Laser Guide Star Research and Development at ESO

In this seminar I will introduce the physics behind the generation of laser guide stars (LGS) for adaptive optics and provide a historical overview of laser guide stars systems development at the European Southern Observatory, from dye lasers to the state-of-the-art Raman Fiber Amplifier lasers. In parallel with progress in laser technology , ESO is actively pursuing, together with member-states collaborators, a plethora of experimental activities towards advanced LGS generation and detection techniques. A key focus will be given to the CaNaPy LGS-AO experimental facility, which was integrated in the LGS Lab at the Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma and is currently in commissioning phase at the ESA 1-m OGS telescope in Tenerife. This facility was designed to demonstrate pre-compensation of the projected laser beam and to explore the time-delay method for retrieving atmospheric tilt from the LGS. An overview of these efforts and their implications for future LGS-AO systems will be presented, fostering a discussion on potential new approaches.


Speaker: Felipe Pedreros Bustos (ESO)
It is a pleasure to announce a seminar next Tuesday, 28 January at 12 CET at OA Roma in Aula Gratton and streaming.
Link to the streaming:

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