Faculty and research
The Doctoral Program in Information and Communications Technologies gathers world-class Faculty of Sapienza University of Rome. Researchers forming the scientific community of Sapienza PhD in ICT are for the most part Faculty members of Sapienza Faculty of Engineering, in the area of Information science, and are part of the Department of Information, Electronics and Telecommunications (DIET Department). The scientific community of Sapienza PhD in ICT gathers, however, beyond engineers, Faculty members belonging to world-class excellence Sapienza Departments of pure science such as the Department of Physics and the Department of Matematics.
Faculty engaged in the Sapienza PhD in ICT work on leading-edge research topics in the area of Information and Communications, Radar and remote sensing, Electromagnetics, and Electronics. The research they are engaged in is disciplinary and also strongly interdisciplinary, and doctoral students actively participate in research teams and projects. Faculty of Sapienza PhD in ICT have strong and consolidated scientific reputation, that is recognized worldwide based on the quality of their scientific publications, as well as on their active participation in the scientific life of the research community, as editors of major scientific journals, co-supervisors and PhD committee members of doctoral students of other Universities worldwide, leaders of international research projects and teams, and organizers of major conferences in their research field.
During the years, Faculty of Sapienza PhD in ICT have consolidated a number of research networks at both the national and international levels. Participation in European Union Networks of Excellence have provided an ideal framework for developping such networks. There are also several bilateral agreements in place: thanks to these agreements Doctoral students may construct their Doctoral program towards a double-degree, since, thanks to the multiple connections of Faculty, they have the possibility of being hosted for medium to long periods of time abroad, in centers of excellence within their research area.
Faculty of Sapienza PhD in ICT are strongly committed to teaching and offer an outstanding variety of courses at the graduate level. Following the tradition of Sapienza University of Rome, the range of options in terms of courses is so wide to be difficulty compared to any other University setting. Each year, Faculty also offer courses in addition to the regular ones, that are specifically designed and offered to Doctoral students. Graduate and PhD courses form then a coordinated offer that widens the formation of Doctoral students, provides the elements to be initiated to scientific research, and offers analytical and experimental tools that are essential to complex problem solving, to critical thinking, and to decision making.
Laboratories is home to research, where most of the Doctoral students find a shelter. Faculty of Sapienza PhD in ICT gravitate around labs, that host the most interesting theoretical and experimental projects and research activities. An aperçu of the research activities led by Faculty can be caught by exploring the labs.
Laboratory of Advanced Communications Technologies and Services (ACTS)
Laboratory of amorphous Silicon Devices and Systems (aSiDaS)
Laboratory of Antennas and remote sensing
Laboratory of Computational Intelligence and Pervasive Systems (CIPS)
Laboratory of Digital Systems (LSD)
Laboratory of Electromagnetic Fields (LEF)
Laboratory of Electromagnetic Fields 2 (LabCEM2)
Laboratory of Electronics for the Environment
Laboratory of Information and Communications Technologies (ICT)
Laboratory of Intelligent Signal Processing and Multimedia (ISPAMM)
Laboratory of Micro-Nano Devices and RF circuits characterization (MiND)
Laboratory of Microwave and Electromagnetic Compatibility (MEC)
Laboratory of Multimedia
Laboratory of Multimedia Systems
Laboratory of Nonlinear Photonics
Laboratory of Networking (NetLab)
Laboratory of Optoelectronics
Laboratory of Radar
Laboratory of RadioMetereology
Laboratory of Radiopositioning (Radar, Remote Sensing & Navigation - RRSN)
Laboratory of Signal Processing for Communications (SPCOM)