Delivered study plan 2021/2022

The delivered study plan for the academic year 2021-2022 includes the following activities:


  1. Advanced courses (with final evaluation)

  2. Seminars and laboratory activities

  3. Research activity

  4. Additional independent formation and research activities


  1. Advanced courses

The Advanced courses (with final evaluation) are programmed for the first year of the PhD course.

In addition to the specialized master-level courses, a number of PhD Advanced courses are offered to the PhD in ICT students by professors of the PhD Board, other Sapienza professors, as well as external professors or researchers. The list of the PhD Advanced courses offered in the present academic year is reported in the following Table.  

A more detailed description, including the specific lecture dates is available in the section “Courses”.

Notice that the total specific offer of the PhD in ICT course sums up to a total of 42 CFU.




List of Advanced courses offered in the academic year 2019-2020






 Random Multiple Access




 prof. Andrea Baiocchi



 January 14 – February 13,   2020

 La scrittura tecnico-scientifica




 prof. Emilio Matricciani,   Politecnico di Milano


 January 28 – February 5,


 Wideband and Robust Sensor Array Processing.

 Part I and Part II



 prof. Elio D. Di Claudio



 January 13 – February 3 


 Quantum Computing and 

 Quantum Machine Learning

 for ICT Applications


 prof. Massimo Panella



 late January,

 early February


 Convex optimization: Theory and Applications 



 dr. Stefania Sardellitti



 February 2020

 Perturbative and qualitative methods: 

 tools to solve nonlinear problems


 prof. Sandra Carillo



 March 2020

 Numerical modelling and simulation of

 electromagneticproblems with open source

 finite-difference time-domain   software

 prof. Lara Pajewski



 April 2020

 Nonlinear Optics and Applications




 prof. Stefan Wabnitz



 April- June 2020

 Complex Systems Modelling by

 Granular Computing



 prof. Antonello Rizzi



 late May 2020 - early June 


 TensorFlow for ICT applications




 dr. Simone Scardapane



 May 20 – June 14


 Machine Learning for Networks




 prof. Paolo Di Lorenzo e

 prof. Sergio  Barbarossa



 late June 2020, early July


 Analytical Techniques for Wave Phenomena



 prof. Paolo Burghignoli



 October 1 – October 31



The first-year PhD students (as well as the second-year PhD students, in case they have not been able to fulfill completely the first-year Advanced courses duties) can choose, among the available Master-level courses and the Advanced courses in this Table, a set of courses that sums up to 12 CFU.



  1. Seminars and laboratory activities

Seminars and laboratory activities must be included by the PhD students for 6 CFU during each of the three years of the course.  The 6 CFU can be subdivided among the seminars and laboratory activities, as desired by the student and planned in his/her Doctoral Program Form.


  1. Seminars

The PhD in ICT course offers a wide set of seminars to the PhD students. The global offer takes advantage by all possible opportunities to have distinguished speakers, there including visiting professors and researchers, scientific collaborations of the PhD Board members, as well as selected ad hoc invited fellows.


For this reason, it is not possible to provide in advance a full list of available seminars. In contrast, the individual seminars are announced through the news web-site on a short term basis and their listing is made available in the “Seminar” section.


  1. Laboratory activities

The laboratory activities consists of hands-on experience on projects and experimental research setups that are available for specific projects or research efforts. The PhD student can be involved with the practical activity to support the ongoing activity, in order to increase his/her experience and acquire the capability to operate in an experimental environment.


The set of Laboratories that concur to the PhD in ICT offer is reported in the Table below.


List of laboratories hosting PhD in ICT activities



 Reference professors


 Laboratory of Advanced Communications Technologies and

 Services (ACTS)

 prof. Maria-Gabriella Di Benedetto

 prof. Luca De Nardis

 Laboratory of amorphous Silicon Devices and Systems (aSiDaS)

 prof. Giampiero de Cesare

 prof. Domenico Caputo

 Laboratory of Antennas and remote sensing


 prof. Nazareno Pierdicca

 prof. Frank Silvio Marzano

 Laboratory of Computational Intelligence and Pervasive Systems


 prof. Massimo Panella 

 prof. Antonello Rizzi

 Laboratory of Digital Systems (LSD)

 prof. Mauro Olivieri

 prof. Marco Balsi

 prof. Francesco Menichelli 

 Laboratory of Electromagnetic fields (LEF)


 prof. Alessandro

 prof. Paolo Burghignoli

 Laboratory of Electronics for the Environment


 prof. Vincenzo Ferrara

 Laboratory of Information and Communications Technologies (ICT)

 prof. Roberto Cusani,  prof. Gaetano

 Scarano, prof. Mauro Biagi, prof. Stefania


 Laboratory of Intelligent Signal Processing and Multimedia


 prof. Aurelio Uncini

 prof. Raffaele Parisi

 prof. Michele Scarpiniti

 Laboratory of Micro-Nano Devices and RF circuits characterization


 prof. Alessandro Trifiletti, prof. Giuseppe

 Scotti, prof. Pasquale Tommasino,

 prof. Francesco Centurelli

 Laboratory of Microwave and Electromagnetic Compatibility (MEC)

 prof. Renato Cicchetti, prof. Stefano Pisa,

 prof. Marta Cavagnaro,  prof. Emanuele


 Laboratory of Multimedia

 prof. Francesca Cuomo

 Laboratory of Multimedia Systems

 prof. Stefania Colonnese

 Laboratory of Networking (NetLab)


 prof. Marco Listanti, prof. Andrea Baiocchi,

 prof. Francesca Cuomo, prof. Vincenzo

 Eramo, prof. Antonio Cianfrani

 Laboratory of Optoelectronics


 prof. Antonio d’Alessandro

 prof. Rita Asquini

 Laboratory of Radar

 prof. Roberto Seu

 Laboratory of RadioMetereology

 prof. Frank S. Marzano

 Laboratory of Radiopositioning

 (Radar, Remote Sensing & Navigation - RRSN)

 prof. P. Lombardo, prof. Debora Pastina,

 prof. Fabiola Colone

 Laboratory of Signal Processing for Communications (SPCOM)

 prof.  Sergio Barbarossa, prof. Paolo Di




The PhD student can choose to spend his/her laboratory activity in one of these labs or in an external laboratory. 



  1. Research activity

The research activity carried out inside the PhD in ICT course is devoted to specific topics inside the ICT area, where the doctoral students, under the guidance of their PhD Advisors, can provide significant innovation with respect to the state of the art.

The specific research activity carried out by the students during the academic year 2019-2020 is reported in the table below, which also includes the Curriculum.




List of Research topic & Curriculum

 academic year 2019-2020





 PhD Student

 Research Topic




 Giulia Sacco


 Design and implementation of a radar system for remote

 monitoring of position and cardio-respiratory activity of

 human subjects in home environment




 Luigi Blasi

 Multi-level design of resilient digital systems for safety

 critical applications



 Alessio Buzzin


 Lab-on-Chip technologies and solutions for biomolecular




 Micol Colella


 Computational modeling of electromagnetic fields for

 therapeutics and diagnostics



 Antonino Capillo

 Computational intelligence methods for smart energy    


 Information and



 Tiziana Cattai

 Leveraging brain connectivity networks to detect mental

 states in brain-computer interfaces

 Information and



 Francesca Costanzo


 Proactive edge computing based on online Machine

 Learning for application centric 5G systems

 Information and



 Mattia Merluzzi


 Dynamic proactive resource allocation in 5G systems

 based on online learning

 Information and



 Alireza Mohammadpol


 Non Orthogonal Multiple Access NOMA in 5G New Radio

 Information and



 Eljona Zanaj


 Impulse radio and UWB communications in 5G

 Information and



 Giovanni Paolo Blasone


 Advanced signal processing techniques and

 methodologies for airborne and spaceborne

 multi-channel radar systems

 Radar and Remote


 Davide Palmisano

 Time-series analysis of Earth Observation data for retrieval

 of geo-bio-physical land parameters

 Radar and Remote


 Mario Papa

 Precipitating cloud retrieval from space: modeling and

 applications for the next generation of microwave and

 millimeter-wave satellite radiometers

 Radar and Remote


 Iole Pisciottano

 Multispectral Multistatic Passive ISAR for Non-cooperative

 Maritime Target Imaging

 Radar and Remote



 Cycle XXXIV


 PhD Student

 Research Topic



 Valentina Cicchetti  

 Broadband and UWB type radiant structures



 Menchu Wang

 Design and implementation of a radar system for remote

 monitoring of position and cardio-respiratory activity of

 human subjects in home environment



 Laura Caramazza

 Drug delivery mediated by electric and magnetic fields 



 Sandro Ghisotti

 Radio Frequency Power Amplifiers for Wireless Systems:

 Broadband and High Efficiency Advanced Architectures

 in GaN



 Loranzo Iannascoli

 Lab-on-Chip technologies and solutions for space




 Ivan Mazzetta

 Emerging non-volatile memories: new proposals and

 existing technologies engineering



 Daniele Paglialunga




 Luca Baldini

 Parallel and Distributed computing

 Information and



 Candeloro Carlo Campanile

 Optimization and monitoring of TLC networks

 Information and



 Tiziana Catena

 Scalable NFV Orchestration and Control Technology

 Information and



 Emanuele Ferrandino

 Innovative Propulsion Systems and Energy Infrastructures

 Information and



 Paolo Giannitrapani

 Pattern recognition for image processing and evaluation

 and multidimensional signal processing for multichannel


 Information and



 Federico Muciaccia

 Signal Processing and Machine Learning

 Information and



 Khushboo Munir

 Application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to clinical diagnosis

 Information and



 Luca Nardi

 PFS/MEX and NOMAD/TGO joint analysis for the retrieval

 of atmospheric trace gases in Martian atmosphere

 Radar and Remote


 Edoardo Raparelli

 Investigation of desert dust impacts on snow

 metamorphism through numerical models coupled

 with high-resolution

 Radar and Remote



 Cycle XXXV


 PhD Student

 Research Topic




 Francesco Rinaldo Talenti 

 Nonlinear optics, nonlinear wave guiding platforms,

 on-chip photonics for frequency comb



 Simona D'Agostino

 Bioelectromagnetism and biomedical devices



 Alessandro Manoni




 Francesca Menchini




 Stefano Sordillo

 Neural Network on Risc-V microcontroller cores



 Francesco Vigli

 RISC-V Processors and microcontrollers design



 Davide Aureli

 Machine Learning in IP Traffic

 Information and



 Francesco D'Alterio

 5G, SDN, UAV Hetnets

 Information and



 Giuseppe Granato

 Machine Learning and Granular Computing

 Information and



 Eleonora Grassucci

 Generative Deep Learning

 Information and



 David Lo Bascio

 Software Defined Networks - Network Function


 Information and



 Jary Pomponi

 Continual learning and variational inference

 in Neural Networks

 Information and



 Francesca Ponti

 Machine Learning for image diagnostics

 Information and



 Indro Spinelli

 Robust Machine Learning on Graph Structured Data

 Information and



 Marco Di Seglio

 Passive Radar for short-range applications

 Radar and Remote


 Javier Trujillo Rogriguez

 Passive Radar Signal Processing

 Radar and Remote


 Alejandro Testa

 SAR, Passive SAR, ISAR 

 Radar and Remote 



As from the Programmed Study Plan, each PhD student is assigned an Advisor (typically under his/her request, subject to the agreement of the whole PhD Board) for the PhD course to be a continuous reference for the student. The PhD Board assigns also a PhD Advisory committee to each PhD student to monitor the progresses and provide suggestions during the three-years of the course.

The PhD Advisory committee members assigned to the individual students, together with the PhD Advisor, are reported in the Table below.



List of PhD Advisors and Advisory Committee

academic year 2019-2020





 PhD Student

 PhD Advisor

 PhD Advisory committee

 Giulia Sacco

 prof. Stefano Pisa

 prof. Nazzareno Pierdicca, prof. Alessandro Galli,

 prof. Micaela Liberti

 Luigi Blasi

 prof.  Mauro Olivieri

 prof. Guglielmo D’Inzeo, prof. Giampiero De Cesare,

 prof. Vincenzo Ferrara

 Alessio Buzzin


 prof. Giampiero

 De Cesare

 prof. Fernanda Irrera, prof. Mauro Olivieri,

 prof. Francesco Menichelli

 Micol Colella


 prof.   Micaela Liberti

 prof. Gaetano Scarano, prof. Domenico Caputo,

 prof. Francesca Apollonio

 Antonino Capillo

 prof.    Fabio Massimo

 Frattale Mascioli

 prof. Sergio Barbarossa, prof. Rita Asquini,

 prof. Pietro Monsurrò

 Tiziana Cattai

 prof.    Stefania Colonnese

 prof. Gaetano Scarano, prof. Michele Scarpiniti,

 prof. Micaela Liberti

 Francesca Costanzo

 prof. Sergio Barbarossa

 prof. Elio Di Claudio, prof. Alessandro Falaschi,

 prof. Emanuele Piuzzi

 Mattia Merluzzi


 prof. Sergio Barbarossa

 prof. Francesca Cuomo, prof. Giovanni Iacovitti,

 prof. Marco Balsi

 Alireza Mohammadpol

 prof. Maria Gabriella

 Di Benedetto

 prof. Vincenzo Eramo, prof. Antonio Cianfrani,

 prof. Giuseppe Scotti

 Eljona Zanaj


 prof. Maria Gabriella

 Di Benedetto

 prof. Roberto Cusani, prof. Stefania Colonnese,

 prof. Sandra Carillo

 Giovanni Paolo Blasone

 prof. Pierfrancesco


 prof. Fabiola Colone, prof. Debora Pastina,

 prof. Paolo Burghignoli

 Davide Palmisano

 prof. Nazzareno


 prof. Renato Cicchetti, prof. Antonio D’Alessandro,

 prof. Francesco Centurelli

 Mario Papa   

 prof. Frank Marzano

 prof. Aurelio Uncini, prof. Marta Cavagnaro,

 prof. Lara Pajewski

 Iole Pisciottano 

 prof. Debora Pastina

 prof. Fabio Frattale Mascioli, prof. Mauro Biagi,

 prof. Roberto Seu


 Cycle XXXIV


 PhD Student

 PhD Advisor

 PhD Advisory committee

 Valentina Cicchetti

 prof. Renato Cicchetti

 prof. Rita Asquini, prof. Emanuele Piuzzi,

 prof. Vincenzo Ferrara

 Menchu Wang

 prof. Marta Cavagnaro

 prof. Domenico Caputo, prof. Lara Pajewski,

 prof. Emanuele Piuzzi

 Laura Caramazza


 prof. Francesca


 prof. Vincenzo Ferrara, prof. Augusto Nascetti,

 prof. Micaela Liberti

 Sandro Ghisotti

 prof. Stefano Pisa

 prof. Renato Cicchetti, prof. Pasquale Tommasino,

 prof. Roberto Cusani

 Loranzo Iannascoli

 prof. Augusto Nascetti

 prof. Fernanda Irrera, prof. Giampiero De Cesare,

 prof. Francesco Menichelli

 Ivan Mazzetta

 prof. Fernanda Irrera

 prof. Marco Balucani, prof. Alessandro Trifiletti,

 prof. Domenico Caputo

 Daniele Paglialunga 

 prof. Augusto Nascetti

 prof. Stefano Pisa, prof. Francesca Apollonio,

 prof. Pasquale Tommasino

 Luca Baldini 

 prof. Antonello Rizzi

 prof. Francesca Cuomo, prof. Alessandro Falaschi,

 prof. Vincenzo Eramo

 Candeloro Carlo Campanile

 dr. Marco Polverini

 prof. Enzo Baccarelli, prof. Antonio Cianfrani,

 prof. Lorenzo Piazzo

 Tiziana Catena

 prof. Vincenzo Eramo

 prof. Andrea Baiocchi, prof. Mauro Biagi,

 prof. Luca De Nardis

 Emanuele Ferrandino

 prof. Fabio Massimo

 Frattale Mascioli

 prof. Aurelio Uncini, prof. Antonello Rizzi,

 prof. Danilo Comminiello

 Paolo Giannitrapani

 prof. Elio Di Claudio

 prof. Gaetano Scarano, prof. Michele Scarpiniti,

 prof. Renato Cicchetti

 Federico Muciaccia

 prof. Aurelio Uncini

 prof. Fabio Massimo Frattale-Mascioli,

 prof. Massimo Panella, prof. Marco Polverini

 Khushboo Munir

 prof. Antonello Rizzi

 prof. Elio Di Claudio, prof. Stefania Colonnese,

 prof. Roberto Seu

 Luca Nardi

 prof. Roberto Seu

 prof. Pierfrancesco Lombardo, prof. Fabiola Colone,

 prof. Antonio D’Alessandro

 Edoardo Raparelli

 prof. Frank Marzano

 prof. Guglielmo D’Inzeo, prof. Debora Pastina,

 prof. Marta Cavagnaro


 Cycle XXXV


 PhD Student

 PhD Advisor

 PhD Advisory committee

 Francesco Rinaldo Talenti

 prof. Stefan Wabnitz

 prof. Antonio D'Alessandro, prof. Rita Asquini,

 prof. Mauro Biagi

 Simona D'Agostino

 prof. Francesca


 prof. Micaela Liberti, prof. Marta Cavagnaro,

 prof. Rita Asquini

 Alessandro Manoni

 prof. Fernanda Irrera

 prof. Domenico Caputo, prof. Francesca Apollonio,

 prof. Francesca Cuomo

 Francesca Menchini

 prof. Giampiero

 De Cesare

 prof. Domenico Caputo, prof. Marco Balucani,

 prof. Massimo Frattale Mascioli

 Stefano Sordillo

 prof.  Mauro Olivieri

 prof. Giuseppe Scotti, prof. Marco Balsi,

 prof. Aurelio Uncini

 Francesco Vigli

 prof.  Mauro Olivieri

 prof. Francesco Menichelli, prof. Domenico Caputo,

 prof. Danilo Comminiello

 Davide Aureli

 prof. Antonio Cianfrani

 prof. Francesca Cuomo, prof. Michele Scarpiniti,

 prof. Andrea Baiocchi

 Francesco D'Alterio

 prof. Francesca Cuomo

 prof. Antonello Rizzi, prof. Paolo Di Lorenzo,

 prof. Marco Balsi

 Giuseppe Granato

 prof. Antonello Rizzi

 prof. Andrea Baiocchi, prof. Danilo Comminiello,

 prof. Mauro Olivieri

 Eleonora Grassucci

 prof. Aurelio Uncini

 prof. Massimo Panella, prof. Elio Di Claudio,

 prof. Enzo Baccarelli

 David Lo Bascio

 prof. Antonio Cianfrani

 prof. Vincenzo Eramo, prof. Luca De Nardis,

 prof. Nazzareno Pierdicca

 Jary Pomponi

 prof. Aurelio Uncini

 prof. Antonello Rizzi, prof. Gaetano Scarano,

 prof. Alessandro Falaschi

 Francesca Ponti


 prof. Fabrizio Frezza

 prof. Gaetano Scarano, prof. Fabio Massimo Frattale

 Mascioli, prof. Micaela Liberti

 Indro Spinelli

 prof. Aurelio Uncini

 prof. Sergio Barbarossa, prof. Michele Scarpiniti,

 prof. Frank Marzano

 Marco Di Seglio

 prof. Fabiola Colone

 prof. Luca De Nardis, prof. Antonio Cianfrani,

 prof. Emanuele Piuzzi

 Javier Trujillo Rogriguez

 prof. Pierfrancesco


 prof. Lorenzo Piazzo, prof. Debora Pastina,

 prof. Stefano Pisa

 Alejandro Testa

 prof. Debora Pastina

 prof. Fabio Frattale Mascioli, prof. Mauro Biagi,

 prof. Roberto Seu



  1.  Additional independent research and formation activities


The additional independent research and formation activities can be freely selected by the PhD student, in agreement with his/her Advisor. Since the purpose is to avoid an extreme focusing of all the student’s energies on the very specific topic of the PhD Thesis, every student can exploit these CFUs on the offered Courses or Seminars, or increase the Laboratory experience, or attend external Tutorial lectures or Summer/winter schools. Also research activities, that are not in the same line of the main stream of research of the PhD Thesis can find place among these type of activities.

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