Delivered study plan 2021/2022

-Online Seminar 11/11/2021, Prof. Lucia Stefanini “Platelet-leukocyte interactions in COVID-19 and beyond”, Department of Translational and Precision Medicine, Sapienza University of Rome
-Seminar 11/02/2022, 2.00 pm, at the C.S.S. Institute Mendel, Aula Magna, Prof. Mario Luca Morieri, Department of Cardiac, Thoracic and Vascular Sciences, University of Padua, title “Pharmacogenetics of cardiometabolic diseases.
-Seminar 03/18/2022, 2.00 pm, C.S.S. Institute Mendel, Aula Magna, Dr. Claudia Menzaghi, IRCCS Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza, San Giovanni Rotondo, Foggia, title “Inflammation, metabolomics and prediction of all-cause mortality in type 2 diabetes”.
-Online Seminar 22/04/2022, Prof. Andres Ramos, Division of Biosciences, University College London, London, UK, title “RNA-binding proteins integrate multiple regulatory layers in neuronal development”.
-Seminar 05/27/2022, 2.30 pm at the C.S.S. Institute Mendel, Aula Magna, Prof. Alessandro Doria, Section on Genetics and Epidemiology, Research Division, Joslin Diabetes Center, Department of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA, title “Novel insights into the genetic determinants of diabetic complications”.
-Seminar 07/08/2022, 2.30 pm, at the C.S.S. Institute Mendel, Aula Magna, Prof. Philippe Froguel, Department of Genomics of Common Diseases, School of Public Health, Imperial College London, Hammersmith Hospital, London, UK, title “Monogenic diabetes: implementation of translational genomic research towards precision medicine”.
-6-hour course, in person 23-26-30/09/2022, Prof. Viviana Caputo, Department of Experimental Medicine, Sapienza University of Rome, title "Online tools to study the human genome"
-36-hour course, in attendance from 12/07 to 18-20/07/2022, Prof. Valerio Fulci, Department of Molecular Medicine, Sapienza University of Rome, title “Epitranscriptomics of non-coding RNAs”.

-Journal clubs carried out by 2nd and 3rd year doctoral students in the period between November 2021 and November 2022 (attached)
-BeMM Courses 2022 (attached)

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