Relazione annuale

Relazione annuale, come da relazione per accreditamento

Tutti i Dottorandi del Dottorato di Medicina Molecolare hanno svolto un'intensa attività di ricerca su diverse linee progettuali, elencate di seguito.
In alcuni casi i Dottorandi hanno anche presentato i risultati delle loro ricerche come posters o presentazioni orali in Congressi Nazionali e/o Internazionali. Alcuni esempi sono elencati di seguito Si riportano infine alcune pubblicazioni scaturite dalla collaborazione di più dottorandi e/o alcune più significative per la rilevanza dei dati (Impact factor≥8).

- Ruolo dell'asse MEX3A/RIG-I nella patogenesi del Glioblastoma
- PEN2 come nuovo regolatore metabolico della funzione lisosomiale nel cancro del colonretto
- 'Myeloid-derived suppressor cells' as target of immunotherapy in pre-clinical models of Notch-dependent T-cell acute lymphoblastic
- Il duplice ruolo della proteina Maml1: un nuovo regolatore post-traduzionale delle vie di segnalazione di Notch e Sonic Hedgehog
- Ruolo di ACP2 nel pathway Hedgehog
- Organoidi biostampati paziente-specifici: un approccio innovativo per lo studio del ruolo di Notch Signaling nella chemoresistenza dei tumori femminili
- Effetti dell'inositolo su tessuti mammari sani e tumorali
- Analisi NGS del profilo mutazionale del mutazionale delle neoplasie neuroendocrine per lo sviluppo di efficaci biomarcatori prognostici e per l'identificazione di nuovi potenziali target molecolari terapeutici - Virus di Epstein-Barr e sclerosi multipla: ricerca di nuovi biomarcatori e di interazioni con predisposizione genetica
- Omics and liquid biopsy biomarkers in cancer
- Exploring new functions of the p53 gene in SHH-driven cerebellar development and carcinogenesis
- Plasma-based multi-omics profiling of male breast cancer cases for the identification of diagnostic, prognostic and predictive molecular biomarkers
- Il ruolo della biopsia liquida come biomarker nel trattamento del tumore del polmone non a piccole cellule (NSCLC)
- Il microambiente tumorale: un catalizzatore della crescita tumorale, aggressività e invasività
1) Blocking the Hedgehog-dependent tumor growth by a new selective Endoplasmic Reticulum Aminopeptidase 1 inhibitor - ABCD SIBBM 2024 National Ph.D. Meeting, Poster presentation, Bologna, Italy (25-27 March 2024)
2) Discovery of a new selective inhibitor of Endoplasmic Reticulum Aminopeptidase 1 for targeting Hedgehog-dependent medulloblastoma - BraYn Conference 2024, 7th brainstorming research assembly for young neuroscientist, Poster presentation, Verona, Italy (8-10 October 2024)
3) Discovery of a new selective inhibitor of Endoplasmic Reticulum Aminopeptidase 1 (ERAP1) for targeting Hedgehog-dependent cancers – 36th AICC international meeting, Hijacking the “good” pathways, Poster presentation, Rome, Italy (2-4 December 2024)
1. A niosome-based delivery system for phenformin-mediated redox alterations targeting in Medulloblastoma tumors. Poster presentation. SIPMeT congress 2024 "Translational Pathophisiology" - Udine, Italy (19- 21.09.24).
2. A Novel Nanocarrier Strategy for Targeted Delivery of Phenformin in SHH Medulloblastoma. Poster presentation. 36° AICC International Meeting 2024 "Hijacking the “good” pathways: cancer, immunity and therapeutic approaches" - Rome, Italy (2-4.12.24)
1) Exploring Myeloid-Derived Suppressor Cells as target of immunocheckpoint inhibitor therapy in Notch3-dependent T-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Poster Presentation. SIPMet Congress 2024 “Translational Pathophysiology” – Udine, Italy (19-21 Sept.2024)
2) The PD-1/PD-L1 axis as potential target for immunotherapy of Notch3-dependent T-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (T-ALL). Poster Presentation. 36° AICC International Meeting 2024 Hijacking the <> pathways: cancer, immunity and therapeutic approaches- Rome, Italy (2-4 Dec.2024)
DI FAZIO Francesca
1) New Insights in Pancreatic Cancer development: A novel tumorigenic role for Jagged1 in PDAC tumour. Poster presentation. SIPMet 2024- Translational Pathophysiology- Udine, Italy (19-21 Sept 2024) 2) New Insights in Pancreatic Cancer development: A novel tumorigenic role for Jagged1 in PDAC tumour. Poster presentation. 36° AICC International Meeting 2024- Hijacking the “good” pathways: cancer, immunity and therapeutic approaches- Roma, Italy (2-4 Dec 2024)
1) Defining the role of ACP2 in the regulation of ERAP1 function in Sonic Hedgehog Medulloblastoma (SHH-MB)”; Poster presentation. SIPMet 2024- Translational Pathophysiology- Udine, Italy (19-21 Sept 2024)
1) Immune-Modulable Biological Environment (MBE) to recapitulate the complexity of the vascularized breast cancer microenvironment. Oral presentation. Nanoinnovation 2024 (Young Innovation session)- Rome, Italy (13 Sept.2024).
2) • In vitro collagen-based scaffold to mimic the macrophage role in atherosclerosis. Oral presentation. Hebei Conference “Nanomedicine derived therapeutic and diagnostic approaches"- Hebei, China (27 May 2023).
1) Valutazione dell’impatto dell’attività enzimatica indoleamina 2,3-deossigenasi (IDO) nei tumori neuroendocrini. Poster presentation. X Congresso Nazionale ITANET. Milano, Italy (16-17 Nov. 2023).
2) The evaluation of oxidative stress on semen of patients under pharmacological treatments. Oral presentation. XV Congresso SIAMS. Roma, Italy (18-20 Jan. 2024).
3) Valutazione dell’impatto dell’attività enzimatica indoleamina 2,3-deossigenasi (IDO) nei tumori neuroendocrini. Poster presentation. 21ST ANNUAL ENETS CONFERENCE. Vienna, Austria (13-15 Mar. 2024). 4) Impatto dell’attività enzimatica indoleamina 2,3-deossigenasi (IDO) nei tumori neuroendocrini. Poster presentation. XI Congresso Nazionale ITANET. Palermo, Italy (10-11 Oct. 2024).
1) Exploring The Interaction Between Epstein-Barr Virus And The Host Immune System In Multiple Sclerosis Through The Analysis Of Ebv Nucleic Acids, Ebv Serology And Immune Gene Expression. Poster Presentation. Xxxii Aini Congress-Cagliari, Italy (6-9 May 2024)
2) Searching For A Link Between Ebv Infection Status, Genetically Determined Baff Overexpression And Ms Risk In Sardinians And Mainland Italians. Poster Presentation. Fism Annual Congress (Congresso Scientifico Aism E La Sua Fondazione)-Roma, Italy (28-30 May 2024).
3) Study Of The Interactions Between Epstein-Barr Virus And The Host Immune System In Multiple Sclerosis: Insights From The Analysis Of Ebv Serology, Ebv Nucleic Acids And Their Association With Immune- Related Gene Expression. Poster Presentation. 18th European School Of Neuroimmunology Course Esni 2024-Hasselt, Belgium (7-10 July 2024).
1) Effects of administration of bisphenol-a in drinking water in male mice transgenic for the Neu oncogene, which spontaneously develop salivary gland adenocarcinoma. Poster presentation. SIPMeT 2024- Udine, Italy (19-21 Sept.2024)
2) Simultaneous inhibition of egfr, axl and fak/wnt signaling pathways with drug combinations in malignant mesothelioma. Poster presentation. SIPMeT 2024- Udine, Italy (19-21 Sept.2024)
3) Antitumor effect of combination of erbb receptors, axl and fak inhibitors in 2d and 3d head and neck cancer models. Poster presentation. SIPMeT 2024- Udine, Italy (19-21 Sept.2024)
4) Circulating microRNAs profiling in metastatic colorectal cancer liquid biopsy: an useful tool for Digital Twin construction. Poster presentation. D3 4 Health Mid-term conference- Rome, Italy (10 Oct.2024).
1) DNA damage response neither affects the localization of NBS1 at the centrosome/basal body nor the primary ciliogenesis. Poster presentation. National Ph.D Meeting - ABCD - Bologna, Italy ( 25-27 March 2024) 2) DNA damage response does affect neither the localization of the Nijmegen Breakage Syndrome 1 protein at the centrosome/basal body nor the primary ciliogenesis. Poster presentation. BraYn 7th Brainstorming Research Assembly for Young Neuroscientists - Verona, Italy (9-11 Oct. 2024)
1) Expression analysis of circulating microRNAs for the identification of early diagnostic biomarkers for oral squamous cell carcinoma. Poster presentation. SIPMeT 2024 - Udine, Italy (19-21 Sept. 2024).
2) Expression analysis of circulating microRNAs for the identification of clinically relevant biomarkers for oral squamous cell carcinoma. Poster presentation. National PhD Meeting – Bologna, Italy (25-27 March 2024).
1) Selective Internal Radiation Therapy (SIRT): a new emerging role for Breast Cancer Liver Metastases. Poster presentation. AIOM 2023, Rome, Italy (10-12 Novembre 2023).
1) Enhancing neovascularization post-myocardial infarction through injectable hydrogel functionalized with endothelial-derived EVs. Biofabrication. 2024 Jul 23;16(4). doi: 10.1088/1758-5090/ad6190.
2) Gender-Specific Genetic Predisposition to Breast Cancer: BRCA Genes and Beyond. Cancers (Basel). 2024 Jan 30;16(3):579. doi: 10.3390/cancers16030579.
3) Expression Analysis of Circulating microRNAs in Saliva and Plasma for the Identification of Clinically Relevant Biomarkers for Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma and Oral Potentially Malignant Disorders. Cancers. 2024 Aug 28;16(17):2990. doi: 10.3390/cancers16172990.
4) Targeting of mutant-p53 and MYC as a novel strategy to inhibit oncogenic SPAG5 activity in triple negative breast cancer. Cell Death Dis. 2024 Aug 20;15(8):603. doi: 10.1038/s41419-024-06987-x. PMID: 39164278; PMCID: PMC11336084.
5) Circulating Cancer-Associated Macrophage-like Cells as a Blood-Based Biomarker of Response to Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors. Int J Mol Sci. 2024 Mar 28;25(7):3752. doi: 10.3390/ijms25073752.
6) Blood Extracellular Vesicles Beyond Circulating Tumour Cells: A Valuable Risk Stratification Biomarker in High-Risk Non-Muscle-Invasive Bladder Cancer Patients. Biomedicines. 2024 Oct 16;12(10):2359. doi: 10.3390/biomedicines12102359.
7) CD137+ and regulatory T cells as independent prognostic factors of survival in advanced non-oncogene addicted NSCLC patients treated with immunotherapy as first-line. Transl Med. 2024 Apr 3;22(1):329. doi: 10.1186/s12967-024-05142-6.

Tutti i Dottorandi del Dottorato di Medicina Molecolare hanno svolto un'intensa attività di ricerca su diverse linee progettuali, elencate di seguito.
In alcuni casi i Dottorandi hanno anche presentato i risultati delle loro ricerche come posters o presentazioni orali in Congressi Nazionali e/o Internazionali. Alcuni esempi sono elencati di seguito Si riportano infine alcune pubblicazioni scaturite dalla collaborazione di più dottorandi e/o alcune più significative per la rilevanza dei dati (Impact factor≥8).
- Il citoscheletro nella regolazione della via del segnale di Hedgehog e nel medulloblastoma Hedgehog-dipendente: studio del ruolo della formina invertita 2, INF2.
- Riprogrammazione metabolica e terapia antitumorale: individuazione structure-based di nuove molecole inibitorie dell’enzima lattato deidrogenasi (LDH)
- Ruolo della riprogrammazione epigenetica mediata dal microbiota nella tumorigenesi intestinale
- Applicazioni della biopsia liquida all'oncologia di precisione per i tumori solidi: colture 3D da cellule tumorali circolanti e sviluppo di test multi-analita su sangue ed altri fluidi corporei.
- Micrometastasi linfonodali in HNSCC: profilo molecolare dei linfonodi istologicamente negativi per finalità prognostiche e terapeutiche
- i sistemi shuttle del NADH come bersaglio terapeutico nel cancro del colon-retto
- Studio sulla correlazione tra esposizione al fumo di sigaretta ed alcol in gravidanza e possibile disregolazione della sintesi e del rilascio di neurotrofine, implicate nei meccanismi di placentazione e di neurosviluppo fetale.
- Applicazione di una CRISPR-Cas9 Library per identificare microRNA come sensibilizzatori alla terapia in linee cellulari di Glioma
- Punteggio di rischio poligenico nelle cardiomiopatie e nella patologia neoplastica della mammella
- Humanina e Sirtuine come nuovi potenziali biomarkers della disfunzione dei miociti
- L’inibizione di EZH2 ripristina il programma oncosoppressivo di Notch nel cancro della cervice e nella leucemia mieloide acuta
- Analisi HPLC/MS di ormoni steroidei in differenti matrici biologiche (sangue, urine, saliva e culture cellulari ovariche)
- Studio della via di segnalazione di Notch1 in risposta all'attivazione del G2 damage checkpoint nella leucemia linfoblastica acuta a cellule T
- Studio del ruolo della via segnalazione di Hedgehog e del suo modulatore negativo KCASH2 nella carcinogenesi del colon nel topo
- Studio di una signature di miRNA come biomarcatori prognostici per decifrare la biologia del linfoma diffuso a grandi cellule B recidivo/refrattario (R/R DLBCL) per il miglioramento delle decisioni terapeutiche
- Farmaci anti-BCL-2 nel trattamento della Leucemia Linfoblastica Acuta a cellule T Notch-dipendente
1) The cytoskeleton regulator inverted formin INF2 regulates the SHH pathway and is involved in medulloblastoma tumorigenesis .Poster presentation. BraYn 6th Research Assembly for Young Neuroscientists- Napoli, Italy (27-29 Sept.2023).
2) The cytoskeleton regulator inverted formin INF2 regulates the SHH pathway and is involved in medulloblastoma tumorigenesis. Poster presentation. SipMet Congress 2024 "Translational Pathophysiology" - Udine, Italy (19-21 September 2024)
3) The cytoskeleton regulator inverted formin INF2 regulates the SHH pathway and is involved in medulloblastoma tumorigenesis. Poster presentation. 36° AICC International Meeting 2024 "HIJACKING THE GOOD PATHWAYS: CANCER, IMMUNITY AND THERAPEUTIC APPROACHES" - Rome, Italy (2-4 December 2024
1) Understanding the consequences of CNBP reduced expression in DM. Oral presentation. 21st IIM meeting, Assisi, Italy (4-7 Sept. 2024).
2) Consequences of CNBP reduced expression in DM2 pathogenesis. Poster + Flash oral presentation. XVII Edition of the Congress of the Italian Federation of Life Sciences (FISV), Padua, Italy (18-20 Sept. 2024). 3) Decreased CNBP levels promote aberrant autophagy activation and muscle dysfunction in Myotonic Dystrophy type 2. 36th AICC International Meeting, Rome, Italy (2-4 Dec. 2024).
2) Selective targeting of redox alterations in medulloblastoma tumors through nanotechnology-based delivery systems. Oral presentation. XVII FISV Congress Padua, Italy (18-20 September 2024).
3) Targeting NADH homeostasis with novel pharmacological strategies to treat colorectal cancer. Poster presentation. 36th AICC INTERNATIONAL MEETING – HIJACKING THE «GOOD» PATHWAYS – Rome, Italy (2- 4 December 2024).
1) Genomic landscape and survival analysis of ctDNA “neo-RAS wild-type” patients with originally RAS mutant metastatic colorectal cancer. Oral Presentation. 6th Advances in Circulating Tumor Cells: “Liquid Biopsy and Precision Oncology: Where do we stand now?" 20/09/2023 – 23/09/2023 – Skiathos Island, Greece
2) Expansion and culture of circulating tumor cells in vitro as a clinical and preclinical tool in precision oncology. Oral Presentation. "ECCELLENZA DEL FUTURO: TRA SALUTE, NUOVI MODELLI E NUOVE TECNOLOGIE". 20/05/2023 – Policlinico Umberto I, Roma
3) Circulating Cancer-Associated Macrophage-like Cells as a Blood-Based Biomarker of Response to Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors. Oral presentation. Rome Technopole "Ricerca applicata, sviluppo tecnologico, innovazione e infrastrutture di ricerca" - Rome, Italy (18 Mar. 2024)
4) Liquid biopsy applications to precision oncology for solid tumors: 3D cultures from circulating tumor cells and development of multi-analyte test on blood and non-blood body fluids. Oral Presentation. Rome Technopole "Giornata dei dottorandi e dei ricercatori di FP7 di Rome Technopole" - Rome, Italy (17 Nov. 2023)
1) A diagnostic circulating miRNA signature as orchestrator of cell invasion via TKS4/TSK5modulation in human gliomas" Oral presentation. Alleanza contro il cancro (ACC) "New technologies and strategies to fight cancer"; 21-23 settembre 2022 presso Policlinico Gemelli Roma;
2) Deciphering the impact of a diagnostic/prognostic three-miRNA signature in the response to treatments in human gliomas. Poster presentation. PhD meeting, Bologna, Italy (25-27 March 2024).
- Genetic And Molecular Dissection of Breast Cancer By ‘Omics’: Toward Personalized Medicine. Oral Presentation. - Introduzione alla Genetica Moderna - 16.05.2023, Université Alger (Algeria), Facoltà di Medicina - Pregnancy in Women with vEDS: Recurrence Risk, Maternal Morbidity, Prenatal Diagnosis, Mode of Delivery, and Vascular Surveillance. Oral Presentation. - Giornata Nazionale Francese Malattie Arteriali Rare (CRMR: Maladies Artérielles Rares) - 15.06.2023, Parigi, Hopital Georges Pompidou
- Oncogenetics and Lynch Syndrome: From Genetic Counseling to Genetic Testing and Personalized Clinical Management: Toward Personalized Medicine & Gender Medicine in Oncology. Oral Presentation. - Congresso Nazionale Malattie EredoFamiliari e Varianti Germinali in OncoEmatologia. - 23/09/2023, Perugia, Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia
- Étude de la mortalité maternelle dans le syndrome vasculaire d'Ehlers-Danlos (vEDS) dans une cohorte française. Poster presentation - 10.01.2024 Assise génétique, Parigi
- Identification des altérations des Copy Number Variation (CNV) chez les patients atteints de cancer colorectal héréditaire sans polypose (HNPCC). Poster presentation - 10.01.2024 Assise génétique, Parigi Syndrome d’Ehlers-Danlos Vasculaire et Complications Obstétricales. Poster presentation - 10.01.2024 Assise génétique, Parigi
Poster Study of maternal mortality in vascular Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (vEDS) in a French cohort. Genetic Conference, Paris (10.01.2024).
Poster 2024: Identification of Copy Number Variation (CNV) alterations in patients with Hereditary Nonpolyposis Colorectal Cancer (HNPCC). Genetic Conference, Paris (10.01.2024).
1) Targeting EZH2 activates Notch signaling in cervical cancer and acute myeloid leukemia. Poster presentation. SIPMet Young Scientist Meeting 2023 “General Pathology: the trunk of the tree of medicine”, Parma 22-23 Settembre
2) The Histone Methyltransferase EZH2 Suppresses Notch Signaling in Cervical Cancer and Acute Myeloid Leukemia. Poster presentation. The Notch Meeting XII, Atene 1 – 5 Ottobre 2023
3) EZH2 inhibition as a Notch-activating strategy in Cervical cancer and Acute Myeloid leukemia. Poster presentation. 64th annual Meeting of the Italian Cancer Society- Milano, Italy (25-27 Sept.2024).
4) Epigenetic regulation of Notch by EZH2 in Cervical Cancer and Acute Myeloid Leukemia. Poster presentation. 36th AICC International Meeting- Roma, Italy (2-4 Dec.2024)
1) - Smurf proteins are negative modulators of the Hedgehog pathway. Poster presentation. ABCD 2023 National Congress, Paestum, Italy (21- 23 Sept 2023).
2) - Role of Hedgehog and KCASH2 in Colorectal Cancer. SIPMET 2024 Translational Pathophysiology Congress, Udine, Italy. (19-21 Sept 2024)
3) - Role of Hedgehog signaling and KCASH2 in inflammatory Bowel Disease related Colorectal Cancer. Poster presentation. 36th AICC 2024 National Meeting, Roma, Italia (02- 04 Dec 2024).
Role of Notch signaling pathway in G2 damage checkpoint in T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL)”, Oral presentation, “The Notch Meeting XII”, New Benaki Museum, Athens, Greece, 1-5 October 2023.
1) Different genome-wide approaches to identify microRNAs related to DLBCL resistance to immune-chemotherapy. Poster presentation. 50° Congresso Nazionale Società Italiana Ematologia (SIE), 23-25 ottobre 2023, Marriott Park Hotel, Roma
2) Different genome-wide approaches to identify microRNAs related to DLBCL resistance to immune-chemotherapy. Presentation 50° CONGRESSO NAZIONALE SIE. Roma 23-25 ottobre 2023
3) An oncosuppressive serum miRNA signature as a predictive biomarker and potential therapeutic target in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. Poster presentation. National Ph.D. Meeting - Bologna, Italy (25-27 March 2024)
1) Hyperactive Notch3 derails CXCR4-dependent maturation of DN thymocytes to sustain T-cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia progression. Poster presentation. SIPMeT 2022 - General pathology: the trunk of the tree of medicine, Data: 22/09/2023 - 23/09/2023 – Parma. T
2) The role of the microRNAs in CXCR4-dependent maturation of thymocytes in a Notch3-induced Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia model. Poster presentation. 1st Epigenetics Society (ES) International Meeting: Epigenetics of Disease and Development; Data: 12/10/2023 - 14/10/2023; Roma.
3) Unraveling a miRNA-based mechanism in Notch-induced T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia pathogenesis; Poster Presentation. ECM_64th Meeting of the Italian Cancer Society - Milan, Italy (25-27 Sept 2024). 4) Study of the microRNA-based mechanism in a Notch3-induced T-ALL model; Poster Presentation. 36th AICC International Meeting. Hijacking the "Good" pathways: cancer, immunity and therapeutic approaches (2-4 Dec 2024).
1) Occhicone, Agostino; Sinibaldi, Alberto; Chiappetta, Daniele; Di Matteo, Paola; Pileri, Tommaso; DE PASCALE, VALENTINA; Michelotti, Francesco. Detection of anti-SARS CoV-2 antibodies in human serum by means of Bloch surface waves on 1D photonic crystal biochips. BIOSENSORS AND BIOELECTRONICS. Volume 15, December 2023, 100413.
2) Quaglio D, Infante P, Cammarone S, Lamelza L, CONENNA M, Ghirga F, ADABBO G, Pisano L, Di Marcotullio L, Botta B, Mori M. Exploring the Potential of Anthraquinone-Based Hybrids for Identifying a Novel Generation of Antagonists for the Smoothened Receptor in HH-Dependent Tumour. Chemistry. 2023 Nov 8;29(62):e202302237. doi: 10.1002/chem.202302237.
3) Sandesh Kumar Patel, Nadezda Zhdanovskaya, ILARIA SERGIO, Antonella Cardinale, MARCO ROSICHINI, CLAUDIA VARRICCHIO, ELEONORA PACE, Carlo Capalbo, Franco Locatelli, Alberto Macone, Enrico Velardi, Rocco Palermo and Maria Pia Felli. Thymic-Epithelial-Cell-Dependent Microenvironment Influences Proliferation and Apoptosis of Leukemic Cells”. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2024
4) Díaz Méndez AB, Sacconi A, Tremante E, Lulli V, Caprara V, Rosanò L, Goeman F, Carosi M, DI GIULIANI M, VARI G, Silvani A, Pollo B, Garufi C, Ramponi S, Simonetti G, Ciusani E, Mandoj C, Scalera S, Villani V, Po A, Ferretti E, Regazzo G, Rizzo MG. A diagnostic circulating miRNA signature as orchestrator of cell invasion via TKS4/TKS5/EFHD2 modulation in human gliomas. J Exp Clin Cancer Res. 2023 Mar 17;42(1):66. doi: 10.1186/s13046-023-02639-8.
5) Masci D, Puxeddu M, Di Magno L, D'Ambrosio M, Parisi A, Nalli M, Bai R, Coluccia A, Sciò P, Orlando V, D'Angelo S, Biagioni S, Urbani A, Hamel E, Nocentini A, Filiberti S, Turati M, Ronca R, Kopecka J, Riganti C, Fionda C, Bordone R, DELLA ROCCA G, Canettieri G, Supuran CT, Silvestri R, La Regina G. 4-(3-Phenyl-4-(3,4,5-trimethoxybenzoyl)-1H-pyrrol-1-yl)benzenesulfonamide, a Novel Carbonic Anhydrase and Wnt/β- Catenin Signaling Pathway Dual-Targeting Inhibitor with Potent Activity against Multidrug Resistant Cancer Cells. J Med Chem. 2023 Nov 9;66(21):14824-14842. doi: 10.1021/acs.jmedchem.3c01424.
6) Coni S, Bordone R, IVY DM, Yurtsever ZN, Di Magno L, D'AMICO R, Cesaro B, Fatica A, Belardinilli F, Bufalieri F, Maroder M, De Smaele E, Di Marcotullio L, Giannini G, Agostinelli E, Canettieri G. Combined inhibition of polyamine metabolism and eIF5A hypusination suppresses colorectal cancer growth through a converging effect on MYC translation. Cancer Lett. 2023 Apr 10;559:216120. doi: 10.1016/j.canlet.2023.216120.
7) BELARDINILLI FRANCESCA, MICHELA DE MEO, FRANCESCO DEL GIUDICE, CARLO MARIA SCORNAJENGHI, PAOLA GAZZANIGA, ETTORE DE BERARDINIS, LUCA MARINO, FABIO MASSIMO MAGLIOCCA, BENJAMIN INBEH CHUNG, JAN ŁASZKIEWIC, VALENTINA MAGRI4, GIUSEPPE GIANNINI, CHIARA NICOLAZZO. Exploring the utility of a NGS multigene panel to predict BCG response in patients with non- muscle invasive bladder cancer. Oncology Research. 2024 Jul 18; doi: 10.32604/or.2024.056282
8) Valentina Magri, Gianluigi De Renzi, Luca Marino , Michela De Meo, Marco Siringo, Alain Gelibter, Roberta Gareri, Chiara Cataldi, Giuseppe Giannini, Daniele Santini, Chiara Nicolazzo, Paola Gazzaniga. Circulating Cancer-Associated Macrophage-like Cells as a Blood-Based Biomarker of Response to Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors. Int J Mol Sci. 2024 Mar 28; 25(7):3752 doi: 10.3390/ijms25073752.
9) Michela De Meo, Francesca Salvatori, Dorelsa Buccilli, Vincenzo Bianco, Daniele Santini, Chiara Nicolazzo and Paola Gazzaniga. Detection of Disease Progression in Metastatic Cancers: Could CTCs Improve RECIST Criteria?. Biomedicines. 2024 Feb 7 12(2):388 doi:10.3390/biomedicines12020388
10) Valentina Magri , Luca Marino, Chiara Nicolazzo, Angela Gradilone, Gianluigi De Renzi, Michela De Meo, Orietta Gandini, Arianna Sabatini, Daniele Santini, Enrico Cortesi, Paola Gazzaniga. Prognostic Role of Circulating Tumor Cell Trajectories in Metastatic Colorectal Cancer. Cells. 2023 Apr 16 12(8):1172 doi:10.3390/cells12081172
11) Chiara Nicolazzo, Valentina Magri, Luca Marino, Francesca Belardinilli, Federica Di Nicolantonio, Gianluigi De Renzi, Salvatore Caponnetto, Michela De Meo, Giuseppe Giannini, Daniele Santini, Enrico Cortesi, Paola Gazzaniga. Genomic landscape and survival analysis of ctDNA "neo-RAS wild-type" patients with originally RAS mutant metastatic colorectal cancer. Front Oncol. 2023 Mar 29 13:1160673 doi:10.3389/fonc.2023.1160673

Tutti i Dottorandi del Dottorato di Medicina Molecolare hanno svolto un'intensa attività di ricerca su diverse linee progettuali, elencate di seguito.
In alcuni casi i Dottorandi hanno anche presentato i risultati delle loro ricerche come posters o presentazioni orali in Congressi Nazionali e/o Internazionali. Alcuni esempi sono elencati di seguito Si riportano infine alcune pubblicazioni scaturite dalla collaborazione di più dottorandi e/o alcune più significative per la rilevanza dei dati (Impact factor≥8).
- Caratterizzazione immuno-metabolica e fenotipica del diabete autoimmune e sue conseguenze.
- Terapie mirate per il mesotelioma maligno.
- Ruolo della proteina KCASH2 nella neurogenesi in modello murino
- Role of NBS1 in cerebellar development and carcinogenesis.
- Using Crispr-Cas9 technology to investigate the role of NBS1 mutations on ciliogenesis as a model for the Nijmegen Breakage Syndrome.
- Matched germline and tumor profiling in male breast cancer patients
- Caratterizzazione morfologica e molecolare di organoidi di carcinoma mammario in seguito al trattamento con modulatori di sirtuine.
- Molecular dissection of Notch3-Pin1 cross-talk to overcome platinum resistance in ovarian cancer.
- Dissecting the role of the Cullin3-Ren/Kctd11 E3 ubiquitin ligase complex in the control of the hedgehog pathway and medulloblastoma tumorigenesis. - Characterization of Pik3γ inhibition in macrophages and tumour immune infiltrate mediated by Men1611.
- New strategies to reprogram immunosenescence.
- Targeting redox alterations and sensors in colorectal cancer.
- Identificazione di nuove strategie per la rigenerazione timica.
- The role of cGas/Sting pathway in MYCN-driven neuroblastoma.
- The role of the microRNAs in Cxcr4-dependent maturation of thymocytes in a Notch3-induced acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
1) Higher levels of autoantibodies directed against IFN-alpha in latent autoimmune diabetes in adults compared to type 1 diabetes. Oral Presentation 59° Congresso annuale della Società Europea di Diabetologia (EASD), Amburgo, Germania, 2-6 Ottobre 2023.
2) Higher degree of autoimmunity towards IFN-α in latent autoimmune diabetes in adults. Poster Discussion. 30 th Annual Meeting of Italian Society of Diabetology (SID) - Rimini, Italy (23-26 October 2024)
3) Body fat distribution differs between people with autoimmune diabetes and healthy controls. Oral Communication. 60 th Annual Meeting of European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD) - Madrid, Spain (9-13 September 2024)
4) L’inizio di una terapia con un farmaco SGLT2i o un GLP1-RA non determina differenze nel declino della funzionalità renale tra le persone con diabete di tipo 2: uno studio osservazionale retrospettivo comparativo real-word. Spring Meeting Giovani Ricercatori SID, SIIA, SIMI, SIPREC, SISA – Rimini, Italy (25-27 February 2024)
5) Cardiac autoimmunity in latent autoimmune diabetes. Oral Presentation. European Civic University (CIVIS) Webinar – Virtual Meeting (8 July 2022)
1) Antitumor effect of combination of ErbB receptors, Axl and FAK inhibitors in 2d and 3d head and neck cancer models. Poster presentation. Congresso della Società Italiana di Patologia e Medicina Traslazionale (SIPMeT)- Translational Pathophysiology- Udine, Italy (19-21 Sept 2024);
2) Effects of administration of bisphenol-a in drinking water in male mice transgenic for the Neu oncogene, which spontaneously develop salivary gland adenocarcinoma. Poster presentation. Congresso della Società Italiana di Patologia e Medicina Traslazionale (SIPMeT)- Translational Pathophysiology- Udine, Italy (19-21 Sept 2024);
3) inhibition of egfr, axl and fak/wnt signaling pathways with drug combinations in malignant mesothelioma. Poster presentation. Congresso della Società Italiana di Patologia e Medicina Traslazionale (SIPMeT)- Translational Pathophysiology- Udine, Italy (19-21 Sept 2024);
4) In vivo effects of daily oral intake of the endocrine disruptor cadmium (cd) in mice transgenic for the Neu oncogene, which spontaneously develop mammary tumors. Poster presentation. Congresso della Società Italiana di Patologia e Medicina Traslazionale (SIPMeT)- Translational Pathophysiology- Udine, Italy (19-21 Sept 2024);
5) Enhancing Antitumor Efficacy of Afatinib with Curcumin in Malignant Mesothelioma: A Promising Combination Strategy. Poster presentation. Congresso della Società Italiana di Patologia e Medicina Traslazionale (SIPMeT)- Translational Pathophysiology- Parma, Italy (22-23 Sept 2024);
6) In vivo effect of oral daily intake of the endocrine disruptor Bisphenol-A (BPA) in mice transgenic for the neu oncogene, which spontaneously develop mammary tumors. Poster presentation. Congresso della Società Italiana di Patologia e Medicina Traslazionale (SIPMeT)- Translational Pathophysiology- Parma, Italy (22-23 Sept 2024).
1) KCASH2ko mouse model: a tool to study the Hedgehog pathway. Poster presentation. SIPMeT, General Pathology: the trunk of the tree of medicine. Parma dal 22/09/23 al 23/09/23.
2) Simultaneous inhibition of multiple signaling transduction pathways in the treatment of SHh-Driven Medulloblastoma. Poster presentation. AICC 36th international meeting. Rome, Italy (2-4 Dec. 2024).
1) A new role of NBS1 in the regulation of primary cilium. Poster Presentation. 5th Brainstorming research assembly for young neuroscientists. Rome 28-29-30 Settembre 2022. 2) - A new function of MRN complex in the regulation of primary ciliogenesis. Poster Presentation. ABCD National Congress 2023- (Paestum, Salerno 20-23 Settembre 2023).
1) A new role of Nijmegen Breakage Syndrome gene in neuronal development. Poster Presentation. 5th Brainstorming research assembly for young neuroscientists (Rome 28-29-30 Settembre 2022). 2) The MRN complex regulates primary ciliogenesis to sustain neuronal progenitor proliferation. Poster Presentation. National Ph.D. Meeting - Bologna , Italy ( 25- 27 March 2024)
3) NBS1 regulates primary ciliogenesis and sustains neuronal progenitor proliferation. Poster Presentation. Cilia 2024- Dublin , Ireland (10-13 September 2024)
4) NBS1 regulates the SHH pathway through the Cytoskeleton-Primary Cilium axis. Poster Presentation. 36th AICC International Meeting- Rome, Italy (2-4 December 2024)
1) Improving gender-specific breast cancer precision prevention: genetic risk assessment using multi-gene panel testing in male breast cancer. POSTER presentation a Società Italiana di Patologia e Medicina Traslazionale (SIPMeT), 2022, Ancona, 22-24 Settembre 2022.
2) 1. Matched germline and somatic whole exome sequencing: analysis of male breast cancer patients with multiple primary tumors. SIPMeT 2024, Udine (Italy), 19-21 September 2024.
3) Matched germline and somatic whole exome sequencing: analysis of male breast cancer patients with multiple primary malignancies. National Ph.D. Meeting, Bologna (Italy), 25-27 March 2024.
1. Morphological and molecular characterization of breast cancer spheroids after treatment with mitochondrial Sirtuin modulators. Oral presentation. Italian Society of Experimental Biology (SIBS)
2. Aquila, Italy (25-28 April 2024)
3. Acinetobacter baumannii OmpA-like porins: functional characterization in bacterial physiology, antibiotic resistance and virulence. Poster presentation. National Congress of the Italian Society of Microbiology (SIM), Cagliari, Italy (24-27 September)
4. Long-term clinical-pathologic results of enzyme replacement therapy in pre-hypertrophic Fabry disease cardiomyopathy. Poster presentation. European Society of Cardiology, Amsterdam (25- 28 August). European Heart Journal, Volume 44, Issue Supplement_2,November2023,ehad655.718,
5. Ultrastructural evaluation of neuroendocrine pheochromocytoma cell line PC- 12 exposed in vitro to the pesticide Rotenone. Poster presentation. Annual Meeting of the IRCCS Neuroscience and Neurorehabilitation Network (RIN), Rome, Italy (30 November – 1 December 2023)
1) Uncovering the molecular mechanism governing PIN1-WWP2 antagonistic interplay on Notch3 on Ovarian Cancer". Poster presenation -ABCD 2023 - The Biennial Congress of Cell Biology and Differentiation tenutosi a Paestum dal 20 al 21 settembre.
2) Uncovering the molecular mechanism governing PIN1-WWP2 antagonistic interplay on Notch3 on Ovarian Cancer. Poster presentation - The Notch meeting XII 2023, Atene dall'1 al 5 ottobre.
3) Pin1 steric hindrance on WWP2 degron site: a novel molecular regulation of Notch3 in Ovarian Cancer. Poster presentation. SIPMeT 2024 Translational Pathophysiology - Udine, Italy (19-21 Sept. 2024).
4) Pin1 targeting: a new potential approach to overcome Platinum resistance in ovarian cancer by maximizing Notch3-negative regulators activity. Oral presentation. 36th AICC international meeting - Hijacking the "good" pathways - Rome, Italy (2-4 Dic. 2024).
1) SALL4 is CRL3REN/KCTD11 substrate that drives Sonic Hedgehog-dependent medulloblastoma - Flash oral presentation and poster. XVI FISV Congress, 3R: Research, Resilience and Reprise - Italy (14-16 Sept 2022)
2) SALL4 is CRL3REN/KCTD11 substrate that drives Sonic Hedgehog-dependent medulloblastoma – poster presentation. SIPMeT Congress 2022 "PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF DISEASE" - Ancona, 22-24 September 2022
3) SALL4 is CRL3REN/KCTD11 substrate that drives Sonic Hedgehog-dependent medulloblastoma – poster presentation. SIrteps 3rd Meeting: Precision Medicine in the Era of Integrated Omics – Favignana, Trapani, Italy (17-20 May 2023)
4) SALL4 is CRL3REN/KCTD11 substrate that drives Sonic Hedgehog-dependent medulloblastoma – poster presentation. National ABCD PhD Meeting and National Congress – Paestum, Salerno, Italy (20-23 Sept 2023). ABCD Travel Grant for ABCD National Congress 2023 (ABCD Scientific Committee)
5) SALL4 is CRL3REN/KCTD11 substrate that drives Sonic Hedgehog-dependent medulloblastoma – poster presentation. 35th AICCInternational Meeting 2023 – L’Aquila, Italy (04-06 Dec 2023). Best Poster Award by Journal of Experimental and Clinical Cancer Research (AICC Congress 2023)
6) SALL4 is a CRL3REN/KCTD11 substrate that drives Sonic Hedgehog-dependent medulloblastoma. Oral presentation. Cancer and Cell Signaling Seminar – Leeds, UK (24 Oct 2024)
1) ESR1 allelic frequencies and clinical activity analysis from the phase 3 EMERALD trial. Poster presentation. SABCS 2024 S. Antonio, Texas (10-13 Dic. 2024)
1) Discovery of novel human lactate dehydrogenase inhibitors: Structure-based virtual screening studies and biological assessment. Poster presentation. Molecular pathology: from bench to bedside- SIPMeT Young Scientist. Ancona (Italia) Settembre 2022.
2) Novel N‐(Heterocyclylphenyl)benzensulfonamideSharing an Unreported Binding Site with T‐Cell Factor 4 at the b‐Catenin Armadillo Repeats Domain as an Anticancer Agent Poster presentation. SIPMeT- Translational Pathophysiology- Udine , Italy ( 19-21 Sept, 2024)
3) Selective targeting of redox alterations in Medulloblastoma tumors through nanoptechnology-based delivery systems. Poster presentation. 64th annual Meeting of the Italian Cancer Society Science-driven approaches to achieve early diagnosis of cancer and to overcome therapy resistance. Milan, Italy (25-27 Sept 2024)
1) The impairment of thymic function observed in COVID-19 patients correlates with disease severity. Oral presentation. SIICA 2022 23-26/05/2022;
-Repression of the STING pathway by MYCN contributes to the cold immunophenotype of MYCN-driven tumors- Poster presentation. al Congresso Immune Responses & DNA Repair - Cancer Fields Converging EACR-AACR -SIC, Firenze, 15-17 marzo 2023
- Exploiting the STING pathway for the therapy of MYCN amplified neuroblastoma”. Presentazione di poster al Young Scientists Meeting 2023 GENERAL PATHOLOGY: THE TRUNK OF THETREE OF MEDICINE Parma 22nd - 23rd September 2023
1) Notch3 deregulates CXCR4 expression in immature thymocytes to sustain Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia progression. Poster presentation “EACR 2022 Congress Siviglia,P1-436; Data: 20-23/06/22
2) Notch3 deregulates CXCR4 expression in immature thymocytes to sustain Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia progression. Poster presentation. The Notch Meeting” congress in Athens,Data: 01-05/10/23.
3) The role of the microRNAs in CXCR4-dependent maturation of thymocytes in a Notch3-induced acute lymphoblastic leukemia model. Poster presentation. EACR 2022 Translating Biology to Medicine- Sevilla, Spain (20-23 June.2022).
4) Notch3 deregulates CXCR4 expression in immature thymocytes to sustain Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia progression. Poster presentation. The Notch Meeting XII- Athens, Greece (01-05 Oct.2023).
5) Study of the microRNA-based mechanism in a Notch3-induced T-ALL model. Poster presentation. SiPMeT Translational Pathophysiology- Udine, Italy (19-21 Sept.2024).
1) SMURF proteins are negative modulators of the Hedgehog pathway. Poster presentation. ABCD 2023 National Congress, Paestum, Salerno, Italy (20-23 Sept 2023).
- D'Onofrio L, Fogolari M, AMENDOLARA R, Siena A, De Fata R, Davini F, Coraggio L, Mignogna C, Moretti C, Maddaloni E, Angeletti S, Buzzetti R. Reduced early response to SARS-CoV2 vaccination in people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes, a 6 months follow-up study: The CoVaDiab study I. Diabetes Metab Res Rev. 2023 Mar;39(3):e3601. doi: 10.1002/dmrr.3601. Epub 2022 Dec 27. PMID: 36533777; PMCID: PMC9877797. - D'Onofrio L, AMENDOLARA R (co-primo), MIGNOGNA C, Leto G, Tartaglione L, Mazzaferro S, Maddaloni E, Buzzetti R. Lack of Association between Serum Chitotriosidase Activity and Arterial Stiffness in Type 2 Diabetes without Cardiovascular Complications. Int J Mol Sci. 2023 Oct 31;24(21):15809. doi: 10.3390/ijms242115809. PMID: 37958794; PMCID: PMC10648693.
- Maddaloni E, Coraggio L, Amendolara R, Baroni MG, Cavallo MG, Copetti M, Cossu E, D'Angelo P, D'Onofrio L, Cosmo S, Leonetti F, Morano S, Morviducci L, Napoli N, Prudente S, Pugliese G, Park K, Holman RR, Trischitta V, Buzzetti R; SUMMER Study in Diabetes Group. Association of osteocalcin, osteoprotegerin, and osteopontin with cardiovascular disease and retinopathy in type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Metab Res Rev. 2023 Jul;39(5):e3632. doi: 10.1002/dmrr.3632. Epub 2023 Mar 20. PMID: 36880127.
- Petroni M, La Monica V, Fabretti F, AUGUSTO M, BATTAGLINI D, POLONARA F, Di Giulio S, Giannini G. The Multiple faces of MRN complex: Roles in Medulloblastoma and Beyond. Cancers (Basel). 2023 July 13;15 (14):3599
- Valentini V, Bucalo A, CONTI G, Celli L,PORZIO V,Capalbo C, Silvestri V, Ottini L. Gender-specific genetic predisposition to Breast Cancer: BRCA genes and beyond (Manuscript under review).
- Bucalo A, CONTI G, Valentini V, Capalbo C, Bruselles A, Tartaglia M et al. Male breast cancer risk associated with pathogenic variants in genes other than BRCA1/2: an Italian case-control study. Eur J Cancer. 2023 Jul;188:183-191.
- Lospinoso Severini L, Loricchio E, NAVACCI S, Basili I, Alfonsi R, Bernardi F, Moretti M, CONENNA M, Cucinotta A, Coni S, Petroni M, De Smaele E, Giannini G, Maroder M, Canettieri G, Mastronuzzi A, Guardavaccaro D, Ayrault O, Infante P, Bufalieri F, Di Marcotullio L. SALL4 is a CRL3REN/KCTD11 substrate that drives Sonic Hedgehog-dependent medulloblastoma. Cell Death Differ. 2023 Dec 7. doi: 10.1038/s41418-023-01246-6.
- MARCO ROSICHINI, Veronica Bordoni, Domenico Alessandro Silvestris, Davide Mariotti, Giulia Matusali, Antonella Cardinale, Giovanna Zambruno, Angelo Giuseppe Condorelli, Sara Flamini, Shirley Genah, Marialuigia Catanoso, Franca Del Nonno, Matteo Trezzi, Lorenzo Galletti, Cristiano De Stefanis, Nicolò Cicolani, Stefania Petrini, Concetta Quintarelli, Chiara Agrati, Franco Locatelli, Enrico Velardi.SARS-CoV-2 infection of thymus induces loss of function that correlates with disease severity”. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2023 Apr;151(4):911-921. doi: 10.1016/j.jaci.2023.01.022.
- Sandesh Kumar Patel, Nadezda Zhdanovskaya, ILARIA SERGIO, Antonella Cardinale, MARCO ROSICHINI, CLAUDIA VARRICCHIO, ELEONORA PACE, Carlo Capalbo, Franco Locatelli, Alberto Macone, Enrico Velardi, Rocco Palermo and Maria Pia Felli. Thymic-Epithelial-Cell-Dependent Microenvironment Influences Proliferation and Apoptosis of Leukemic Cells”. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2024
- Zizzari IG, Di Filippo A, Botticelli A, Strigari L, Pernazza A, RULLO E, Pignataro MG, Ugolini A, Scirocchi F, Di Pietro FR, Rossi E, Gelibter A, Schinzari G, D'Amati G, Rughetti A, Marchetti P, Nuti M, Napoletano C. Circulating CD137+ T Cells Correlate with Improved Response to Anti-PD1 Immunotherapy in Patients with Cancer. Clin Cancer Res. 2022 Mar 1;28(5):1027-1037. doi: 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-21-2918. PMID: 34980602; PMCID: PMC9377756. IF:13,8
- Del Gaizo, M., SERGIO, I., LAZZARI, S., Cialfi, S., Pelullo, M., Screpanti, I., & Felli, M. P. (2022). MicroRNAs as Modulators of the Immune Response in T-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 23(2), 829.
-Valentini E, Di Martile M, Brignone M, Di Caprio M, Manni I, Chiappa M, SERGIO I, Chiacchiarini M, Bazzichetto C, Conciatori F, D'Aguanno S, D'Angelo C, Ragno R, Russillo M, Colotti G, Marchesi F, Bellone ML, Dal Piaz F, Felli MP, Damia G, Del Bufalo D. Bcl-2 family inhibitors sensitize human cancer models to therapy. Cell Death Dis. 2023 Jul 17;14(7):441. doi: 10.1038/s41419-023-05963-1.
Combined treatment with inhibitors of ErbB Receptors and Hh signaling pathways is more effective than single treatment in reducing the growth of malignant mesothelioma both in vitro and in vivo. J Transl Med. 2022 Jun 25;20(1):286. doi: 10.1186/s12967-022-03490-9. IF 8.440
Hyaluronan-estradiol nanogels as potential drug carriers to target ER+ breast cancer cell line.
Carbohydr Polym. 2023 Aug 15;314:120900. doi: 10.1016/j.carbpol.2023.120900. IF 11.2
The Multiple faces of MRN complex: Roles in Medulloblastoma and Beyond. Cancers (Basel). 2023 July 13;15 (14):3599. doi: 10.3390/cancers15143599
Gender-Specific Genetic Predisposition to Breast Cancer: BRCA Genes and Beyond. Cancers (Basel). 2024 Jan 30;16(3):579. doi: 10.3390/cancers16030579.
Elacestrant in ER+, HER2- Metastatic Breast Cancer with ESR1-Mutated Tumors: Subgroup Analyses from the Phase III EMERALD Trial by Prior Duration of Endocrine Therapy plus CDK4/6 Inhibitor and
in Clinical Subgroups. Clin Cancer Res. 2024 Oct 1;30(19):4299-4309. doi: 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-24-1073. PMID: 39087959; PMCID: PMC11443208.
SALL4 is a CRL3REN/KCTD11 substrate that drives Sonic Hedgehog-dependent medulloblastoma. Cell Death Differ. 2023 Feb 170-187. doi: 10.1038/s41418-023-01246-6.

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