EDEN 2025 Annual Conference - call for contributions


Descrizione: EDEN 2025 Annual Conference "Shaping the Future of

Education in the age of AI Empowering inclusion, innovation and

ethical growth" si terrà dal 15 al 17 Giugno 2025 presso l'Università

Alma Mater Studiorum Bologna.

The EDEN Digital Learning Europe Annual Conference 2025 will focus on

the future of education in the age of AI. The conference will explore

the opportunities and challenges posed by generative AI, recognizing

its potential for growth and innovation in education, while critically

addressing the associated risks. It is important to recognize that

different perspectives (educational, engineering, social, economic,

psychological, etc.) are necessary to be taken into account to fully

cover the impact of this technology for teaching, learning ad

assessment, now and in the future. The conference will further present

different scenarios of AI integration in education, ranging from

personalized learning to global learning networks. The conference will

reflect on how we can democratize access to knowledge, foster equity

and inclusion, bridge gaps in education quality, cross boundaries,

raise ethical awareness, combat biases and disinformation, promote

global citizenship and sustainable development. The conference will

also discuss the Bologna Process and its impact on shaping digital and

AI-driven educational policies across Europe. A special focus of the

conference will be on the role of AI in upskilling and reskilling for

the future of work. Through these discussions, the EDEN Annual

Conference 2025 aims to identify new directions for formal, informal,

and non-formal education with, for and about AI, making critical mass

around themes that matter to the future of learning, teaching, and

societal well-being.

Info e call for contributions:


© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma