Teachers and experts

To support educational-scientific activities the extended scientific board includes: 
 Laura Ciapponi Department of Biology and Biotechnologies "Charles Darwin", Sapienza University of   Rome

 Laura Fanti Department of Biology and Biotechnologies "Charles Darwin", Sapienza University of Rome
 Grazia Daniela Raffa Department of Biology and Biotechnologies "Charles Darwin", Sapienza   University of Rome;

 an Advisory board composed of teachers and experts external to the College which mainly has   consultative tasks. In particular, it expresses opinions on the study plan and on the congruity of the   research lines of the doctoral projects with the educational and scientific objectives of the doctorate
 and an Orientation Commission, consists of experts and members of the College, with the function of:
 i) to encourage mobility through agreements established by the College with other national and   international research institutes
 ii) to identify scholarships (e.g. joint calls and individual calls for mobility, Erasmus+; EMBO calls)
 iii) to establish contacts with companies capable of facilitating the employment process

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