Annual report

Report of research activities of First-year PhD students:
In the 2023-24 academic year, the PhD Program in Genetics and Molecular Biology included 12 first-year PhD students of the XXXIX cycle (3 PNRR118, 2 external funding, 4 university scholarships, 3 without scholarships).
In addition to the experimental work done for their theses, the students participated in training activities within Sapienza and others that involved mobility to other locations, both national and international, as detailed in the respective records. They took part in the "Progress reports" held by PhD students from the 37th and 38th cycles between January and July 2024 and presented their research projects in September during the BeMM School Symposium through poster presentations. The event was attended by the Faculty Board and PhD students from our Program, as well as faculty and PhD students from the BeMM School, demonstrating a strong aptitude for research. 50% of the PhD students of the 39th cycle have already published at least one article in international journals (a total of 16 articles in ISI journals, including 2 as first authors).

Report on Research Activities of Second-Year PhD Students
In the 2023-24 academic year, the PhD Program in Genetics and Molecular Biology included 17 second-year PhD students of the XXXVIII cycle (1 PNRR351, 2 PNRR352, 1 Lazio Region, 2 external funding, 1 foreign scholarship, 1 international mobility, 6 university scholarships, 3 without scholarships).
The "Progress reports" held in spring 2024 showed an overall very good level of scientific in-depth research, as noted in the respective records. 82% of the second-year PhD students have published articles in international ISI journals, including 6 as first authors. In addition to the seminars listed in the notes and courses organized by the BeMM School, the second-year PhD students participated in various training activities both at Sapienza and at other Italian and foreign institutions. 4 of them spent more than 2 months conducting research abroad, and 2 PhD students completed 6-month internships in industry.

Report on Research Activities of Third-Year PhD Students
In the 2023-24 academic year, the PhD Program in Genetics and Molecular Biology included 28 third-year PhD students of the XXXVII cycle (11 PON, 1 Lazio Region, 1 foreign scholarship, 3 in collaboration with the EMBL European Molecular Biology Laboratory, and 12 university scholarships). The PON and Lazio Region students are engaged in more application-oriented research lines.
In terms of experimental work done for their theses, as reported in the respective records, all students except one have produced at least one article in a journal, totaling 57 articles in international ISI journals. The Progress reports held between 2023 and 2024 revealed a very high scientific level, and the thesis evaluations by the reviewers required only minimal corrections, with very good individual assessments, leading to proposals for honors for almost all of them. In addition to the seminars listed in the training offerings and courses organized by the BeMM School, third-year PhD students participated in various training activities both at Sapienza and at other Italian and foreign institutions. 8 of them spent at least 3 months conducting research in foreign laboratories and applied for the Doctor Europaeus title. Three PhD students requested confidentiality for their theses, as part of the content has been patented.

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