Delivered study plan 2022/2023

In academic year 2021/2022, all PhD students attended several conferences and seminars, where students were requested to deliver reports and speeches.

First year doctoral students attended a series of lectures on research methods in the field of law and a 40 hour legal English course. Moreover, some of them attended lectures of a second level master course (Mario Galizia European parliamentary institutions for assembly consultants and international protection of human rights).

Furthermore, PhD students attended seminars organized for each individual curriculum. Details are attached in the column (on the right of this page).
Moreover, PhD students were asked to publish reviews, news, reviews of jurisprudence and norms, notes to sentences and scientific articles in scientific national journals such as "Nomos - The Laws of Law", "Constitutional Observatory" ", "Health", “Environment”, "Observatories of Giustamm”, “Telematic Review", “International Order and Human Rights", and “Focus Africa” (in online journal).

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