Delivered study plan 2024/2025

The Training Activities of the PhD Program Include:




The COURSES and SEMINARS are organized directly by the PhD Program in Biochemistry or in collaboration with other PhD programs within the Doctoral School B.E.M.M (Biology and Molecular Medicine), of which this PhD program is a part. Additionally, the PhD program actively contributes to the organization of an annual meeting among the students of the B.E.M.M. doctoral programs. A detailed list of courses (including program, schedule, classroom, and participation details) and seminars can be found in the dedicated section of the website.

JOURNAL CLUBSJournal Clubs are held weekly (for a total of 15 hours) from March to June. As outlined in the following sections, each PhD student presents and discusses a scientific paper with the other participants of the PhD program in the presence of some faculty members. A detailed list and participation guidelines are available in the dedicated section of the website.

Most COURSES are conducted in English and are delivered by faculty members from Sapienza University, as well as professors from foreign universities and expert researchers from research institutes such as the Istituto Superiore di Sanità and the Institute of Molecular Biology and Pathology (IBPM) – CNR, Rome.Each PhD student independently selects the training activities they wish to attend, including participation in scientific training courses held in Italy or abroad.Participation Verification and Requirements Student participation in these activities is verified through signature collection.However, participation in the "Safety Course" is MANDATORY. Each PhD student must complete at least 20 hours of educational/training activities per academic year

Participation in courses requires prior registrationPlease follow the instructions provided in the respective course flyers, available in the "Educational Activities – Courses" section of the drop-down menu on the website.


Safety Course

 2024/25  - HOURS: 6 november 2024

docente del corso: Dr. Tramutola, Dr. Toto, Dott. Casciaro, Dott. Fiorillo, Dott. Mattioli (Dept. Biochimical Sciences, Sapienza University of Rome) SEE FLYER

 Il corso è organizzato dal dottorato in BIOCHIMICA ed è un corso TEORICO-PRATICO in lingua inglese. PART I: INFORMATION Making research at the Department of Biochemical Sciences “A. Rossi Fanelli”: labs and expertises. Description of the Facilities available at the Department of Biochemical Sciences “A. Rossi Fanelli”: rules, procedures and risks. PART II: TRAINING Employee training on risk managing linked to the Department facilities Practical training for facilities users

modalità di accertamento finale: Multi-choice question test and Test results evaluation Final discussions. Mandatory the participation

Seminari del Dì di Venere

 2024/25 (march-june),

 It is a cycle of 12 SEMINARS (english language) which will be carried out by expert scientists (Italian or foreign) on appropriate topics in line with the training objectives of the course. These seminars usually take place in the period March-June every Friday at 12.00 ("I Seminari del Dì di Venere"), in person. The list and methods of participation are described in the dedicated section on the doctoral course website. The seminars are organized directly by the PhD in BIOCHEMISTRY, in collaboration with the PhD in LIFE SCIENCES. English language

Protein production and engineering: from biology to nanobiotech

 2024/25 ,  HOURS: 18

DATE: Gennaio 10,17,24,31. Aula B Plesso Tecce. Deadline for reservation: 20.12.2024. linK PER L'ISCRIZIONE: SEE FLYER

docente del corso: Prof. Paola Baiocco, Prof. Maria Carmela Bonaccorsi, Prof. Alessandra Bonamore, Prof. Martino Luigi Di Salvo,Prof. Serena Rinaldo (Dept. Scienze Biochimiche - Sapienza University of Rome); Dr. Linda Celeste Montemiglio (Institute of Molecular Biology and Pathology, CNR) 

Programma delle attività: Il Corso è organizzato dal dottorato in BIOCHIMICA e SCIENZE DELLA VITA ed è un corso TEORICO-PRATICO in lingua inglese. The focus of the course is to train 1st-year PhD students to molecular biology and biochemical techniques for recombinant protein expression and purification. Theoretical and technical aspects will be taken into consideration, and several applications in the different field of biotechnology will be considered. The topics of the course will be the following: Nucleotide and protein sequence search in open source databanks; Recombinant DNA methodologies for molecular cloning and protein engineering; Protein production: expression in bacteria, yeast, and mammalian cell lines; Protein purification techniques (protein fractionation, chromatography, analytical methods); Membrane proteins: the BacMam and the nanodisc technologies. Purified protein quality check. Overview and visit of the ProFacT, Protein Factory Training Lab available at the Department of Biochemical Sciences ( An important purpose of the course will be to give an overview of possible practical applications dealing with protein biotechnologies, such as: Designing site-directed mutant forms for studying enzyme activity and inhibition mechanisms; Production of chimeric proteins for structural and functional studies; Engineering of protein-based nanoparticles for drug delivery.

modalità di accertamento finale: homework assignment (concerning the topics specified in the previous section) to be done in small groups, preferably composed of students with different background (i.e., University Degree in Chemistry, Biology, Biotechnology, etc…). The expected work time for the assignment should be about 4 hours.

Macromolecular Interactions

 2024/25  Hours: 10 Date: 24-31/03-07/04, 2025, SEE FLYER

docente del corso: Prof. Serena Rinaldo (Dept. Biochemical Sciences Sapienza University of Rome); Dr. Angelo Toto (Dep. of Biochemical Sciences, Sapienza University of Rome); Prof. Francesca Cutruzzolà (Dept. of Biochemical Sciences Sapienza University of Rome); Dr. Francesco Fiorentino (Dept. of Experimental Medicine, Sapienza University of Rome); Dr. Gianni Colotti (Institute of Molecular Biology and Pathology, CNR); Dr. Angela Tramonti, (Institute of Molecular Biology and Pathology, CNR) 

Programma delle attività: Il Corso è organizzato dal dottorato in BIOCHIMICA e SCIENZE DELLA VITA ed è un corso TEORICO-PRATICO in lingua inglese. The primary focus of this course is to equip 1st PhD students with the quantitative methods for investigating the affinity and mechanism of macromolecular interactions. The course delves into the theoretical and practical aspects of the energetics, thermodynamics (stabilities and affinities), kinetics, and binding mechanism, encompassing both steady-state and transient (pre-steady-state) approaches. These aspects include: Thermodynamics: Measurement of binding using Isothermal Titration Calorimetry (ITC), including experimental design and data analysis to obtain stoichiometry (N), dissociation constant (Kd), and other thermodynamic parameters. Evaluation of oligomerization state and affinity of interactions by native mass spectrometry. Use of Differential scanning fluorimetry (DSF) to screen interactors and unveil the mechanism of binding. Kinetics: Use of Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) to determine bimolecular interactions. Setting up a SPR experiment, and analyzing data to obtain on and off rates, and binding constants. Use of pre-steady state approaches to unveil kinetics of binding by means of fluorescence. European infrastructures for studying interactions and kinetics: the examples of MOSBRI and Biocrystal facilities. This course integrates lectures carried out by experts in the field with visits to the diverse Macromolecular Interactions Facilities available at the Department of Biochemical Sciences.

modalità di accertamento finale: data analysis on sample dataset.

Bioinformatics: Theory and applications from genomes to drugs

 2024/25 (June) Hours: 18. SEE FLYER

docente del corso: Dr. Teresa Colombo Institute of Molecular Biology and Pathology (IBPM) – CNR, Rome; Dr. Loredana Le Pera Italian National Institute of Health (ISS) – FAST, Rome; Dr. Veronica Morea Institute of Molecular Biology and Pathology (IBPM) – CNR, Rome; Prof. Alessandro Paiardini Department of Biochemical Sciences, “Sapienza”, Dr. Allegra Via, Dept. Biochemical Sciences,Sapienza University of Rome 

programma delle attività: Il corso è organizzato dal dottorato in BIOCHIMICA e SCIENZE DELLA VITA ed è un corso TEORICO-PRATICO in lingua inglese. The course consists in five main modules, all of which are both theoretical and practical. Students will be divided in pairs and each students’ pair will be assigned a computer. All software and tools shown during the course are either already installed on these computers or available through the Internet. The practical part encompasses at least 50% of the course. 1. Bioinformatics resources in the World Wide Web -Reliable sources (NAR; NCBI; EBI; UniProt; ExPASy; PDB; GO) -Knowledgebases (UniProt, NCBI Gene, EBI) -Sequence comparison and database search -Multiple sequence alignments and phylogenetic trees 2. Sequence-based assignment of protein properties Domains; secondary structure elements; globularity; membrane localization; signal peptides; post-translational modifications Handy tools from ExPasy 3. Protein structure analysis and prediction -Protein structures visualization -Protein structures comparison -protein structures modelling 4. Protein structures interactions -Docking small molecules to protein functional sites -Pharmacophore screening and rational drug design 5. Methods for “omics” and “high-throughput” data analysis and integration -Genomics and transcriptomics -Epigenomics and interactomics

modalità di accertamento finale: The learning outcomes of the course will be evaluated in two ways. The acquisition of theoretical knowledge will be assessed by scoring the students’ answers to written questionnaires, which will be administered at the end of each module. The acquisition of practical skills will be assessed by examining the students’ ability to perform practical exercises and/or tutorials, which will be proposed during each lecture.


Ligand binding and enzyme kinetics

2024/25 - HOURS: 12. MARCH 2025. SEE FLYER

docente del corso: Prof. Andrea Bellelli (Dept. of Biochemical Sciences, Sapienza University of Rome; Prof. Roberto Contestabile, Dept. of Biochemical Sciences, Sapienza University of Rome); Dr. Alessandro Giuffrè, Institute of Molecular Biology and Pathology, CNR 

programma delle attività: Il corso è organizzato dal dottorato in BIOCHIMICA; è in lingua inglese e aperto alle attività formative della scuola BeMM. The focus of this course is to train 2nd PhD students to the quantitative approaches for studying ligand binding and enzyme kinetics. The goal of this short Course is to introduce cell biology, biotechnology, molecular biology, chemistry and biochemistry as well as the kinetics of ligand binding processes and enzyme-catalyzed reactions, and to cover in detail the assumptions, derivation, and meaning of the Michaelis–Menten equation within a biological context. Special emphasis will also be given to the practical aspects, including the experimental design, and its biological relevance as detailed by specific examples. In detail: Basic principles of enzyme kinetics ❖ Pseudo-first order conditions ❖ Practical aspects of enzyme kinetics (experimental design) ❖ Derivation of steady-state rate equations ❖ Multi-substrate enzymes. Basic principles of ligand binding ❖ Practical aspects (experimental design) ❖ Pre steady-state kinetics ❖ SVD data analysis. Enzyme inhibition and activation ❖ Types of inhibition ❖ Complex inhibition systems. Examples from the literature.

modalità di accertamento finale: multi choice quiz

Structural biology: basics, infrastructure and application

2024/25 HOURS- : 10. DECEMBER 6th, 10th, 12th, 16th, 18th, 2024. Aula Bovet. SEE FLYER

docente del corso: Dr. A. Di Matteo, Institute of Molecular Biology and Pathology, CNR; Dr. A. Ilari Institute of Molecular Biology and Pathology, CNR; Dr. C. Savino, Institute of Molecular Biology and Pathology, CNR; Dr. A. Fiorillo (Dept. of Biochemical Sciences, Sapienza University of Rome); Prof. C. Travaglini-Allocatelli, Dept. of Biochemical Sciences, Sapienza University of Rome)

programma delle attività: Il corso è organizzato dal dottorato in BIOCHIMICA ed è in lingua inglese This course offers a comprehensive overview of structural biology, encompassing its fundamental principles, infrastructure requirements, diverse applications, and future directions. Students will gain a deeper understanding of the interdisciplinary nature of structural biology and its pivotal role in advancing scientific research and technological innovations across various fields. The course consists of 5 modules as follow: Module 1: Fundamentals of Macromolecular Structure Amino acids, peptides. Secondary, tertiary, and quaternary protein structures. Structural motifs and domains in biomolecules. Protein stability and protein folding. How to perform a folding experiment. Module 2: Introduction to Structural Biology How to study protein structure: X-ray crystallography, NMR spectroscopy, cryo-electron microscopy (Cryo-EM). Structural databases and visualization software. Module 3: X-ray crystallography: from crystal to 3D structure Principle of X-ray crystallography. Protein crystallization. 3D-Structure solution and refinement. Structure validation. Module 4: Advance and Infrastructure in Structural Biology Emerging techniques and technologies. Integrative structural biology. Future directions and challenges. National and International Laboratory infrastructure. Collaborative platforms and international research networks. Module 5: Applications of Structural Biology Rational drug design using structural insights. Structure-based drug targeting and optimization. Engineering proteins for specific functions. Structural basis of diseases: cancer, neurodegenerative disorders, infectious diseases The course will take advantage of the Biocrystal Facility available in collaboration with the Department of Biochemical Sciences and the IBPM – CNR Institute (

modalità di accertamento finale: students should responds to a test on and/or e-learning

Course for Advanced Microscopy


docente del corso: Prof. S. Di Angelantonio, Sapienza; Dr. V. de Turris , Istituto Italiano di Tecnologie (IIT); Dr. R. Macco - Bruker; Dr. C. Brighi, CrestOptics; Dr. A. Rossi, Crisel Instruments; Prof. E. De Stefano, Sapienza, Prof. G. Giardina, Sapienza ; Prof. Nicolas Bayens,Université libre de Bruxelles; Prof. R. Strippoli, Sapienza; Prof. M. Rosito, Sapienza 

programma delle attività: Il corso è organizzato dal dottorato in SCIENZE DELLA VITA e BIOCHIMICA ed è un corso TEORICO-PRATICO Welcome and Introduction Conventional and confocal light microscopy Multiphoton microscopy for in vitro and in vivo application – painting DEEP SIM STED Transmission Electron Microscopy (E. De Stefano – Sapienza – BBCD -CRiN) Cryo EM (G. Giardina - Sapienza - DSB) Clearing Techniques (Nicolas Bayens - ULB) Applications – Ion Imaging – Applications of fluorescence/confocal microscopy in pathophysiology by showing cellular plasticity (EMT/MET) assays of adhesion, migration/invasion, and tumor organoid development (R. Strippoli – Sapienza – DMM) Image analysis and quantification – ImageJ

modalità di accertamento finale: da definire

Biosafety in the research Lab

 (APRIL-MAY 2025), -HOURSe: 6

docente del corso: personale INAIL, Prof. Cutruzzolà

programma delle attività: Il Corso è organizzato dal dottorato in SCIENZE DELLA VITA e aperto alle attività formative della scuola BeMM. Il Corso intende creare maggiore consapevolezza sulle problematiche attinenti al settore delle biotecnologie; aggiornare e rendere più rigorosa la valutazione del rischio ambientale e della salute dell’uomo, motivando alla cultura della prevenzione. Il personale che lavora nei laboratori di ricerca è esposto ad un rischio professionale a volte sottovalutato dai diretti interessati, i quali percepiscono l’esistenza di tale rischio solo in caso di incidente. Per la riduzione del rischio di esposizione risulta quindi di fondamentale importanza la professionalità, l’addestramento, l’esperienza ed il buon senso dell’operatore. Tale attività formativa rappresenta uno dei risultati del Progetto di Ricerca Scientifica Inail: “Prevenzione e tutela della salute e dell’ambiente nei laboratori che utilizzano metodiche biotecnologiche avanzate ed innovative”, finalizzato proprio alla formazione e sensibilizzazione del personale universitario in modo da assicurare il rispetto del D.lgs.206/2001, con una metodologia caratterizzata dalla stretta sinergia tra studenti/ricercatori/Professori universitari/dirigenti.

modalità di accertamento finale: Test valutativo

Statistics for biologists - modulo I "Theory classes”


docente del corso: Mario Fordellone 

programma delle attività: Il corso è rivolto agli studenti del primo anno ed è organizzato dal corso di Dottorato in BIOLOGIA CELLULARE E DELLO SVILUPPO e aperto alle attività formative della scuola BeMM. L'obiettivo è quello di fornire ai dottorandi le nozioni dei metodi statistici di base applicabili alla ricerca scientifica. Programma: - Introduction theory for point estimation, confidence interval, and hypothesis testing, Statistical significance, and p-value. - Tests on normal populations, the case of one sample, two independent samples, two paired samples, more than two samples, post-hoc tests. - Normality hypothesis testing, tests on non-normal populations, the case of two independent samples, two paired samples, more than two samples, post-hoc tests. - Nonparametric statistics - Adjusting for multiple testing - Basic theory on survival analysis.

modalità di accertamento finale: da definire

Seminari del Dì di Venere


docente del corso: Scienziati esperti (italiani e stranieri) 

programma delle attività: It is a cycle of 12 SEMINARS (english language) which will be carried out by expert scientists (Italian or foreign) on appropriate topics in line with the training objectives of the course. These seminars usually take place in the period March-June every Friday at 12.00 ("I Seminari del Dì di Venere"), in person. The list and methods of participation are described in the dedicated section on the doctoral course website. The seminars are organized directly by the PhD in BIOCHEMISTRY, in collaboration with the PhD in LIFE SCIENCES. English language

Metabolism and metabolites

MAY/JUNE 2025 numero ore: 14. SEE FLYER

Prof. Paone; Prof. Fontana, Prof. Mosca, Prof. Macone, Dr. Mattioli, Dr. Di Risola, Prof. Forte (Department of Biochemical Sciences); Prof. De Biase (Dept. of Scienze e Biotecnologie Medico-Chirurgiche)

programma delle attività: Il corso è organizzato dal dottorato in BIOCHIMICA e SCIENZE DELLA VITA in lingua inglese. Course Objective: The course aims to provide an overview of different methods aimed at the study of cellular metabolism and of metabolomics. Students will gain in-depth knowledge of chromatography techniques (LC and GC) coupled to mass spectrometric detection, handling of omics data, and high resolution respirometric analyses. Module 1: Introduction to liquid chromatography in metabolomic analysis. Liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry: principles and applications. Oncometabolites. Omics data analysis. Module 2: Real time analysis of cellular metabolism through seahorse analysis. Introduction to Cellular Metabolism and the Seahorse Technology. Key functions of the Seahorse: measuring mitochondrial respiration and glycolysis in live cells Applications in biomedical, oncological, and pharmacological research. Interactive demonstration: using the Seahorse software and data interpretation. Presentation of Oroboros Instrument Integrated multiomic approach to study the effect of antibiotics on microbial metabolism. Module 3: Gas chromatography Introduction to Gas-chromatography Principles and applications of GC/MS Sample preparation in GC/MS Teaching Methodology: The course will include lectures, guided discussions, and project presentations. Students will be encouraged to actively participate, ask questions, and apply the knowledge gained in practical projects. Final Remarks: The course aims to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of methodologies and practices in using cellular and animal models, preparing them to conduct advanced research and contribute to scientific progress in the biomedical field.

modalità di accertamento finale: students should respond to a test on and/or e-learning.


From Cell to Animal Models: Guidelines and Best Practice


docente del corso: Dott.ssa Tramutola, Prof. Di Domenico, Prof. Barone, Prof. Mangoni, Prof. Perluigi, Prof. Di Angelantonio, Prof. Sanchini, Prof. Basilico (Sapienza)

programma delle attività: Il corso è organizzato dal dottorato in BIOCHIMICA E dottorato in SCIENZE DELLA VITA ed e' un corso teorico-pratico in lingua inglese. Course Objective: The course aims to provide a comprehensive overview of guidelines and best practices in the use of cellular and animal models in scientific and research settings. Students will gain in-depth knowledge of cell culture techniques, genetic manipulation, and the application of animal models in biomedical studies. Module 1: Introduction to Cellular and Animal Models Basics of cell culture: techniques for cell maintenance and proliferation. Fundamental principles of ethics in animal model research. Advantages and limitations of cellular and animal models. Module 2: Cell Culture and Genetic Manipulation Advanced cell culture techniques: stable cell lines, primary cells. Principles of genetic manipulation in vitro: transfection, transduction, and CRISPR-Cas9. Discussion on how in vitro genetic manipulation influences result validity. Module 3: In Vitro Methods and More Animal Testing Alternatives 3D bioprinted and self-assembled iPSC derived human disease models Functional analysis of 3D. organoids and bioprinted constructs (MEA, calcium imaging, patch clamp). Module 4: Animal Models in Biomedical Research Choosing the appropriate animal model based on research questions. Ethical aspects of using animal models and compliance with regulations. Assessment of physiological parameters in animal models. Module 5: Designing Studies with Animal Models Experimental protocols and planning studies with animal models. Monitoring and data collection in animal models. Statistical analysis and interpretation of results. Module 6: Best Practices and Future Perspectives International guidelines for the use of cellular and animal models. Success stories and case studies in the use of models for biomedical research. Future perspectives: technological advancements and innovative approaches.

modalità di accertamento finale: Students should responds to a test on and/or e-learning

Career development plan for early stage researchers


docente del corso: Prof. Alberto Boffi (Dept. of Biochemical Sciences, Sapienza University of Rome; Dr. Elisa Napolitano e Dr. Sabrina Tiberi

programma delle attività: Il corso è organizzato dal corso di dottorato in BIOCHIMICA e aperto al dottorato in Scienze della Vita. The career development plan is a structured and comprehensive strategy that individuals create to guide their professional growth and advancement. It involves setting both short-term and long-term career goals, identifying the necessary skills and knowledge required to achieve those goals, and outlining specific actions and milestones to reach them. A well-crafted career development plan not only helps individuals navigate their career paths but also empowers them to take control of their professional development. This proactive approach includes self-assessment, continuous learning, networking, and seeking opportunities for skill enhancement. By regularly reviewing and updating the plan, individuals can adapt to changing circumstances, capitalize on emerging opportunities, and stay aligned with their evolving aspirations. Ultimately, a thoughtfully constructed career development plan serves as a roadmap for individuals to realize their full potential and attain a fulfilling and successful professional journey. The course is dedicated to Early Stage Researchers, comprising PhD students and Post Docs. The course is divided in three separate topics: 1) CDP for academic career (Italian Universities), 2) CDP in Research Institutions (National and international), 3) CDP in the private sector.

modalità di accertamento finale: Write your first CDP (form will be provided)

Preparing Artwork for Scientific Papers


docente del corso: Prof. Giorgio Giardina, Prof. Gianni Stefano (Dept. Biochemical Sciences)

programma delle attività: Corso organizzato dal dottorato in BIOCHIMICA in lingua inglese ed è aperto alle attività formative della scuola BeMM. The course aims at giving the students a basic knowledge of the software and tools used to produce publication quality artwork for scientific papers, posters or presentations. A section on scientific writing is also part of the course. Programme: The course will cover the basic knowledge of graphic design such as: image resolution; vector vs raster images; colour theory and colour spaces (RGB, CMYK); basic rules for a good figure design. The students will then be introduced to the professional open-source graphic software for photo editing (GIMP) and vector-graphics (Inkscape). Finally, the entire workflow on how to write and plan the figures of a scientific paper will be covered. Expected outcomes: at the end of the course students will be able to 1. design and create a multi-panel image from scratch. This includes the ability to: modify source images, including legends and diagrams; export data and plots as image files; organize the layout and assemble the figure 2. prepare scientific figures and illustration in agreement with editorial artwork-guidelines using the main tools (from the main palette) of Open Source software such as GIMP, Inkscape, for raster and vector image modification 3. design and export images in the correct format, with image properties optimized for a specific communication media (e.g. scientific paper, research project, oral presentations, poster) 4. Organize the text of a manuscript according to good storytelling rules.

modalità di accertamento finale: da definire

Beyond the frontiers of translational immunology


docente del corso: Paolini, Scagnolari, Strippoli, Piconese, Paiardini

programma delle attività: Il Corso è organizzato dal dottorato in SCIENZE DELLA VITA e aperto al dottorato in Biochimica. This course provides an intensive and in‐depth examination of a selection of fundamental concepts in immunology. It takes advantage of the unique expertise of members of our Immunology faculty to illustrate how these concepts have been established and continue to be developed based on seminal work in the field including contributions from their own laboratories.

modalità di accertamento finale: Personal evaluation of the course through an online questionnaire to fill up

Seminari del Dì di Venere

HOURSe: 12

docente del corso: Scienziati esperti (italiani e stranieri)

programma delle attività: It is a cycle of 12 SEMINARS (english language) which will be carried out by expert scientists (Italian or foreign) on appropriate topics in line with the training objectives of the course. These seminars usually take place in the period March-June every Friday at 12.00 ("I Seminari del Dì di Venere"), in person. The list and methods of participation are described in the dedicated section on the doctoral course website. The seminars are organized directly by the PhD in BIOCHEMISTRY, in collaboration with the PhD in LIFE SCIENCES. English language

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