Call for application 39th cycle

Bando ordinario (expired 22/06/2023)

Educational goals and objectives

HISTORY OF ARCHITECTURE - The aim is to train in the use and methods of historical-architectural scientific research, in relation to the various systems currently in use in the international community. The history of architectural organisms, examined in their diachronic development, in fact also interferes with questions of the historical and historical-artistic disciplines in general, the history of criticism and science, the history of construction techniques and aesthetics. The possible fields of study are, among the most significant, the complex methods of acquisition, treatment and dissemination of information on existing architecture, the analysis of archival sources, the history of architectural historiography, the history of transformations of single buildings or of groups of them, the history of cities, territories and landscapes, the many possible relationships between the history of architecture and restoration, the more strictly figurative issues also linked to architectural orders.

REPRESENTATION - The aim is to train scientific research in the field of descriptive geometry, digital graphics, architectural drawing, surveying, documentation and critical reading of the architectural heritage, urban space and landscape. The aim is to train a PhD able to autonomously monitor and develop original activities on different topics, with repercussions also on an international level in universities, productive and professional sectors, in particular of the creative cultural industry. To this end, training activities are organized that cover very articulated fields of interest, including, as examples, the acquisition, processing and dissemination of data aimed at representing information on architecture, urban space and the landscape, their integration and management also aimed at communication and valorisation of the latter at various scales.

RESTORATION - The aim is to train in the deepening and use of scientific research methods aimed at understanding the relationship between theories and practice of conservation of existing architectural organisms. The research projects are aimed at issues of a theoretical nature, at urban scale or conservation and restoration issues involving the protection of territorial and landscape testimonies and contexts. Among the fields of study we must at least mention, among the most significant, the knowledge of current trends in the theory and practice of restoration, the history of the historiography of architectural, structural and urban restoration, issues relating to technological systems, the contributions of chemistry and of physics in the discipline, the restoration of contemporary architecture and archaeological assets, museography, the integration of the conservation project with the architectural project in various ways.

PhD (other):------------
description (other):-------------

Specifiche economiche

Tipologia 1: DM118
Transizione digitale Generiche Pubblica Amministrazione Patrimonio culturale
0 0 3 1

Tipologia 2: DM117 Tipologia 3: PE/PNC/CN/TP Tipologia 4:Enti terzi
0 0 0 0

Tipologia 5: Sapienza Senza borsa
6 4

Tematiche, curriculum e competenze specifiche
Themes, curriculum and specific competence

C_PA - DM118 P.A. - sul curriculum: A - STORIA DELL'ARCHITETTURA

- Storia e architettura del Palazzo del Ministero delle imprese e made in Italy in via Veneto a Roma
Ente finanziatore: PNRR
Competenze richieste: nessuna competenza specifica richiesta
- History and architecture of the Palazzo of the Ministry of Enterprises and Made in Italy in via Veneto in Rome
Founded by: PNRR
Required skills: no specific skill required

C_PA - DM118 P.A. - sul curriculum: B - DISEGNO

- Digitalizzazione e comunicazione del patrimonio architettonico di Centola
Ente finanziatore: PNRR
Competenze richieste: nessuna competenza specifica richiesta
- Digitization and communication of Centola’s architectural heritage
Founded by: PNRR
Required skills: no specific skill required

C_PA - DM118 P.A. - sul curriculum: C - RESTAURO

- Restauro, conservazione e tutela di un bene di proprietà privata. Il castello Odescalchi di Bracciano come laboratorio per la formulazione di indirizzi operativi virtuosi
Ente finanziatore: PNRR
Competenze richieste: nessuna competenza specifica richiesta
- The restoration, conservation, and protection of a cultural private property. The Odescalchi castle in Bracciano as a laboratory for developing virtuous operational guidelines
Founded by: PNRR
Required skills: no specific skill required

C_PC - DM118 PATRIMONIO - sul curriculum: B - DISEGNO

- Modelli conoscitivi per la conservazione, gestione e comunicazione dei beni culturali
Ente finanziatore: PNRR
Competenze richieste: nessuna competenza specifica richiesta
- Knoweledge models for the conservation, management and communication of cultural heritage
Founded by: PNRR
Required skills: no specific skill required

ECCELLENZA - ECCELLENZA - non associata a curriculum

- Tematica generica del dottorato
Competenze richieste: nessuna competenza specifica richiesta

ECCELLENZA - ECCELLENZA - non associata a curriculum

- Tematica generica del dottorato
Competenze richieste: nessuna competenza specifica richiesta

Il candidato sceglierà una tematica in fase di presentazione della candidatura on line

Admission Procedure

Written examination The written test will relate to the knowledge of the main topics of History of Architecture, Design and Restoration, according to the curriculum chosen by the candidate.
language ITALIANO

Oral interview The oral exam will be related to the development of the main themes of History of Architecture, Design and Restoration covered in the written exam, according to the curriculum chosen by the candidate. Knowledge of the English language will be verified at the same venue.
language ITALIANO

Qualifications assessment Only candidates who have passed the written and oral tests will be admitted to the qualifications

contacts and info mail: telefono: (+39) 06 49918807

Curriculum studiorum

Graduation date and grade of the Master's degree
detailed list of exams including completion dates and scores of Masters's degree
History of Scholarships, Research Grants (or similar)
Certificates of Foreign Languages
Certificates of participation in post-graduate university courses
certificates of Participation in research groups
certificates of Participation in internships
Other University Awards/Degrees (e.g.: awards in competition, second degree)
Computer skills

Required documentation

§ List of publications
optional, the file must be uploaded within 22/06/2023 ore 14:00 (ora italiana)

§ Curriculum Vitae et Studiorum
The curriculum must specify the research experience relating to the curriculum chosen by the candidate, as defined in point "1.3 Research experience" of the evaluation grid.
, the file must be uploaded within 22/06/2023 ore 14:00 (ora italiana)

Language Skills

the candidate must know the following languages

Exam Schedule

Written examination
classroom5, 7, 8
addresspiazza Borghese, 9 - Roma
publication on notice boardYes
publication on the web siteYes
web site
date of publication13/07/2023
contacts(+39) 06 49918807 -

Oral interview
addressPiazza Borghese, 9 - Roma
publication on notice boardYes
publication on the web siteYes
web site
date of publication26/07/2023
contacts(+39) 06 49918807

Qualifications assessment
publication on notice boardYes
publication on the web siteYes
web site
date of publication24/07/2023
contacts(+39) 0649918807

Evaluation scale

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file (eng):visualizza il file (eng)

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