzo 2021 - ore 17.00-19.00
▪ 4 marzo 2021 - ore 17.00-19.00
▪ 22 marzo 2021 - ore 17.00-19.00
Giordano Bruno e la genesi dell'infinito cosmologico nella filosofia nolana
▪ 8 marzo 2021 - ore 11.00-13.00 - aula IV
▪ 15 marzo 2021 - ore 11.00-13.00 - aula IV
▪ 22 marzo 2021 - ore 11.00-13.00 - aula IV
▪ 29 marzo 2021 - ore 11.00-13.00 - aula IV
faculty sponsor: Marina De Palo
students coordinator: Edoardo Moré, Luca Di Vincenzo
title: The relationship between subjectivity and language in the 20th century
This seminar rests on the cooperation between the doctoral school in philosophy and the LabSIL ( of La Sapienza. There is a long and important tradition of studies about theories of language and their history, represented by scholars such as Antonino Pagliaro, founder of the Roman school of linguistics, his pupils Walter Belardi, and Tullio De Mauro and as Lia Formigari, who have carried a large part of their research at the university La Sapienza. Labsil is now a meeting place for younger and older scholars concerned by this issue. The specific branch of philosophy of language carried out by the LabSIL intertwines theoretical and philosophical reflections on language with the history of linguistic theories and with philological attention to texts (philologeîn and philosopheîn). This intertwinement shows the epistemological value of a philosophy of linguistics built on the history of theories. According to this tradition, the aim of the seminar is to bring together different disciplines and skills, first and foremost those of philosophers, historians, philosophers of science and linguists.
- 15 marzo 2021 (ore 17-19.30): Stefano Gensini (Sapienza Università di Roma): Individuale e sociale nel linguaggio: un tema classico della linguistica del 900
- 29 marzo 2021 (ore 17-19.30): Jordan Zlatev (Lund University): Merleau-Ponty and the Semiotic hierarchy: Integrating Phenomenology and Structuralism
- 12 aprile (ore 17-19.30): Stéfanie Smadja (Université de Paris, Diderot): Speech and Self Representation
- 3 maggio 2021 (ore 17-19.30): Giovanni Manetti (Università di Siena): Soggettività nel linguaggio ed enunciazione in Benveniste
- 17 maggio 2021 (ore 17-19.30): Filomena Diodato (Sapienza Università di Roma): Fisionomie del soggetto parlante tra linguistica e semantica cognitiva
- 31 maggio 2021 (ore 17-19.30): Ilaria Tani (Sapienza Università di Roma): Percezione d'espressione: soggettività e mondo comune in Cassirer
faculty sponsor: Stefano Velotti
students coordinator: Francesca Natale
The permanent doctoral seminar of Aesthetics is offered in cooperation with CiEG – “Cattedra Internazionale Emilio Garroni” ( The cooperation is due to the fact that Emilio Garroni’s (1926-2015) work has deeply marked the ‘Rome school of aesthetics’, which construes aesthetics as a philosophical reflection tout court – aimed at reflecting on the sense of experience in general – and not primarily as a philosophy of art. For the last years, the seminar has focused on some issues already tackled by Garroni in his works (such as the problem of the Kantian “common sense” or Gemeinsinn, the nature of perception and imagination, the spatial and temporal dimension of aesthetic experience, and so on). This year, the main focus of the seminar is the notion of attention, which is not only at the center of the philosophical and psychological debate, and of great importance for aesthetics, but has become a much valued “good” in the age of the Web and the social media. The seminar will tackle the issue of attention in some of its theoretical, aesthetic, social, and political aspects.
- 20 maggio 2021 - Cecilia CANZIANI (curatrice indipendente e storica dell’arte) e Cesare PIETROIUSTI (artista, presidente dell’Azienda Speciale Palaexpo e codirettore del Master PACS - Arti Performative e Spazi Comunitari). Gratis, ablativo plurale di gratia.
- 28 maggio 2021 - Nanna VERHOEFF (Utrecht University). Urban Screens, Interfaces, and Media Architecture in the Algorithmic Condition: A Creative Humanities Perspective on the City.
- 11 giugno 2021 - Mario Angelo NEVE (Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna). I sensi della misura. Isolario urbano a partire da due testi di Deleuze e Damisch.
faculty sponsor: Donatella Di Cesare
students coordinator: Leonardo Arigone, Flavio Luzi, Fulvio Rambaldini
The permanent seminar of Theoretical Philosophy is offered in cooperation with the Center of Italian and Continental Philosophy ( The seminar aims to discuss some fundamental theoretical issues of the Western philosophical tradition, in order to promote the discussion among professors, researchers, doctoral students and students. The seminar consists of lectures, conferences, study days and symposia with Italian and foreign scholars and is also an opportunity for doctoral students to submit their research to colleagues and professors.
- 12/11/2020 - presentazione: Il tempo della rivolta - Leonardo ARIGONE (Sapienza), Andrea CAVALLETTI (Università di Verona), Donatella DI CESARE (Sapienza), Flavio LUZI (Sapienza), Alberto MARTINENGO (Scuola Normale Superiore), Fulvio RAMBALDINI (Sapienza), Elettra STIMILLI (Sapienza)
- 12/04/2021 - Fulvio RAMBALDINI (Sapienza): Nietzsche in Italia. Colli, Vattimo e Cacciari
- 19/04/2021 - Leonardo ARIGONE (Sapienza): La ricezione francese di Nietzsche. Foucault e Derrida di fronte alla follia
- 26/04/2021 - Flavio LUZI (Sapienza): Un platonismo alla rovescia. Friedrich Nietzsche nel Novecento
- 29/04/2021 – presentazione: “Diari segreti” di Ludwig Wittgenstein - Leonardo ARIGONE (Sapienza), Donatella DI CESARE (Sapienza), Flavio LUZI (Sapienza), Fulvio RAMBALDINI (Sapienza)
Workshop: ETHICS
faculty sponsor: Piergiorgio Donatelli
students coordinator: Morgana Bizzego, Filippo Sanna
The Ethics Workshop seeks to explore philosophical reflection on ethics from the perspective of the pluralism of normative agendas and theoretical languages, across a variety of issues: foundational themes, questions of human nature seen in the dimensions of the everyday and common life, philosophical psychology, social ethics, bioethics and issues concerning the non human world and the environment, as well as the study of the history of ethics as the source of new genealogies of contemporary problems. The Workshop privileges the analytical style in philosophy, with the aim to foster a dialogue among independent critical approaches (such as the ethical liberalism of J.S. Mill and John Rawls, Martha Nussbaum’s capability approach, Amartya Sen’s anti-transcendentalism, care ethics, feminist theory and gender studies, Stanley Cavell’s moral perfectionism, Cora Diamond’s Wittgensteinian conceptual approach, Michel Foucault’s perspective on the technologies of the self, recent forms of ethical naturalism) with different disciplines such as the natural sciences, law, political theory, cognitive science, and the social sciences.
- 15 aprile 2021 (ore 16.00-18.30): Bioethics and the stages of life - Piergiorgio DONATELLI (Sapienza Università di Roma), Søren HARNOW KLAUSEN (University of Southern Denmark); Sarin MARCHETTI (Sapienza Università di Roma); Francesca MINERVA (Università di Milano)
- 30 aprile 2021 (ore 17.00-18.30): Some Socratic Aspects of Wittgenstein’s Conception of Philosophy - James CONANT (University of Chicago)
- 10 maggio 2021 (ore 15.00-18.00): Engaging Veena Das’s «Textures ofthe Ordinary: Doing Anthropology after Wittgenstein» - Piergiorgio DONATELLI (Sapienza Università di Roma) and Sandra LAUGIER (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne); Prathama BANERJEE (Centre for the Study of Developing Societies Delhi); Roberto BRIGATI (Università di Bologna); Fabio DEI (Università di Pisa); Anne LOVELL (Aix-Marseille Université, Inserm); Richard RECHTMAN (École des Hautes études en Sciences sociales, Paris); Lotte SEGAL (University of Edinburgh); Bhrigupati SINGH (Ashoka University, Brown University)
- 20 maggio 2021 (ore 16.00-18.30): L’educazione come conversazione democratica - Piergiorgio Donatelli (Sapienza Università di Roma); Miranda Boldrini (Sapienza Università di Roma); Federico Lijoi (Sapienza Università di Roma); Filippo Sanna (Sapienza Università di Roma)
- 27 maggio 2021 (ore 16.00-18.00): Mill perfezionista democratico - Piergiorgio DONATELLI (Sapienza Università di Roma); Morgana BIZZEGO (Sapienza Università di Roma); Alessio VACCARI (Sapienza Università di Roma)
- 10 giugno 2021 (ore 16.30-19.30): Transatlantic philosophy - Piergiorgio DONATELLI (Sapienza Università di Roma), Roberta DREON (Università di Venezia); Russell GOODMAN (The University of New Mexico); Sandra LAUGIER (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne); Sarin MARCHETTI (Sapienza Università di Roma)
faculty sponsor: Caterina Botti, Luisa Valente
students coordinator: Giulia Dettori
title: Women, philosophies and feminisms: Between thinking and being thought of
The aim of the permanent workshop on Philosophy, gender studies and practices of differences is twofold. First, it aims at exploring and testifying to the ways in which gender differences, differences in sexuality, social and ethnical differences, illness and mental illness and other axes of differentiation have been built and read within the history of Western philosophy. Second, it aims at exploring the different lines of thought and practices which have been developed in reaction to the discriminations which found their basis in these categories and concepts: feminist philosophies, queer theories, postcolonial and anti-racist thinking and so forth. The activity of the permanent workshop will include, therefore, cycles of conferences and seminars devoted both to the history and historiography of philosophy and to more recent reflections and theorizations, together with a special attention to contemporary practical issues.
- 18 febbraio 2021 (ore 16.30 alle 18.30): Giacomo Gambaro (Università di Padova), Lonzi e Irigaray: la differenza come taglio del pensiero
- 11 marzo 2021 (ore 16.30 alle 18.30): Geneviève Fraisse (CNRS / CRAL – EHESS Paris): La démocratie exclusive et les deux gouvernements; perspectives généalogiques
- 15 aprile 2021 (ore 16.30 alle 18.30): Maria Luisa Boccia (Università di Siena, CRS): Uguali, differenti. Due scenari divergenti: Olympe De Gouges e Mary Wollstonecraft
- 13 maggio 2021 (ore 16.30 alle 18.30): Sandra Plastina (Università della Calabria): Filosofe nell’età moderna: Camilla Erculiani, Moderata Fonte, Lucrezia Marinelli e la confutazione dell’aristotelismo
- 3 giugno 2021 (ore 16.30 alle 18.30): Michela Pereira (Università di Siena): Medioevo, filosofia, maschile, femminile
- 7 ottobre 2021 (ore 16.30 alle 18.30): Pina Totaro (ILIESI/CNR, Roma): Il “cartesianesimo delle dame”: la critica di Giuseppa Eleonora Barbapiccola
- 28 ottobre 2021 (ore 16.30 alle 18.30): Sophia Connell (Birkbeck College, London): Aristotle on the intelligence of women
faculty sponsor: Simone Pollo
students coordinator: Margherita Bianchi, Leonardo Ursillo, Andrea Olmo Viola
title: Evoluzione, etica e scienze cognitive. Tre discussioni di libri
The permanent seminar of Evolution, ethics and ecology collects the legacy of two permanent seminars already active in the past years: the permanent Seminar of Ecoevolution and Cognition (founded and coordinated by Prof. Elena Gagliasso) and the permanent Seminar of Animal Studies(founded and coordinated by prof. Simone Pollo). Aim of the Seminar is to discuss the epistemological and ethical issues connected to the biological sciences, starting from the naturalistic framework of explanation and study of the living world offered by Darwinian theory and its most recent developments. The topics covered by the seminar activities are: the debate on the nature and methods of the theory of evolution; ecology, environmental philosophy and environmental ethics; animal ethics and the wider field of animal studies; the most recent developments of ethology and cognitive sciences; the relationship between science and society; environmental and animal rights movements. These and other topics will be discussed in study seminars, conferences, traineeships and training schools. Seminar activities are carried out in collaboration with Res Viva, Interuniversity Center for Epistemological and Historical Research on Living Sciences.
- 4 marzo 2021 (ore 16.30-19.30): Elena Gagliasso, Eugenio Lecaldano, Stefano Velotti discutono Finitudine di Telmo Pievani (Raffello Cortina 2021)
- 18 marzo 2021 (ore 16.30-19.30): Elena Casetta, Lorenzo Greco, Filippo Magni discutono Etica ed evoluzionismo di Eleonora Severini (Carocci 2020)
- 25 marzo 2021 (ore 16.30-19.30): Cristina Amoretti, Simone Gozzano, Giulia Iannucci discutono Etica e scienze cognitive di Sarah Songhorian (Carocci 2020)
faculty sponsor: Nunzio Allocca
students coordinator: Luca Di Vincenzo
The Seminar on History of Brain and Mind Sciences aims to address some of the main topics of philosophical and scientific reflection developed in the Modern and Contemporary Age, in order to analyze its keys aspects both from the historiographic and epistemological point of view: the debate on the Mind-Body Problem between Philosophy, Medicine and Neuroscience; the History of Psychology, with particular reference to research in Italy and its link with the international context; the History of Mind Sciences and Cognition in connection with the development of Technologies and Media Environments. The meetings will take shape as moments of discussion and interdisciplinary investigation in which experts, professors and experienced researchers in the philosophical, technical and scientific fields will take part.
- 28/05/2021 - Giuseppe GEMBILLO (Sapienza), John Zacary Young. La vita e la salute come auto-organizzazione.
- 31/05/2021 - Bruno BOTTA (Sapienza), Scienze della vita e Chimica nella Ricerca transdisciplinare.
- 31/05/2021 - Maria Iole CARAFA (Sapienza), La scienza della formulazione farmaceutica: passato, presente e futuro.
- 04/06/2021 - Giuseppe GIORDANO (Università di Messina), Humberto Maturana, la vita e la salute come autopoiesi.
- 07/06/2021 - Daniela DE LISO (Università di Napoli “Federico II”), Valeria MEROLA (Università dell’Aquila), Maria PANETTA (Sapienza), Salute e malattia: percorsi narrativi in Età moderna.
- 09/06/2021 - Annamaria ANSELMO (Università di Messina), James Lovelock. La vita e la salute come autoregolazione.
- 11/06/2021 - Piero DOMINICI (Università di Perugia), Complessità ed errore: essere umani in tempi di pandemia.
faculty sponsor: Anna Lisa Schino
students coordinator: Fiormichele Benigni
title: La radice teologico-politica della democrazia moderna
The Permanent Seminar on the History of Philosophy is organised with the aim of offering doctoral students from the various curricula an opportunity to explore themes and working methods of historians of philosophy from antiquity to the present day.
- 18 maggio 2021 (ore 17-19): Francesco Valerio TOMMASI, Le teologie politiche nel Novecento. Una mappa storico-concettuale
- 25 maggio 2021 (ore 17-19): Francesco FRONTEROTTA, Elementi teologico-politici nel dibattito novecentesco sulla Repubblica di Platone
- 1 giugno 2021 (ore 17-19): Annalisa SCHINO, Il regno politico di Yahveh nella riflessione di Thomas Hobbes
- 8 giugno 2021 (ore 17-19): Francesco VERDE; Religione civile e superstizione in Grecia e a Roma: Dal Sisifo a Polibio