Call for abstract per una sessione dal titolo "Geosciences for Cultural Heritages" che sto organizzando (in collaborazione con altri colleghi) nell'ambito del prossimo congresso SGI-SIMP 2024 (3-5 settembre, Bari)
We invite you to consider submitting an abstract to the scientific session Geosciences for Cultural Heritages, organized in the framework of the next SGI-SIMP Conference Geology for a sustainable management of our planet, to be held in Bari from 3 to 5 September 2024.
If you would like to submit an abstract, please visit the official conference website: https://www.geoscienze.org/519/abstracts.html
The deadline for the abstract submission is 26 April 2024.
Please do not hesitate to contact us for further information.
M. La Russa (Università della Calabria) mauro.larussa@unical.it
S. Raneri (University of Florence) simona.raneri@unifi.it
M. Secco (University of Padua) michele.secco@unipd.it
M. Verde (University of Naples) maria.verde@unina.it
Session description: The session intends to be a forum for a fruitful discussion on the recent advancement of Geosciences applied to Cultural Heritage, encouraging a reflection on the importance of transdisciplinary approaches for interpreting and preserving the materiality of ancient artifacts. Since artistic, archaeological and historical objects are mainly based on geomaterials, geological sciences can be applied for their characterization, opening novel perspectives to trace the exploitation of ancient georesources and the impact of past societal activities on environmental transformations. Moreover, climate changes, landscape degradation and environmental hazards are threatening sub-aerial and underwater environments, making it imperative to develop sustainable products and methods for the conservation of Cultural Heritage materials, and to study their stability over time. Finally, the increasing opportunity offered by digitalization makes it necessary a reflection on the development of common semantics for an improved data management and fruition. High-quality oral and poster presentations that address a variety of applications of scientific methods to the analysis of cultural heritage materials, and that highlight the fundamental and strategic role of Earth Sciences in these multidisciplinary research areas, are highly welcomed.