
This page lists the most detailed information on the individual courses offered by the Doctorate in the current academic year (2024-25). Posters and programs are available alongside. COURSES WILL BE IN ENGLISH

• Safety Course. MANDATORY (6 h, Teachers: Tramutola, Toto, Casciaro, Fiorillo, Mattioli) Chemistry Room. Date: November 6
• Protein production and engineering: from biology to nanobiotech (18 h: Teachers: Paola Baiocco, Maria Carmela Bonaccorsi, Alessandra Bonamore, Martino Di Salvo, Serena Rinaldo e Lindaceleste Montemiglio).
Dates: Friday Jan 10th, 17th, 24th, 31st, 2025. PLACE: B Tecce Room - CU026 (1st date) Aula B - CU010 (other dates). From 14:00 to 18:00 pm. Deadline for reservation: 20.12.2024. linK PER L'ISCRIZIONE: SEE FLYER UNDER "INSIGHT"
• Bioinformatics: Theory and applications from genomics to drugs (18 h, Teachers: Morea, Via, Le Pera, Colombo, Paiardini). Informatic Room (II SEMESTER)
• Macromolecular Interactions (10 h, Teachers: Rinaldo;  Toto;  Cutruzzolà; Fiorentino; Colotti;Tramonti). Dates: II Semester (SEE FLYER)
• Structural biology: basics, infrastructure and application (10 h, Teachers: Di Matteo,  Ilari,  Savino,  Fiorillo,  Travaglini-Allocatelli). Dates: December 6th, 10th, 12th, 16th, 18th, 2024 From 15 to 17 pm. PLACE: Aula A (CU10) first date Aula Bovet (CU026) other dates. Deadline for reservationNovember 29.2024
Link for reservation:,  SEE FLYER UNDER "INSIGHT"
• Ligand binding and enzyme kinetics (12 h, Teachers: Bellelli, Contestabile, Giuffrè)
• Metabolism and metabolites (14 h, Teachers: Paone;  Fontana, Mosca,  Macone, Mattioli, Forte, De Biase)
• Biosafety in the research Lab (8 h, Teachers: personale INAIL, RSPP, Cutruzzolà)
• Course for Advanced Microscopy (10 h, docenti: Di Angelantonio, de Turris , Brighi, Rossi,  De Stefano,  Giardina,  Strippoli) Deadline 31 January. SEE FLYER UNDER "INSIGHT"
• Beyond the frontiers of translational immunology (12 h, docenti: Paolini, Scagnolari, Strippoli, Piconese, Paiardini) DATES: January 20th, 2024 January 27th, 2024 February 3rd, 2024 February 10th, 2024 February 17th, 2024 February 24th, 2024.From 14:00 to 16:00 PLACE: Room 101 (RM 112-E01P01L005) - I° Floor, Building D Viale Regina Elena, 295a Deadline for subscription: 2.01.2025 Link for subscription:
• Preparing artwork for scientific papers (8 h, docenti: Giardina, Gianni) Dates: 9, 16-maggio-25
• Career development plan for Early Stage Researchers (6 h, Teachers:  Boffi, Napolitano, Tiberi)
• From cell to animal models: guidelines and best practice  (16 h, docenti: Tramutola,  Di Domenico, Barone, Mangoni, Perluigi, Di Angelantonio,  Sanchini,  Basilico, Cenci, Martinelli).
Dates: 20-21 January  2025 10:00-18:00 PLACE: Aula Tecce.  Link for reservation: SEE FLYER UNDER "INSIGHT"

 YEARS 2023-24
  • Safety Course Dott. Angelo Toto; Dott. Antonella Tramutola; Dott. Bruno Casciaro; Dott. Annarita Fiorillo; Dott. Roberto Mattioli(8 hrs, I year)
DATE: 22/11/2023
 Making research at the Department of Biochemical Sciences “A. Rossi Fanelli”: labs and expertises. Description of the Facilities available at the Department of Biochemical Sciences “A. Rossi Fanelli”: rules, procedures and risks. PART II: TRAINING Employee training on risk managing linked to the Department facilities Practical training for facilities users

  •  Preparing Artwork for Scientific Papers,  Prof. Giorgio Giardina (8 hrs, III year)

The Course is organized by the PhD course in Biochemistry and is open to BeMM School.
The course aims at giving the students a basic knowledge of the software and tools used to produce publication quality artwork for scientific papers, posters or presentations. A section on
scientific writing is also part of the course. Programme: The course will cover the basic knowledge of graphic design such as: image resolution; vector vs raster images; colour theory and colour spaces (RGB, CMYK); basic rules for a good figure design. The students will then be introduced to the professional open-source graphic software for photo editing (GIMP) and vector-graphics (Inkscape). Finally, the entire workflow on how to write and plan the figures of a scientific paper will be covered. Expected outcomes: at the end of the course students will be able to 1. design and create a multi-panel image from scratch. This includes the ability to:
modify source images, including legends and diagrams; export data and plots as image files; organize the layout and assemble the figure 2. prepare scientific figures and illustration in agreement with editorial artwork-guidelines using the main tools (from the main palette) of Open Source software such as GIMP, Inkscape, for raster and vector image modification 3. design and export images in the correct format, with image properties optimized for a specific communication media (e.g. scientific paper, research project, oral presentations, poster) 4. Organize the text of a manuscript according to good storytelling rules.
  •  Fundamentals of enzyme kinetics  (15 hrs, I and II year)
Monday June 3, 2-4 pm (F. Malatesta)
Tuesday June 4, 2-4 pm (F. Malatesta)
Wednesday June 5, 2-4 pm (F. Malatesta)
Thursday June 6, 2-4 pm (S. Rinaldo)
Friday June 7, 2-4 pm (S. Rinaldo)
Monday June 10, 2-4 pm (R. Contestabile)
Tuesday June 11, 2-4 pm (R. Contestabile) 

Aim of the Course: The goal of this short Course is to introduce cell biology, biotechnology, molecular biology and biochemistry as well as kinetics of enzyme-catalyzed reactions, and to cover in detail the assumptions, derivation, and meaning of the Michaelis-Menten equation within a biological context. Special emphasis will also be given to the practical aspects of enzymology and its biological relevance as detailed by specific examples. Detailed program: Basic principles of chemical kinetics; Introduction to enzyme kinetics; Practical aspects of enzyme kinetics; Derivation of steady-state rate equations; Reversible inhibition; Multisubstrate enzymes; Frontiers in steady-state enzyme kinetics; From theory to practice: the cases of phosphodiesterases and cyclases controlling biofilm formation; Enzyme inhibition and activation; Types of inhibition; Complex inhibition systems; Examples from the literature.

  •  Career development plan for early stage researchers, Prof. Alberto Boffi (6 hrs, III year)
The course is organized by PhD course in Biochemistry and is open to the PhD course Life Sciences
The career development plan is a structured and comprehensive strategy that individuals create to guide their professional growth and advancement. It involves setting both short-term and long-term
career goals, identifying the necessary skills and knowledge required to achieve those goals, and outlining specific actions and milestones to reach them. A wellcrafted career development plan not only helps individuals navigate their career paths but also empowers them to take control of their professional development. This
proactive approach includes self-assessment, continuous learning, networking, and seeking opportunities for skill enhancement. By regularly reviewing and updating
the plan, individuals can adapt to changing circumstances, capitalize on emerging opportunities, and stay aligned with their evolving aspirations. Ultimately, a
thoughtfully constructed career development plan serves as a roadmap for individuals to realize their full potential and attain a fulfilling and successful professional
journey. The course is dedicated to Early Stage Researchers, comprising PhD students and Post Docs. The course is divided in three separate topics: 1) CDP for
academic career (Italian Universities), 2) CDP in Research Institutions (National and international), 3) CDP in the private sector.

  • Bioinformatics: Theory and Applications From Genomes To Drugs (18 ore, II anno).  DATES: July 2024 
The course consists in five main modules, all of which are both theoretical and practical. Students will be divided in pairs and each students’ pair will be assigned a computer. All software and tools shown during the course are either already installed on these computers or available through the Internet. The practical part encompasses at least 50% of the course. 1. Bioinformatics resources in the World Wide Web -Reliable sources (NAR; NCBI; EBI; UniProt; ExPASy; PDB; GO) -Knowledgebases (UniProt, NCBI Gene, EBI) -Sequence comparison and database search - Multiple sequence alignments and phylogenetic trees 2. Sequence-based assignment of protein properties Domains; secondary structure elements; globularity; membrane localization; signal peptides; post- translational modifications Handy tools from ExPasy 3. Protein structure analysis and prediction -Protein structures visualization -Protein structures comparison -protein structures modelling 4. Protein structures interactions -Docking small molecules to protein functional sites -Pharmacophore screening and rational drug design 5. Methods for “omics” and “high-throughput” data analysis and integration -Genomics and transcriptomics -Epigenomics and interactomics
modalità di accertamento finale: The learning outcomes of the course will be evaluated in two ways. The acquisition of theoretical knowledge will be assessed by scoring the students’ answers to written questionnaires, which will be administered at the end of each module. The acquisition of practical skills will be assessed by examining the students’ ability to perform practical exercises and/or tutorials, which will be proposed during each lecture.

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