§ first letter of introduction (by a teacher)
optional, the letter must be uploaded by the candidate Recommendation letters should be provided ONLY in the format present on the PhD website
(Filename RECOMMENDATION LETTER). Letters in other formats will not be accepted.,, the file must be uploaded within 20/03/2023 entro le ore 14.00
§ second letter of introduction (by a teacher)
optional, the letter must be uploaded by the candidate Recommendation letters should be provided ONLY in the format present on the PhD website
(Filename RECOMMENDATION LETTER). Letters in other formats will not be accepted.,, the file must be uploaded within 20/03/2023 entro le ore 14.00
§ List of publications
optional Please enclose publication list (if any) AS INDICATED IN THE BRIEF CURRICULUM following
the format:
Authors (all authors Last, First name ) -Title-Journal-Year-Volume-Pages,, the file must be uploaded within 20/03/2023 entro le ore 14.00
§ letter of motivation (by the candidate)
mandatory Use ONLY the format provided on the PhD website https://phd.uniroma1.it/web/SCIENZE-DELLAVITA_
Please notice that text can be written in Italian or english. Fill, sign the document and upload it with your application. Letters in other formats will not be accepted.,, the file must be uploaded within 20/03/2023 entro le ore 14.00