

**** Mission ****
The international PhD Program in "Innovation in immuno-mediated and hematological disorders" aims at promoting the transfer of knowledge in the field of immunology, rheumatology and hematology from basic to clinical research. The Program relies on experimental integrated and innovative approaches and on scientific collaborations with international Research Institutes and Universities, both in Europe and North America.

**** Curricula ****
The PhD Program is organized in two curricula.

- Curriculum in "Innovation in Immunology and Immunopathology". This curriculum focuses on the study of molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying innate and adaptive immune responses in both physiological and pathological conditions, such as autoimmune and inflammatory diseases, rheumatology, primary immunodeficiencies and tumors. Particular attention will be devoted to the role of innate and adaptive immune responses in the mechanisms of resistance to micro-organisms and tumors.

- Curriculum in "Innovation in Hematology". This curriculum will explore the different biological aspects related to hematological pathologies in children and in adults, with a particular focus on the detection of hemopathological malignancies (including leukemia, lymphoma, myeloma) and on their diagnosis and therapy by the use of innovative technologies and strategies.

**** Syllabus ****
The international PhD Program in "Innovation in immuno-mediated and hematological disorders" takes place in the laboratories of Sapienza University of Rome and in the connected clinical facilities within Policlinic Umberto I in Rome.

PhD students participate in interdisciplinary training events in the following areas: molecular biology, cell biology, genetics, proteomics, immunology, rheumatology, hematology, nanotechnology, bioinformatics, statistics, communication and scientific writing in English.
Doctoral students will carry out their research project in one of the laboratories connected to the PhD Program under the supervision of a member of the Faculty Board. PhD students are invited to regularly present and discuss the results of their research to the tutor and researchers belonging to host laboratory. Once a year, students will have to present and discuss their project in front of the Faculty Board.

**** Thesis ****
Students must complete their PhD project within three years. At the end, students must submit a written doctoral thesis which will be evaluated by external reviewers selected by the Faculty Board. The positive evaluation by external reviewers (eventually obtained after revision) is required to access the final discussion of the thesis during a seminar open to the public. The candidate must publish at least one scientific original paper (either published or submitted), related to the research carried out during the PhD program.


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© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma