Annual report

REPORT A.A. 2022-2023

36th Cycle
In the months of December 2022 to July 2023, the doctoral students of the 36th cycle took part in the cycle of in-depth lectures, which for the 3rd year are held by Italian and international scholars and consist of the presentation of "case studies" that are particularly significant on a critical level. Participation was constant and intense, with an effective and fruitful exchange between PhD students and lecturers. The lectures were accompanied by participation in a number of seminars and conferences organised or recommended by the doctorate. In addition, the doctoral students, on the basis of their scientific interests, took part in conferences, seminars, meetings and book presentations, in Italy and abroad, as can be seen from their annual activity report forms.
With regard to study activities, several doctoral students continued to intensify their relations with Italian and international institutions and research centres, carrying out study periods there: Chiara Audizi (Potenza, Museo Archeologico Provinciale di Potenza); Gianlorenzo Chiaraluce (Parigi, Bibliothèque Kandinsky Centre de recherche du Musée national d'art moderne); Alessio Ciannarella (Parigi, Archives Nationales); Livia De Pinto (Berlino, René Block Archiv; Berlino, Archivio Conz); Sara Esposito (Milano, Università degli Studi); Davide Lipari (Londra, Victoria and Albert Museum; Madrid, Archivio Historico Nacional); Lorenzo Mercuri (Nottingham, School of Arts & Humanities - Nottingham Trent University; British Library); Eva Scurto (Archivio di Stato di Firenze); Federica Zalabra (urator of exhibitions at the Museo Nazionale d'Abruzzo: “Il Maestro di Campo di Giove”; "Nuove acquisizioni").
Many PhD students have taken part as speakers in national and international conferences: Chiara Audizi (congres Roma, Mappare lo spazio sacro: dal frammento al contesto (Italia, XI-XIV sec.); congres Cagliari, Aula micat medio clarificata suo. Ritrovare, rintracciare, ricostruire opere e monumenti dell'Europa medievale); Gianlorenzo Chiaraluce (congres Roma, La fine e altri inizi II Oltre la catastrofe); Alessio Ciannarella (congres Roma, L’Antichità e la costruzione del futuro nel secolo dei Lumi; congres Ancona, Luigi Vanvitelli, il maestro e la sua eredita 1773-2023); Davide Lipari (workshop Bologna, "Con nuova e bella fantasia": l’Ercole di Angelo Gabriello Piò e la scultura a Bologna nel Settecento; congres Roma, Le arti a Roma nel secondo Seicento); Lorenzo Mercuri (congres Leicester, Matthew Paris’ Chronica Majora and the Knights Templar Commandery in Paris; congres Austria, Representative strategies and misleading attempts for a digital reconstruction of the Knights Templar headquarter in Paris); Gaia Pedriglieri (congres Roma, “Tracciati di Storia dell’Arte” (2). Il Viaggio. Opere, maestri, modelli, spettatori); Claudio Sagliocco (congres Teramo, De habitudine Ordinis ad artem Arti, religione e cultura nell’Ordine cappuccino tra XVI e XVIII secolo; congres Londra, Fertile Furrows: Ruling and (Re-)Working Soil in the Early Modern Period); Roberto Marvin Wellman (congres, Lo sguardo di Federico Zeri su Francesco Salviati; workshop Firenze, Michelangelo in Michele di Ridolfo: breve itinerario politico); Federica Zalabra (workshop L’Aquila, Ricomporre il patrimonio: le storie di Sant'Eustachio; congres Roma, Il Museo come spazio aperto: tra accessibilità e inclusione).
Finally, a number of PhD students received important recognitions, awards and funding: Chiara Audizi (winner of a scholarship at the Bibliotheca Hertziana in Rome - Max Planck Istituto per la Storia dell’arte); Eva Scurto (winner of funding for the Progetto di Avvio alla Ricerca di Tipo 1 “Francesco Bocchi (Firenze, 1548-1614): la biografia e il carteggio”). Two important recognitions are worth mentioning: the appointment of doctoral student Federica Zalabra as director of the Museo Nazionale d’Abruzzo and the award of the prestigious Ursula Nilgen Foundation grant to doctoral student Chiara Audizi.
At the meeting of the Board of teachers on 26.07.2023, the external referees for the evaluation of the papers were approved. Consequently, the final discussions of the 36th cycle will take place from May 2024.

37th Cycle
In the months of December 2022 to July 2023, the 37th cycle doctoral students took part in a series of lectures held by scholars and specialists in the field, which, for the 2nd year, was mainly dedicated to the relationship between scientific research and the world of work in the field of art history, in particular the organisation of exhibitions and the management/caretaking of museums and exhibition centres. The lectures were complemented by participation in a number of seminars and conferences organised and/or organised by the PhD programme. In addition, doctoral students, on the basis of their scientific interests, took part in conferences, seminars, meetings and book presentations, both in Italy and abroad, as can be seen from their annual activity report forms. On the research side, the doctoral students were engaged during the 2nd year in continuing their study and reconnaissance activities, as well as an initial reading and critical interpretation of the data acquired.
To this end, several doctoral students carried out research periods at important Italian and foreign institutions: Rebecca Amendola (Istanbul, Museo Archeologico; Silivri, chiesa di S. Giovanni); Giulia Amodio (Arcidiocesi di Bologna, Ferrara, Modena; diocesi di Piacenza, Parma, Forlì); Giulia Beatrice (Parigi, Bibliothèque du Musée du Quai Branly); Eleonora del Riccio (Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz); Teodora Georgievova (Brno, Masaryk University); Letizia Giardini (Archivio Storico delle Arti Contemporanee de La Biennale di Venezia; Venezia, Fondazione Giorgio Cini); Federico Giglio (NIKI Florence); Alice Isabella Leone (Rennes, Archives de la critique d'art); Nicolò Mazzucato (Berlino, Deutsches Archäologisches Institut - Orient Department); Caterina Modesti (Archivio fotografico Direzione regionale musei dell'Emilia Romagna, Archivio Leone Pancaldi, Archivio storico Soprintendenza Archeologia Belle Arti Paesaggio Bologna); Gian Marco Russo (Parigi, Fondation Custodia; Londra, Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art); Roberta Venditto (Viareggio, Archivio e Centro Documentario Storico Francesco Bergamini).
Some students took part in in-depth courses: Teodora Georgievova (course Brno, Faculty of Arts Masaryk University); Lorenzo Picchetti (course Bologna, Fondazione Federico Zeri).
In addition, several PhD students have started collaborations with organisations and projects, and participated as speakers at national and international conferences: Rebecca Amendola (congres Cagliari, Un edificio perduto e il suo committente nella Bisanzio paleologa: S. Giovanni a Selymbria e l'ammiraglio Alessio Apocauco); Giulia Amodio (congres Firenze, IX Ciclo di Studi Medievali - NUME, Gruppo di ricerca sul Medioevo latino); Eleonora del Riccio (congres St. Louis, The Tabulae Anatomicae by Pietro da Cortona. A question still to be explored; congres Monte Porzio Catone, La bottega del mondo. Clocks and scientific instruments in Barocci’s workshop); Teodora Georgievova (congres Brno, Faculty of Arts Masaryk University, Transfer; congrrs Leeds, Networks & Entanglements, IMC Leeds 2023); Letizia Giardini (internship at archives of the Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, in the program “Fondo mille giovani per la cultura” della DG-ERIC); Federico Giglio (workshop Firenze, Vasari and the Florentine Nation in Roma. A first Insight; workshop Madrid, Giorgio Vasari between Arts, Literature and Politics CIVIS BIP); Alice Isabella Leone (collaboration Archivio Fondazione Baruchello); Gian Marco Russo (congres Oxford, Art as a remedy to nostalgia: relationships between painting and architecture in interiors by Robert Adam; congres Edinburgo, Ossian in the Parnassus: Scottish identity and sociability in Eighteenth-Century Roman international community); Marine Thébaud (congres Neuchâtel, Réflexions sur la filiation artistique de l’atelier du Cavalier d’Arpin : la question des scènes de batailles héroïques; congres Parigi, Les réflexions méthodologiques sur la circulation artistique matérielle et immatérielle).
Finally, a number of PhD students received important recognition, awards and funding: Teodora Georgievova (Winning project of the “Bando mobilità PhD 2022 bis”).
The presentation to the Board of teachers of their research work was the focus of the year's transition, held on 25 September 2023, in which the doctoral students defined the general structure of their theses, critically presented the 'status quaestionis' on the study topic and showed the results of their first reconnaissance of monuments, works and documentary materials. All doctoral students were admitted to the 3rd year.

38th Cycle
On 13 January 2023, the doctoral students of the 38th cycle, in their first year, presented their research projects to the Board of Lecturers, who assigned them tutors and possible cotutors. As early as December 2021, they took part in the cycle of lectures, which for the first year were mainly methodological in nature, aimed at making the new PhD students reflect on the main tools of art-historical research. The course of methodological lectures was flanked by participation in some seminars or conferences organised and/or indicated by the Doctorate. In addition, the doctoral students, on the basis of their scientific interests, took part in conferences, seminars, meetings and book presentations, both in Italy and abroad, as can be seen from their annual activity report forms. With regard to research, the work of the doctoral students in the 38th cycle focused mainly on defining the "status quaestionis" of the thesis topic, as well as on the subsequent critical processing of the data collected and on direct reconnaissance of works and monuments or at archives, museums, libraries, institutions and specialised centres related to the research topic. To this end, several doctoral students have carried out research periods at important Italian and foreign institutions: Barbara Alastra (study and research periods in several municipalities in Albania); Barbara Cattaneo (Taormina, Biblioteca comunale S. Agostino; Firenze, Archivio storico del Liceo artistico statale di Porta Romana); Pietro Della Sala (Archivio Storico delle Arti Contemporanee della Biennale di Venezia); Damiano Delle Fave (Bologna, Fondazione Federico Zeri); Alejandro Elizalde Garcia (Madrid, Museo del Prado, Archivo Histórico Nacional, Palacio Real de Madrid, Archivo General de Palacio, Archivo General de Simancas); Lorenzo Giammattei (Parigi, Musée du Louvre; Pinacoteca Nazionale Bologna); Cecilia Goletti (Benevento, Archivio Diocesano Sant'Agata de' Goti, Avellino, Soprintendenza Archeologica Belle Arti e Paesaggio AV); Hanna Ko (Roma, Palazzo Braschi); Stefano Manavella (Arcidiocesi di Napoli; Diocesi di Mondovì); Arianna Manes (Siena, Gabinetto dei Disegni); Federica Milano (Parigi, Sorbonne-Université Paris IV; Parigi, Institut national d'histoire de l'art; Università di Trento); Stefano Moscatelli (Bologna, Fondazione Federico Zeri); Giulia Perin (Parigi, Musée d'Orsay); Claudia Sanchioni (Università degli studi di Cagliari).
Some students took part in in-depth courses: Pietro Della Sala (course Venezia, Il tragico quotidiano. I racconti di Giovanni Papini); Damiano Delle Fave (course Cura e gestione delle collezioni, rilasciato da Fondazione Scuola Beni e Attività Culturali; course Sicurezza museale e delle collezioni. Multimedia course, issued by Fondazione Scuola Beni e Attività Culturali); Federica Milano (course Parigi, Lectures de Marx; course Andalo, Tradurre la narrativa; course Parigi, Les Samedis de la traduction); Maria Gaia Redavid (Parma, course Lontano da Napoli ma non troppo. Edward Perry Warren, Antonio Jatta, Bernard Berenson e il mercato artistico-antiquario nella Puglia storica tra musei pubblici e privati (XIX-XX secolo)); Cristiana Todaro (Bologna, course Forme e funzioni dell’arte medievale; Bologna, Forme e funzioni dell’arte contemporanea).
In addition, several PhD students have started collaborations with organisations and projects, and participated as speakers at national and international conferences: Barbara Cattaneo (congres Ferrara, Esperienze e progetti innovativi di conservazione e restauro dai più recenti interventi dell’Opificio delle Pietre Dure. Il recupero dell’album Salvadori della collezione I Tatti; congres Firenze, International Day of Light. From Lippmann Photography to Virtual Reality: The Florentine Lippmann Plate - History and Conservation; collaboration Fondazione Alinari per la Fotografia); Paolo de Gasperis (workshop Roma, Children's Museum - il design dei contenuti didattici nei musei dei bambini; workshop Milano, L'uso dei Large Language Models nella creazione di contenuti per il Web e i social network); Damiano Delle Fave (congres Padova, Forme in Movimento. Modelli, metodi e contesti tra continuità e innovazione; congres Napoli, The Early Discovery of Medieval Art by Travellers Looking for Classical Antiquity in Southern Europe from the 17th Century to the Beginning of the 19th Century); Alejandro Elizalde Garcia (congres Spoleto, Francesco Natale Juvarra (1673 - 1759) orefice tra Roma e Madrid); Cecilia Goletti (congres Roma, Convegno dottorale. “Tracciati di Storia dell'Arte” (2). Il Viaggio. Opere, maestri, modelli, spettatori); Stefano Manavella (workshop Mondovì, La pittura del Quattrocento tra Piemonte e Liguria, un caso di studio: gli affreschi della chiesa di San Fiorenzo a Bastia Mondovì e il secondo Quattrocento nel Monregalese; workshop Cuneo, presentazione del volume Osservazioni sulla pittura medievale e rinascimentale fra Tanaro e Bormida di Millesimo - seconda edizione); Federica Milano (congres Rennes, Au retour de la Biennale de Paris (1959-1985)… bilans et perspectives de la recherche); Stefano Moscatelli (congres Napoli, Dialoghi sulla scultura italiana dell'ottocento (1815-1915)); Claudia Sanchioni (conference Roma, “Tracciati di Storia dell’Arte” (2). Il Viaggio. Opere, maestri, modelli, spettatori).
The presentation of their research work to the Board of teachers was the subject of the year's transition, held on 25 September 2023, in which the doctoral students defined the general structure of their theses, critically presented the 'status quaestionis' on the study topic and showed the results of their first reconnaissance of monuments, works and documentary materials. All doctoral students were admitted to the 2nd year.

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