Study plan for the academic year 2021/2022

List of courses / activities for the first year

Attività di studio in biblioteca per la definizione dello status quaestionis del tema della ricerca 15
Ricognizione a monumenti/opere/testi presso archivi, istituzioni e centri specializzati 15
Prima elaborazione critica dei dati raccolti 12
Presentazione e discussione del progetto di ricerca e sua verifica nel corso dell'anno (con redazione di un testo scritto e presentazione orale) 4
Incontri dei dottorandi con il tutor e i docenti del Collegio su problemi specifici e questioni metodologiche della ricerca 2
Arte del Medioevo occidentale e dell'Oriente bizantino: lezioni di Haude Morvan e di Alison Perchuk (aule e orari delle lezioni sono nella voce Seminari) 3
Rinascimento e Barocco in Italia e in Europa: lezioni di Giulio Zavatta e Sebastian Schütze (aule e orari delle lezioni sono nella voce Seminari) 3
Storia della critica d'arte e Museologia: lezioni di Anna Maria Ducci e Scott Nethersole (aule e orari delle lezioni sono nella voce Seminari) 3
L'Ottocento, le Avanguardie e il contemporaneo: lezioni di Mattia Patti e Cynthia Johnston (aule e orari delle lezioni sono nella voce Seminari) 3

More information

60 CFU are foreseen for the first year of the PhD course in Art History.
42 CFU correspond to the doctoral student's research activity, which for the first year will focus mainly on the definition of the "status quaestionis" of the thesis topic as well as on the subsequent critical processing of the data collected and on direct recognition of works and monuments or at archives, museums, libraries, institutions and specialised centres relating to the research topic.
18 CFU are reserved for training activities and are divided as follows:
- 12 CFU are acquired through participation in a course consisting of a series of lectures, which in the first year is mainly methodological in nature, aimed at making students reflect on the main tools of art-historical research. The lectures, which take place throughout the academic year, naturally cover all four of the PhD's main subject areas. In addition to participating in the lessons, each lesson includes prior preparation on the subject by the PhD students, an extensive discussion with the lecturer and a subsequent critical exercise on the subject. In addition to the lectures, there are conferences/seminars, proposed by the PhD programme, chosen by the student on the basis of their relevance to his/her research, some visits to specific monuments and to the main temporary exhibitions, as well as participation in seminars and presentations of books related to the themes of the individual research projects.
- 6 CFU are assigned by the Collegio for the meetings of the doctoral candidates with the tutor and the teachers, as well as for the presentation and discussion of the research project and its verification during the year.

Method of choosing the subject of the thesis

The research topic is proposed by the doctoral candidate during the admission examination. In January, the admitted doctoral student's project is then officially presented to the Board - by means of an oral report with the aid of a powerpoint - and discussed with the lecturers in order to be better defined and launched. Finally, during the first year of the course, the theme of the thesis can be further focused on, also taking advantage of the advice of the teacher appointed as tutor.

Admission to the second year

Admission to the second year requires the acquisition of 60 CFU, which will be allocated by the Board of teachers on the basis of the quality and results of the work carried out by each doctoral student during the previous year. Verification takes place through - Evaluation of the results achieved by the doctoral student in relation to his/her research topic as required by the training plan for the first year. These results will be verified through the presentation of an oral and written report and its discussion in front of the Board of teachers and the other doctoral students during the Passage of the Year, which takes place in October.
- Evaluation of the participation in the conferences, courses and seminars offered by the Doctorate during the first year.
- Evaluation of the performance of related activities.

List of courses / activities for the second year

Proseguimento dell'attività di ricerca presso biblioteche, archivi e istituzioni 15
Proseguimento attività di ricognizione sulle opere e i monumenti oggetto dello studio 15
Lavoro di lettura critica e scrittura dei dati acquisiti 12
Presentazione e discussione del progetto di ricerca e sua verifica nel corso dell'anno (con redazione di un testo scritto e presentazione orale) 4
Incontri dei dottorandi con il tutor e i docenti del Collegio su problemi specifici e questioni metodologiche della ricerca 2
Organizzazione scientifica e relazione al Convegno dei dottorandi "In corso d'opera" (5-6 luglio 2022 - aula Venturi, Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia) 2
Conservazione e tutela delle opere e dei monumenti: lezioni di Manuela De Giorgi e Maximiliaan Martens (aule e orari delle lezioni sono nella voce Seminari) 3
Organizzazione di mostre: lezioni di Daniela Lancioni e Margarida Brito Alves (aule e orari delle lezioni sono nella voce Seminari) 2
Direzione di un museo o di una galleria d'arte: lezioni di Sylvain Cordier e Fabrizio Magani (aule e orari delle lezioni sono nella voce Seminari) 3
Archivi, collezioni, fondazioni: lezioni di Catherine Yvard e Federico Botana (aule e orari delle lezioni sono nella voce Seminari) 2

More information

For the second year of the PhD course in Art History the acquisition of 60 cfu is foreseen.
42 CFU correspond to the continuation of the doctoral student's research activity and reconnaissance on the theme of study and an initial reading and critical interpretation of the data acquired.
18 CFU are reserved for training activities and are divided as follows:
- 12 CFU are partly acquired through participation in a course consisting of a series of lectures given by scholars and specialists in the field which, for the second year, will be dedicated to the relationship between scientific research and the professions in the field of art history. In addition to participating in the lectures, each lecture includes prior preparation on the subject by the doctoral students, an extensive discussion with the lecturer and a subsequent critical exercise on the subject. The acquisition of 2 of these cfu will pass specifically through the organisation and participation of the second year doctoral students in the conference "In corso d'opera", dedicated to the presentation of their research with the aim of stimulating the ability to expose their work and comparison with a wider audience.
6 CFU are awarded by the College for meetings between doctoral students and their tutors and teachers.

Method of preparation of the thesis

On the basis of the progression of the work at the time of the transition from the first to the second year and the indications received during the discussion with the teachers of the College, the final structure of the thesis is defined. An introduction to the dissertation and a first chapter organised on the basis of the specific research topic are also prepared.

Admission to the third year

Admission to the third year requires the acquisition of 60 CFU, which will be allocated by the Board of teachers on the basis of the quality and results of the work carried out by each doctoral student during the previous year. Credits will be assigned through the following tests:
- The passing of the Intermediate Test, which consists in the delivery to the tutor and to the Board, in the month of May, of a written paper concerning the introductory part and the first chapter of the thesis.
- The evaluation of the progress of the work and the related discussion of the results of the research carried out during the Passage of the Year in October. This report is presented with the aid of a power-point in front of the Board of teachers and the other doctoral students.
- Participation in the activities planned for the second year (seminar meetings and "In progress" conference).

List of courses / activities for the third year

Completamento delle ricerche 12
Completamento della redazione della tesi 15
Stesura definitiva della tesi con gli apparati critici 15
Presentazione dello status delle ricerche e svolgimento della della prova intermedia 4
Incontri dei dottorandi con il tutor e i docenti del Collegio su problemi specifici e questioni metodologiche della ricerca 2
Viaggi di studio: organizzazione scientifica e partecipazione 4
Case-studies di storia dell'arte medievale: relazioni del Seminario dottorale nazionale di Storia dell'arte medievale "Medioevo europeo e mediterraneo" (aule e orari del seminario sono nella voce Seminari) 2
Case-studies di storia dell'arte moderna: lezioni di Keith Sciberras (aule e orari delle lezioni sono nella voce Seminari) 2
Case-studies di storia dell'arte contemporanea: lezioni di Émilie Goudal (aule e orari delle lezioni sono nella voce Seminari) 2
Case-studies di storia della critica e di museologia: lezioni di Cristina Dondi (aule e orari delle lezioni sono nella voce Seminari) 2

More information

For the third year of the PhD course in Art History, the acquisition of 60 CFU is envisaged.
42 CFU are assigned for the completion of research and, mainly, for the final draft of the thesis by the PhD student.
18 CFU are reserved for training activities and are divided as follows:
- 8 CFU are partly acquired through participation in a course consisting of in-depth lectures, which for third-year doctoral students are held by Italian and international scholars and consist of the presentation of "case studies" that are particularly significant on a critical level.
- 4 CFU correspond to participation in a study trip, financed by the PhD programme and carried out together with some of the members of the Collegio, to a place or territory of particular historical-artistic interest; the PhD students are asked to prepare scientific presentations on the monuments and works that are the subject of the visit.
- 6 CFU are assigned by the Collegio for the meetings of the doctoral students with the tutor and the teachers and for the intermediate examination, which takes place mainly in April-May and consists of the drafting of a written text relating to several aspects of their research to be handed in to the tutor and the Collegio dei Docenti.

Method of admission to the final examination

Admission requires the acquisition of 60 credits, which will be allocated by the Board of teachers on the basis of the activities previously indicated (thesis writing, participation in conferences and study trips, meetings with teachers). By 31 October, the candidate's thesis, previously assessed by the Board of teachers, is submitted for evaluation to at least two external referees, chosen by the Board of teachers as experts in the field of research, who are also sent the three-year report on the doctoral student's activities. On the basis of these elements, the external referees, filling in a form prepared by the Collegio, propose admission to the final examination or postponement of the discussion for up to six months, at the same time indicating any changes or corrections to the paper.

Final examination

y February, candidates admitted to the final examination must discuss their theses before an external national panel of judges appointed by the Rector on the basis of the proposal put forward by the Collegio and after approval by the Departmental Council. The commissioners receive the documentation (copy of the thesis, report of the doctoral student's three-year activity, opinion of the College and referees) approximately two months before the discussion. The final examination will take the form of a presentation, with the aid of a power-point, and public discussion of the thesis in front of the national commission, which will be able to ascertain the candidate's suitability.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma