Delivered study plan 2023/2024

The educational offer of the doctorate in innovation in immunomediated and hematological disorders includes different types of courses:
1) Courses organized by the PhD in Innovation in immunomediated and hematological disorders;
2) Courses organized by the BEMM Doctoral School
3) Seminars organized by the PhD in Innovation in immunomediated and hematological disorders, by the Medical Academy of Rome.
4) Participation in conferences, courses or symposiums organized by Immunology Societies
5) Seminars for 2nd and 3rd year doctoral students are held every two weeks where the progress of individual projects is exposed and in which all doctoral students are required to participate.
6) Finally, every year the doctoral students of all years are invited to present their data in the presence of the entire teaching body which judges the status of the projects and authorizes the passage to the following year or to the final exam.

These are the courses offered to PhD students:

December 2022 and April 2023
Theoretical course on animal experimentation and welfare organized by: RESEARCH AND SERVICE CENTER FOR PRECLINICAL TESTING AND ANIMAL WELFARE LA SAPIENZA UNIVERSITY

Virtual School of Immunology 2023:
06/03 (16:30-19): Presentation of School Lecture: Immunodeficiency (Prof. B. Cassani) Technology Lecture: Gene therapy (Prof. A. Aiuti)
07/03 (16:30–18:30): Lecture: System immunology (Prof. M. Pagani)
Technology Lecture : Big data analysis (Dr. F.M.A. Bianchetto Aguilera)
08/03 (16:30–18:30): Lecture: Mucosal immunology (Prof. M. Rescigno)
Technology Lecture : Microbiota and 16S rRNA sequencing (Prof. F. Ronchi)
09/03 (16:30-18:30): Lecture: Transplant immunology (Prof. E. Velardi)
Technology Lecture : Humanized animal models (Prof. C. Garlanda)
10/03 (16:30–18:30): Career Development Webinar «Presentation skills»

CITOFLUORIMETRIA DI ULTIMA GENERAZIONE: aspetti teorico-pratici e metodologie analitiche in ambito biomedico (organizzato da Università di Milano)

September 2023
Microscopy course: applications to immunological research (4 hours)

November 13, 2023
Basic and advanced course for data analysis in flow cytometry: module I and II (4 hours)

- Corso Ricerca bibliografica e scrittura accademica (organizzato dalla Scuola di Dottorato BeMM) - 8 ore (Organizzato dalla Scuola di dottorato BEMM).
Dottorandi I anno

- Gene Ontology and Bioinformatic data resources Workshop: data annotation, functional analysis tools and network analysis (Organizzato dalla Scuola di dottorato BEMM)
PhD students first and second years

- Corso di Public speaking (Organizzato dalla Scuola di dottorato BEMM)
All years PhD students

Participation in conferences is freely chosen by doctoral students.
The PhD course has proposed:
- XIV SIICA National congress

- VI SIICA PhD retreat 15-17 September 2022

13-16 September 2023
University of Eastern Piedmont
Villa San Remigio
3rd edition

The complete list of seminars can be viewed at the link:

Those are the seminars for academic year 2022/2023

16 Novembre 2022 ore 14.00
Professor Michele Bombardieri
Centre for Experimental Medicine and RheumatologyQueen Mary
University of London
Aula Ala Didattico-Scientifica I Clinica Medica, II piano
Titolo: “Autoimmune manifestations following immune checkpoint inhibitors”


Mercoledì 12 Dicembre 2022 ore 14.30
Linda Quatrini, PhD. Ospedale Pediatrico Bambino Gesù
Aula Bignami, Piano terra Edificio Patologia Generale, Viale Regina Elena 324
Titolo: “Glucocorticoid regulation of ILC function”

Giovedì 12 gennaio 2023, ore 16.00
Auditorium Prima Clinica Medica
Policlinico Umberto I, Viale del Policlinico 155, Roma
Giuseppe Macino, Professore Emerito Sapienza Università di Roma
Titolo: “La trascrittomica 3D identifica le interazioni spaziali di singole cellule nei tessuti sani e patologici”

2 Febbraio 2023 ore 15.00
Accademia Medica di Roma and the Italian Society of Immunology, Clinical Immunology and Allergology (SIICA)
Auditorium Prima Clinica Medica
Policlinico Umberto I, Viale del Policlinico 155, Roma

Silvano Sozzani, Department of Molecular Medicine, Sapienza University, Rome, Italy.
Titolo: “Regulation of lung immune surveillance by atypical chemotactic receptors”
Guido Poli, M.D., Professor of Pathology, Vita-Salute San Raffaele University
Titolo: “Functional M1 polarization of human macrophages as defensive weapon against RNA viruses”
Anna Kajaste-Rudnitski, San Raffaele Telethon Institute for Gene Therapy, Istituto di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milan, Italy.
Titolo: “Nucleic acid sensing and innate immunity in genetic engineering”
La conferenza è stata svolta in modalità mista

9 Febbraio 2023 ore 16.00
Dietmar Zehn, Professor – Chair, Division of Animal Physiology and Immunology, School of Life Sciences Weihenstephan, Technical University of Munich
Auditorium Prima Clinica Medica
Policlinico Umberto I, Viale del Policlinico 155, Roma
Titolo: Benefits and drawbacks of T cell exhaustion

6 Marzo 2023 ore 12.00
Prof. Claudio Mastroianni
Dip. Sanità Pubblica e Malattie Infettive, Sapienza Università di Roma
Aula A di Patologia Generale Viale Regina Elena 155
Titolo: "Infezione da HIV: 40 anni di storia"

9 Marzo 2023, ore 13.00
Prof. Guido Ferlazzo- Università di Genova; IRCCS Ospedale Policlinico San Martino
Aula 101, first floor, Building D, Viale Regina Elena 295
Titolo: “Landscape of Natural Killer cells in human solid cancers”

6-10 Marzo 2023
Scuola di immunologia organizzata in modalità a distanza dalla Società Italiana di Immunologia, Immunologia Clinica e Allergologia (SIICA

30 Marzo 2023 ore 16.00
Siamon Gordon, Emeritus Professor of Cellular Pathology, Sir William Dunn
School of Pathology, University of Oxford
Auditorium Prima Clinica Medica
Policlinico Umberto I, Viale del Policlinico 155, Roma
Title: “My Life with Macrophages, a dispersed Organ of the Body”

11 Maggio 2023. Ore 16.00
Adrian Hayday, Professor of Immunobiology, King’s College London School
of Medicine, London, UK
Title: Recognition of cell pathology as a clinicall yapplicable approach to cancer immunotherapy
Auditorium Prima Clinica Medica
Policlinico Umberto I, Viale del Policlinico 155, Roma

9 Giugno 2023, ore 14.00
Prof Antonio Sica. Humanitas Clinical and Research Center
Aula 101, first floor, Building D, Viale Regina Elena 295
Title: “Macrophage polarization in pathologies”

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