Annual report

1st year- During 2022, there were sixteen PhD students enrolled in the first year - XXXVII cycle - one of whom withdrew at the end of the first year; concerning the type of scholarship, the PhD students were classified as follows:
- 6 PhD students winners of the Sapienza scholarship;
-2 PhD students with Industrial PhD Scholarship;
- 1 doctoral student admitted without a scholarship;
-4 PhD students with PON scholarships;
-2 PhD students admitted under art. 6 - holders of research grants and supernumerary Public Administration employees.

By October, each PhD student has produced, based on the same form used for the renewal request being filled in, a summary of the training and research activities they carried out in 2021, subsequently evaluated and validated by a Commission made up of Profs. D'Ascenzo, Cozzolino, Pesic.
The upload accompanied the qualitative information to IRIS of the publications produced during 2022:
-6 articles in scientific journals;
-5 book chapters;
-12 conference proceedings.
Moving from its preliminary activity, the Commission -as reported by the Academic Board of 12 October 2022-has expressed a positive evaluation for admission to the second year regarding fifteen PhD students.

2nd year - During 2022, eleven doctoral students were enrolled in the second year - XXXVI cycle -. One doctoral student presented a withdrawal request; two PhD students are on suspension. During 2022, the PhD students attended almost all of the training activities envisaged by the programme.
As for students enrolled in the first year, by the end of October, each PhD student has produced, based on the same form used for the renewal request being completed, a summary of the training and research activities they carried out in 2022, subsequently evaluated and validated by a Commission made up of Profs. D'Ascenzo, Cozzolino, Pesic. The qualitative information was accompanied by the upload to IRIS of the publications produced during 2022: 13 journal articles.
Based on its preliminary activity, the Commission reported to the Academic Board on 12 October 2022 and expressed a favourable opinion on admission to the third year of n. 11 PhD students. The College, in adopting the above assessments, therefore ordered the admission of the eleven doctoral students to the third year.

3rd year - The program of training and research activities foresees that the third year of the doctorate is substantially dedicated to research activities mainly (although not exclusively) related to the elaboration and finalisation of the doctoral thesis. There were a total of 7 doctoral students enrolled in the third year - XXXV cycle - during 2022. For no. 2 doctoral students, the request for an extension relating to the final exam was accepted; three doctoral students withdrew from the doctorate; 5 doctoral students sent their thesis to the evaluators appointed under art. 12 of the PhD Regulations.
The evaluators (referees) - all external to Sapienza – formulated their evaluations according to the following six criteria: originality of the scientific contribution, positioning concerning the literature, rigor and appropriateness of the methodology, results, and research implications, and quality and clarity of presentation. Each evaluator then expressed a final short assessment according to the following range:
acceptance with a request for marginal revisions;
- acceptance with a request for substantial revisions;
According to the positive evaluation expressed by the external referees, on 25 January 2023, the PhD students carried out the final exam before a Commission appointed with D.R. no. 2263/2022 of 07/25/2022. All five PhD students passed the final exam.
As for students enrolled in the first and second year, each doctoral student has produced, based on the form used for the renewal request being completed, a summary of the training and research activities carried out in 2022. The qualitative information was accompanied by the uploading of the publications produced during the PhD period to IRIS:
-14 articles in scientific journals,
-8 book chapters;
-10 conference proceedings.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma