Study plan for the academic year 2022/2023

List of courses / activities for the first year

Introduction to Matlab (M. Battaglia) 4
Sequential stratigraphy (S. Milli) 2
Paleoenvironmental reconstructions in the geological record and characterization of present-day environments using foraminifera. Response of microfauna to environmental stresses of natural and anthropogenic origin. (L. Di Bella) 1
Some principles about Natural Disasters (A. De Santis) 1
Creation and use of databases in the earth sciences (R. Basili) 1
Structure of minerals (F. Bosi) 1
Communicating Earth Sciences: methods and techniques of science dissemination (F. Strani) 1
Data Analytics for Earth Sciences (E. Ghaderpour) 4
Applications of Paleomagnetism to Earth Sciences (F. Florindo) 1
Paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic reconstructions (L. Sadori, M. Brandano, F. Lirer, R. Sardella, L. Dallai) 1
GIS applications (M. Della Seta) 1
Energy Transition Pills (M. Lustrino) 1
From a research project, trough its presentation, to the writing of a scientific paper (G. Andreozzi, M.M. Scuderi, C. Collettini) 1

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Ph.D. students are required to take courses proposed by the Committee (see above and attached) and may supplement their education with electives from among the institutional courses provided for the master's and doctoral degrees held at Sapienza or other university sites. In addition, doctoral students are strongly encouraged to attend the numerous seminars taught by internal faculty and researchers from Italy and abroad that are held each year in the Department of Earth Sciences. These seminars, however, cannot be scheduled well in advance because they are part of scientific collaborative activities, national and international projects, study days of societies and informal groups in the fields of Earth Sciences, Environment and Cultural Heritage.

Method of choosing the subject of the thesis

Each doctoral student proposes his or her own original research project through a written report and an oral presentation to the faculty. In the presentation, the following should be clear and distinct: objectives, state of the art, experimental activities, expected results, innovation from the state of the art, teaching activities, international mobility, and timetable. The Teachers' Board evaluates the project, suggests changes, approves it, and proposes a supervisor (Guiding Teacher) in charge of following up on the proper progress of the project as it is being implemented.

Admission to the second year

At the end of the first year, each doctoral student submits a written report and an oral presentation containing a summary of his or her activities (teaching and research) and achievements during the year to the Teachers' Board. The Guiding Lecturer in parallel sends the College a brief assessment of the doctoral student's activities and behavior. The College of Teachers evaluates the research and teaching activities carried out and the results achieved with respect to the project presented at the initial stage and proposes, in case of positive outcome of the evaluation, admission to the following year.

List of courses / activities for the second year

Geomagnetism: South Atlantic Anomaly, space weather, pre-earthquake ionospheric precursors, jerks, excursions, reversals and other intriguing features at short and long periods with possible consequences to our present and close future (A. De Santis) 1
Applied diagnostics: cultural property evaluation and protection project and Raman and FTIR spectroscopies in Earth science doctoral projects (A. Masi) 1
Machine learning and earthquakes with Elements of seismology (E. Tinti) 1
Methods and tools for studying paleontological assets: between research and enhancement (B. Mecozzi, A. Iannucci, D.A. Iurino, F. Strani e J. Conti) 1
Theory and application of isotopes in hydrogeological and hydrological studies (C. Sbarbati) 2
Iaas Learning DST (S. Martino/G. Napoli (Farport srl)) 1
Climate risk assessment of cultural heritage (F. Frasca) 5
City Volcanos: A field trip in Rome (D. Palladino) 1
Some principles about Natural Disasters (A. De Santis) 2

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In the second year, the suggested courses focus on more specific topics and preeminence is given to theoretical and practical research training activities, supplemented by periods of off-site training, in Italy or abroad, to acquire knowledge, skills and abilities not available on site.

Method of preparation of the thesis

After developing in the first year the critical review of the existing landscape of knowledge on the chosen topic, the work continues with the acquisition of original experimental data and their interpretation, also making use of the expertise of the Guiding Lecturer if necessary. The Teaching Board supervises the thesis preparation process and the activities of doctoral students in itinere.

Admission to the third year

At the end of the second year, each doctoral student submits a written report and an oral presentation containing a summary of the activities performed (teaching and research) and the results acquired during the year to the Teachers' Board. The Guiding Lecturer in parallel sends the College a brief assessment of the doctoral student's activities and behavior. The College of Teachers evaluates the research and teaching activities carried out and the results achieved with respect to the project presented at the initial stage and proposes, in case of positive outcome of the evaluation, admission to the following year.

List of courses / activities for the third year

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In the third year, preeminence is given to theoretical and practical activities of experimental data processing and modeling of the studied phenomena, preparatory to the writing of the thesis.

Method of admission to the final examination

At the end of the third year, each doctoral student must prepare a doctoral thesis and a written report concerning the teaching and research activities carried out during the year, the results achieved, and international mobility. The thesis and the report are sent to two external evaluators, either Italian or foreign, who are responsible for passing a critical judgment on the doctoral thesis and the doctoral student's overall efforts to the College. In case of a positive judgment and after listening to the oral presentation of the final results by the doctoral students, the Teaching Board admits them to the final examination. In the case of a negative judgment of one or both reviewers, the Board resolves to postpone the taking of the final examination for 6 months.

Final examination

The final examination for the degree of Ph.D. takes place before a national committee of three members, one internal and two external to Sapienza, designated by the Department Council and appointed by the Rector. Candidates are given the opportunity to present an introductory seminar on the final results obtained during the PhD, which is followed by discussion and final evaluation by the committee.

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