Delivered study plan 2021/2022

37- and 36-cycle PhD students

European Environmental Administrative Law Curriculum

20/6/2022: Prof. Maria Vittoria Ferroni, The protection and restoration of biodiversity and ecosystems in the light of the international and European approach. The reform of Article 9 of the Constitution. The principle of not causing significant harm, 2-5 p.m., Hall III floor, Department of Political Science.

22/6/2022: Prof. Maria Vittoria Ferroni, Lia waste management. The role of the circular economy. The authorisation procedures for waste treatment plants, 2-5 p.m., Hall III floor, Department of Political Sciences.

30/6/2022: Prof. Maria Vittoria Ferroni, Climate change, the PNIEC. Insights on intensive livestock farming, 2-5 p.m., Hall III floor, Department of Political Science.

Italian and Comparative Constitutional Law and Political Institutions Curriculum

31/3/2022: P. Piciacchia, F. Lanchester, O. Pfsermann, S. Ceccanti, P. Türk, R. Casella, S. Guerrieri, Dialogues on the 21st century French constitution. Towards the presidential and legislative elections, 2.30 p.m., Degree Room, Department of Political Science.

7/4/2022: G. Caravale, G.G. Carboni, A. Torre, The United Kingdom after Brexit, 3.30 p.m., Degree Room, Department of Political Science

5/5/2022: L. Frosina, J.A. Montilla Martos, A.M. Russo, Spain Facing the Challenges of Secession and Pandemics, 3.30 p.m., Sala Lauree, Department of Political Science.

12/5/2022: O. Pfsermann, R. Chiarelli, A. De Petris, F. Lanchester, V. Piergigli, A. Zei, The Grand Coalition form of government: The evolution of the parliamentary parliamentary form of government in the Austrian legal system, 3.30 p.m., Grad Hall, Department of Political Science.

19/5/2022: G. Aravantinou Leonidi, M. Diletti, M. Morini, US presidentialism and its evolution. From Trump to Biden, 3.30 p.m., Sala Lauree, Department of Political Science.

26/5/2022: J. Sawicki, Aspects and open issues in the constitutional evolution of the Central and Eastern European countries, 3.30 p.m., Degree Room, Department of Political Science.

7/7/2022: P. Piciacchia, F. Lanchester, O. Pfsermann, P. Passaglia, sS. Ceccanti, M. Calamo Specchia, R. Casella, S. Guerrieri, After the French presidential and legislative elections 2022, 3.30 p.m., Degree Room, Department of Political Science.

International Order and Human Rights Curriculum

29/9/2022: Prof. Luca Pineschi, Unit c. Fragmentation, 11.30 a.m., remote.

6/10/2022: Prof. Alessandra Gianelli, Positivism c. Jusnaturalism, 11.30 a.m., Aula Pescatore, Faculty of Economics.

14/10/2022: Prof.ssa Micaela Frulli, Criminal Justice c. Restorative Justice and Prof.ssa Serena Forlati, Arbitration Justice c. Permanent Justice, 3.00 p.m., Aula Pescatore, Faculty of Economics.

21/10/2022: Prof. Beatrice Bonafé, Pragmatism c. Formalism, 11.30 a.m., Aula Pescatore, Faculty of Economics.

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