SEMINARIO - Seismic-Resilient Damage-Free Self-Centring Steel Structures

Seismic design methods suggested by current design codes/guidelines and conventionally applied worldwide are based on energy dissipation related to construction damage, hence leading to large direct and indirect losses in extreme events. This strongly affects the overall resilience of affected communities, especially when the damaged structures include strategic facilities such as hospitals and fire stations that must remain operational in the aftermath of a damaging earthquake. To overcome this issue, several recent research works investigated innovative solutions for the design of seismic-resilient structures, chasing the objectives of minimising both seismic damage and repair time, hence allowing the definition of structures able to go back to the undamaged, fully functional condition in a short time. The seminar will present some of the recent research advancements, including experimental, numerical, analytical, and probabilistic studies on some novel technologies allowing the definition of such damage-free self-centring structures.

24 maggio 2024, 14:30-16:00

Il seminario si terrà in modalità mista: in presenza presso l'Aula Caveau del DISG Facoltà di Ingegneria, via Eudossiana 18, Roma, e online tramite l'applicazione Zoom.

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