Scientific equipment

The laboratories belonging to the PhD course are equipped with various fundamental instruments for research such as incubators and hoods for cell cultures, chemical hoods, centrifuges, analytical balances, stations for western blots and real time PCR. In addition, there are cutting-edge tools for research in the immunological and translational medicine fields. For example, in the laboratories of the Department of Molecular Medicine the following are available: an Orbitrap Fusion (ThermoFisher) mass spectrometer for metabolomics, the Zeiss LSM980 confocal laser scanning microscope equipped with the Airyscan2 super resolution module which combines super resolution images with low phototoxicity and high speed, allowing excellent performance in live cell experiments. Several flow cytometers are also available, including an 8-color FACScanto II, an 18-color BD LSRFortessa cell analyzer, as well as a BD Rhapsody single-cell RNA analysis system, a Magpix ELISA reader, and an imaging system in vivo of small animals Xenogen III IVIS Lumina II which is present in the Department's animal facility (also available to doctoral students authorized for access). Finally, there is the Leica EG1150 H heated paraffin embedding module and Leica EG1150 H semi-automatic rotary microtome, as well as a new generation Apotome microscope for histology and immunofluorescence on tissue sections.

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