Call for application 37° cycle

Notice to candidates:
In accordance with the DECREE-LAW 6 August 2021, n. 111, Urgent measures for the safe exercise of school, university, social activities and public transport, starting from 01st September 2021 and in order to access physically to the University, students must possess and exhibit the Green pass, whatever the purpose of their entrance is.
Therefore, even though the doctoral competition as in the regulation does not apply the previous decree-law as it is required for the public competitions, all PhD candidates who will take the test in presence should exhibit the aforementioned documentation; furthermore, it is required to exhibit the Green pass for all the students who will need to go to the various offices inside the University.

Specifications of Scholarships and available positions

Overall Specifications approved for the course by the Academic Senate

Green Scholarships Innovation Scholarships
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Progetti disponibili

  • INNOVAZIONE - Progettazione e sviluppo di sistemi di monitoraggio geochimico in tempo reale per siti di stoccaggio geologico di CO2 (offshore and onshore)
    Design and development of geochemical monitoring systems in real time for CO2 Geological storage sites (onshore and offshore)
    Azienda ospitante: Eni S.p.A.
    visualizza il progetto completo

  • GREEN - Valutazione del potenziale geotermico del sottosuolo in Italia Centrale (nella fascia peritirrenica dell’Italia Centrale)
    Geothermal potential evaluation in central Italy
    Azienda ospitante: Eni S.p.A.
    visualizza il progetto completo

  • GREEN - Stoccaggio geologico di CO2 per mitigare i cambiamenti climatici ed innesco di terremoti: approfondimento mediante esperimenti di laboratorio e modellazioni numeriche
    CO2 geological storage to mitigate climate change and earthquake triggering: insights from rock deformation experiments and numerical models
    Azienda ospitante: Eni Spa, San Donato Milanese (Milano)
    visualizza il progetto completo

  • GREEN - Tutela e consolidamento del patrimonio lapideo: il ruolo dei batteri carbonatogeni
    Protection and bioconsolidation of stone cultural heritage by inoculation of carbonatogenic bacterial communities
    Azienda ospitante: Società SARA
    visualizza il progetto completo

  • GREEN - Indicatori vegetazionali degli impatti climatici e idrologici rispetto alla resilienza umana in piane costiere subsidenti: situazioni attuali e traiettorie storiche per una gestione futura
    Vegetational markers of climatic and hydrological impact vs. human resilience in coastal subsiding plains: present pattern and historical trajectories for a future management
    Azienda ospitante: ANAS SpA (gruppo Italferr) Via Monzambano, 10 - 00185 Roma - RM
    visualizza il progetto completo

  • GREEN - Studio della vegetazione di un interglaciale del passato come strumento per comprendere il ruolo dell’uomo nelle variazioni idrologiche.
    The study of a past interglacial vegetation changes as a tool to understand the human role in hydrological changes
    Azienda ospitante: GRAN GUIZZA S.p.A., Popoli
    visualizza il progetto completo

  • GREEN - Studio ed applicazione di prodotti green per la pulitura nel restauro dei beni culturali
    Study and application of green products for cleaning in conservation of cultural heritage
    Azienda ospitante: YOCOCU APS – Youth in Conservation of Cultural Heritage, Roma (iscritta registro Job Soul Sapienza)
    visualizza il progetto completo

  • GREEN - Dal manufatto ai microrganismi e oltre: approcci biomolecolari innovativi applicati alla conservazione sostenibile dei beni culturali.
    From artefact to microbe and beyond: innovative biomolecular approaches applied to cultural heritage
    Azienda ospitante: SARA ENViMOB S.r.l. (startup accademica di Sapienza)
    visualizza il progetto completo

  • GREEN - Conservazione preventiva di edifici storici nell’era del Cambiamento Climatico
    Preventive conservation of historical buildings in the Climate Change era
    Azienda ospitante: Tecno.El s.r.l., (, Lazio
    visualizza il progetto completo

  • GREEN - Valutazione del potenziale di stoccaggio di idrogeno del territorio italiano (considerando tutte le opzioni caverne e reservoirs)
    Potential hydrogen storage capacity in Italy (including caverns and reservoir)
    Azienda ospitante: Eni S.p.A.
    visualizza il progetto completo

Admission Procedure

Qualifications assessment 1. CV and professional titles: max score 15

The final score will be calculated by the following scheme:

1.1 University degree mark (Bachelor +Master degree programs): max score 5

For students that will graduate (Master) just before 31 October 2021, the Evaluation Committee will calculate the average grade resulting from the list of the exams (max score 2).

1.2 Publications (JCR-ISI, non JCR-ISI, books or monographs, abstracts): max score 4

1.3 Previous experiences in Italy and abroad (training, research, job): max score 3

1.4 Other qualifications evaluated by the Committee: max score 3

The score of CV will be normalized with respect to the date of Bachelor degree or with respect to the date of the last exam for students without the Bachelor degree.

Research project: max score 45

In the research project, the candidate must demonstrate clear abilities to design, organize and develop the scientific research in total autonomy. The full text must not exceed 10,000 characters (excluding spaces). The text in excess will not be considered by the Evaluation Committee.

2.1. The project, written in Italian or English, may contain up to a maximum of 5 figures and must include the following information:
a) title of the research project (max 100 characters);
b) research objectives (max 900 characters), first describing the general objective and then identifying the specific objective. In the context of a scientific topic, the general objective of the project ("overall objective" or "goal") consists in the solution of a very general problem and represents a very high goal (which requires a lot of time and / or a multidisciplinary approach). The specific objective is to solve a specific problem and that is what the candidate undertakes to achieve at the end of the three years. The specific objective, which contributes to the achievement of the general objective, may in turn have sub-objectives, normally it is expressed through a noun and not through a verb (it is the goal, not the path) and must be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-bound). The results expected during the individual research phases should not be described in this section (see following points);
c) state of the art with essential bibliography (max 4,000 characters) which clearly reveals the knowledge of the topics covered and the identification of one or more open problems to which the project intends to respond (with the achievement of the specific objective);
d) brief presentation of the various activities (training, research and dissemination) foreseen during the three years of the project (max 5,000 characters), including national and international mobility. It should be noted that during the three years it will be mandatory to carry out at least 1 month of stay at universities and / or research centers abroad;
e) time schedule in graphic form including all the activities (training, research, dissemination and mobility) foreseen during the three years of the project.

2.2. The following points will be carefully considered by the Evaluation Committee:
a) clarity and completeness of the specific objectives, research strategy, and Gantt chart;
b) relevance of the project to the educational goals of the PhD program;
c) knowledge of the state of the art and definition of the open issues;
d) innovative aspects of the project;
e) feasibility of the project.

Only the candidates with a minimum score of 45/60 (i.e., the sum of scores obtained for CV and professional titles plus research project) will be admitted to the final ranking list.
language ITALIANO

contacts and info Segreteria del Dottorato di Ricerca in Scienze della Terra:

Curriculum studiorum

Graduation date and grade of the Master's degree
detailed list of exams including completion dates and scores of Masters's degree

Required documentation

§ research project
mandatory, the file must be uploaded within entro le 14.00 (ora italiana) del 27/10/2021

§ first letter of introduction (by a teacher)
optional, the letter must be uploaded by the candidate, the file must be uploaded within entro le 14.00 (ora italiana) del 27/10/2021

§ second letter of introduction (by a teacher)
optional, the letter must be uploaded by the candidate, the file must be uploaded within entro le 14.00 (ora italiana) del 27/10/2021

§ third letter of introduction (by a teacher)
optional, the letter must be uploaded by the candidate, the file must be uploaded within entro le 14.00 (ora italiana) del 27/10/2021

§ List of publications
optional, the file must be uploaded within entro le 14.00 (ora italiana) del 27/10/2021

§ description of previous research experience
optional, the file must be uploaded within entro le 14.00 (ora italiana) del 27/10/2021

§ letter of motivation (by the candidate)
optional, the file must be uploaded within entro le 14.00 (ora italiana) del 27/10/2021

§ other document: Other documents
optional, the file must be uploaded within entro le 14.00 (ora italiana) del 27/10/2021

§ Curriculum Vitae et Studiorum
mandatory, the file must be uploaded within entro le 14.00 (ora italiana) del 27/10/2021

Language Skills

No languages required

Exam Schedule

Qualifications assessment
publication on notice boardNO
publication on the web siteYes
web site
date of publication05/11/2021

Altra tipologia ()
classroomLucchesi - Edificio di Mineralogia
addressDipartimento di Scienze della Terra - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5 - 00185 Roma
publication on notice boardNO
publication on the web siteYes
web site
date of publication05/11/2021

Evaluation scale

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© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma