The resilience of complex networks: methods and applications

The analysis of the resilience of a network is of key relevance in many contexts of applied science, for its natural connections with the assessment of the stability of an overall system. In this talk I will present some methodological criteria for building suitable resilience measures, along with some applicative instances. I will also provide some remarks on avenues of future research, by including also a discussion on the possible connections between complex networks and reliability theory.

06 ottobre 2023

Roy Cerqueti
Sapienza University of Rome, Dept. Social and Economic Sciences, Italy
Université d’Angers, GRANEM (Groupe de Recherche Angevin en Économie et Management), France
ORE 12:00
In presenza sala 34 (CU002)
Passcode: 432940

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma