Offerta formativa erogata 2021/2022

Nel corso del primo anno, tutti i dottorandi del 36° ciclo hanno seguito le attività formative (seminari e lezioni) proposte dal Dottorato di ricerca, approfondendo così tematiche relate alla network medicine, alla medicina di precisione e all’immuno-oncologia. Inoltre, i dottorandi hanno partecipato a congressi o webminar relativi alla medicina di precisione e all’oncologia, hanno presentato i risultati delle loro ricerche come poster o presentazioni orali in congressi nazionali e/o Internazionali e con pubblicazioni su scientifiche internazionali come risulta dalle schede individuali.
Sono di seguito riportati i titoli delle lezioni, seminari e corsi tenuti durante l'aa 2020/2021. I dettagli relativi a data, orario e docente e modalità di erogazione sono riportati nella tabella allegata.

New therapeutic pathways: Microambiente e component cellulari come target terapeutici-1 (on-line)

New therapeutic pathways: terapie standard e approcci terapeutici innovativi-2 (on-line)

Seminar Afternoon: Nutrizione and microbiota in Oncologia

Introduction to network medicine: complexity, definition and general properties of networks, omic networks, interaction and association networks, bipartite networks, network communities (modules), modules' characterization, matrix representation of a network, modularity measures, scale-free networks and robustness. (on-line)
Introduction to R language part I: basic elements of R, R objects, variables, data structures and flow control, functions, importing/exporting data, applicative examples. (on-line)
Network Medicine: Approach to the Definition, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Disease in the Era of Precision Medicine. (on-line)
Immunooncology and Neoplasms-1. (on-line)
Immunooncology and Neoplasms -2. (on-line)
NGS and Flow Cytometry: Basic principles and application in oncology and immunity
Journal Club: The point of view of the Network medicine, big question and “Loscalzo” approach
“Personalized Pediatric Oncology in 2021” (on-line)
Topological properties: density, distance, average path, diameter, clustering coefficient, degree centrality, closeness, betweenness, eigenvector. Topological properties of omic networks. (on-line)
IMMUNONCOLOGIA E PRINCIPALI NEOPLASIE – (Tumori del testa collo, cervice, polmone, gastroenterico)-1. (on-line)
IMMUNONCOLOGIA E PRINCIPALI NEOPLASIE (Tumori del mammella, glioblastoma )-2 (on-line)
“Role of the microenvironment in prostate cancer progression” (on-line)
Head and Neck cancers and Immunotherapy: multidisciplinary update (on-line)
Autoimmunity and Tumors-1 (on-line)
Autoimmunity and Tumors-2 (on-line)
Introduction to R part II: data analysis with R, script, graphics, main R libraries for data and network analysis. Applicative examples. (on-line)
Journal Club: Network medicine: Big questions for generating database for network analysis (on-line)
Introduction to network medicine: examples of bipartite networks, algorithms for community detection (on-line)
Introduction to network medicine: Centrality measures and biological properties
From precision medicine to tailored immunity-1 (on-line)
From precision medicine to tailored immunity-2 (on-line)
Data analysis in R: functional enrichment (on-line)
Data analysis in R: network construction (on-line)
Network oncology and case studies-1 (on-line)
Network oncology and case studies-2 (on-line)

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