Offerta formativa erogata 2024/2025

Curriculum: Methodological Statistics

- Advanced inference and asymptotic theory, P. Conti (20 h)
- Introduction to graphical models and bayesian networks, P. Vicard and L. Giammei (16 h)
- Mathematical Optimization for Statistics, L. Amorosi (12 h)
- Tensorial methods, P. Giordani (18h)
- Insights into Probability and Stochastic Processes, C. Ricciuti (18 h)
- (Fuzzy) clustering of complex data structures, M. B. Ferraro (18 h)
- Real Analysis , I. De Bonis (15h)
- Finite Mixture Models, R. Rocci (18 h)
- Point Processes, V. Cammarota (16 h)
- Probability for Data Science, A. De Gregorio and F. Iafrate (24 h)
- Compound point processes and their applications in finance and insurance, E. Scalas (20 h)
- Advanced Data Analysis, G. Jona Lasinio (24 h)
- Survival analysis, M. Fiocco (30 ore)
- Introduction to functional data analysis, A. Caponera, M. Stefanucci (18h)

Curriculum: Demography (specialized courses)

- Healthy Life Expectancy: Theory, Tools, and Applications, C. Giudici, V. Egidi, A. Feraldi (12 h)
- A demographic perspective on Migrations. History, data and research challenges, E. Trappolini (12h)
- Demographic aspects of international migrations, E. Mussino and S. Drefahl (6 h)
- From the Demographic Transition to the post-modern family, A. De Rose and G. Alderotti (8 h)

Curriculum: Actuarial Sciences (specialized courses)

- How to write a scientific article + laboratory activity, S. Levantesi (6 h)
- Monte Carlo methodology for the evaluation of financial and insurance contracts, L. Passalacqua (24 h)
- Complex networks, G. Rotundo (18 h)
- Modeling and optimization of decision problems with applications in financial and insurance fields, F. Ricca (12 h)
- Models for the customization of the prize: a comparison between Generalized Linear Models and Quantile Regression, F. Baione and D. Biancalana (18 h)
- Claim Reserving Modelling and Capital Requirement for reserve risk, G.P. Clemente, F. Della Corte, G. Pittarello (18 h)
- Climate Change Risk Management in Finance and Insurance, V. D’Amato and M. Carannante (18 h)
- Artificial Neural Networks in actuarial science: theoretical framework and applications to Life and Non-Life Insurance modeling, M. Marino (12 h)
- Default Probabilities: Inference and Modeling, J. Giacomelli (12 h)
- NDC pension systems: strengths and weaknesses. Possible adjustments and additions, M. Menzietti (12 h)
- Longevity risk measurement and management, S. Levantesi (18 h)
- Introduction to Copula and Pair Copula Construction, F. Baione (8 h)

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma