WEBINAR React4Life - Using a microphysiological system to assess safety and efficacy of a novel nanomedicine targeting breast cancer


Dr Giulia Grimaldi, University of Bradford
Dr Silvia Scaglione, React4Life

27 luglio 2023 03:00 PM

Doxorubicin (Dox) is one of the most potent anticancer chemotherapeutic drugs used in the treatment of breast cancer (BC), however, its use can lead to many adverse effects, the worse being cardiotoxicity. It is therefore paramount to design new treatments which can specifically target the cancer cells. To achieve this we engineered drug carriers, known as nanoparticles, which harbour Dox and are coated with a BC-specific targeting element. These nanoparticles also contain a fluorescent dye, Indocyanine green, that activates under laser irradiation producing heat, causing drug release and inducing cell damage. This allows us to combine chemotherapy with photothermal therapy. To successfully assess the safety and effectiveness of the combinatory therapy we are using microphysiological in vitro systems.

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