Study plan for the academic year 2023/2024

List of courses / activities for the first year

Advanced Courses (with final exam) 12
Seminars and laboratory activity 6
Research activity 36
Additional independent formation and research activities 6

More information

The first year Doctoral Program includes a total of 60 Credit Formation Units (CFU), assigned as illustrated in the Table above. In particular:

  • The doctoral student takes courses of the “Advanced courses” category, for a total of 12 CFU. The courses can be selected among the Doctoral Courses offered in this specific academic year (see section Courses), or among the specialized Master courses. To be credited as “advanced”, a course must mandatorily be completed by an evaluation exam with final evaluation provided by the course instructor. If not completed in the first year, these credits can be completed in the second year. The choice of the courses should take into account the background of each student, in order to complete the formation in the specific area of the doctoral student topic, when necessary. It is recommended that some specific courses are attended at the second year.

  • Seminars and laboratory activities shall be included for 6 CFU, with the aim to be open to innovation and to get confidence with experimental activity (see section Seminars). The attendance of 3 seminars (certified by the speaker) is equivalent to 1 CFU.

  • The research activity will be a major part of the activity (quantified in a minimum of 36 CFU). The aim of the research activity in the first year is mainly to acquire the method towards a scientific approach, to learn how to work in a team, and to get acquainted with the national and international research community of the selected research area.

  • Additional independent formation and research activities shall be carried out for 6 CFU, with the aim to be open to studies and practices not necessarily strictly related to the personal research topic.

Note that 1 CFU of research and laboratory activity can be roughly quantified as 20 hours.

At the beginning of the first year, the doctoral student is required to select an Advisor among the members of the PhD Board and a broad topic of interest for his/her research activity. He/she is presented to the whole PhD Board during the month of December.

The first few months of activity are dedicated to exploring the area of interest, becoming confident with the state of the art, starting to acquire the skills required to carry out a research activity in the selected area. After this initial period, the doctoral student will prepare a plan for his/her annual activity together with the Advisor by filling the first year Doctoral Program Form (DPF). The proposed Plan will be submitted for approval by the whole PhD Board.

Based on the selected area of interest, the PhD Board assigns to every doctoral student a PhD Advisory committee that is formed by two members of the PhD board plus a third member who can also be an external expert. The activities of the doctoral student are monitored during each year by his/her PhD advisory committee through periodic meetings that end with a written short note with suggestions and/or warnings for the student. The student is required to ask for the date of the meeting to his/her advisory board when getting close to the planned meeting times.

By the end of the first academic year, the doctoral student is required to write a report of the activity carried out, by completing the first year Doctoral Report Form (DRF). At the same time, he/she will be asked to prepare the activity plan for the second academic year, by completing the second year Doctoral Program Form (DPF).

The temporal planning of the first year of Doctoral study is sketched below.

The plan for the first year of activity must be presented by the candidate not later than February 28th.

A minimum of two meetings with the PhD advisory committee are planned during the first year: - during the first two weeks of June (Intermediate Meeting) - during the first two weeks of September (Preparatory Meeting)

By October 1st, the doctoral student must submit: (i)  a report of the activity carried out during the first academic year,      by filling the first-year Doctoral Report Form (DRF) (ii) the activity plan for the second academic year,      by filling the second-year Doctoral Program Form (DPF)

For an updated list of the Advanced Courses offered in the academic year 2023-2024, please refer to Section "Offered PhD Courses".

Method of choosing the subject of the thesis

At the end of the year, it is expected that the PhD student has identified the subject of his/her Doctoral thesis or at least the broad area where it will be focused to which it will belong.

The selection of the research topic will benefit of all the activity carried out during the first year, there including the attendance of the advanced courses and of the seminars, the laboratory activities and the initial (even exploratory) personal research activities.

The subject of the thesis, selected by the Doctoral Student together with the Advisor, must be included in the second-year DPF and approved by the PhD Advisory committee and by the PhD Board during the month of October.

Admission to the second year

The activities of the doctoral student are monitored during the year by the doctoral student PhD advisory committee. The written short notes prepared by this committee after Intermediate Meeting and Preparatory Meeting report are available to the PhD board for his evaluation. In particular, the note of the Preparatory Meeting reports both on the coherence of the activity described in the first year DRF with respect to the first year DPF and on the proposed second-year DPF.

Admission to the second year is subject to approval by the PhD board. This approval is based on the following elements:  

  • a report (first-year Doctoral Report Form) presented by the doctoral student that reports which courses and seminars were actually taken; it must also contain a synthetic description of the research and formation activities of the year, as well as, when present, the list of scientific publications that have been published, submitted, or are in preparation

  • an oral report presented by the PhD Advisor to supplement the report presented by the doctoral student

  • an oral presentation of the achievements to the PhD board

  • the written notes of the PhD Advisory committee

Together with the admission to the second year, the PhD Board approves (with appropriate modifications, where needed) the second-year Doctoral Program Form containing the proposal of the subject of the PhD thesis.

List of courses / activities for the second year

Seminars and laboratory activities 6
Research activity 48
Additional independent formation and research activities 6

More information

The second-year Doctoral Program includes a total of 60 Credit Formation Units (CFU), assigned as illustrated in the Table above. In particular:  

  • During the second year, the doctoral student may complete the credits corresponding to advanced courses, that were not completed in the first year. 

  • The doctoral student is expected to attend seminars and laboratory activities for 6 CFU, with the aim to be open to innovation and to get involved with experimental activities (see section Seminars). The attendance of 3 seminars (certified by the speaker) is equivalent to 1 CFU.

  • The research activity will be a major part of the activity (quantified in a minimum of 48 CFU). The aim of the research activity in the second year is to start a solid research activity in a specific area of interest, under the guidance of the Advisor.

  • Additional independent formation and research activities shall be carried out for 6 CFU, with the aim to be open to studies and practice not necessarily strictly related to the personal research topic.

  The activities of the doctoral student are monitored during the year by the doctoral student PhD Advisory committee.

Most often, stays abroad by the doctoral student occur during the second or third year. Any plan for visiting other institutions should appear in the Doctoral Program.

By the end of the second year, the doctoral student is required to write a report of the activity carried out, by completing the second-year Doctoral Report Form (DRF). At the same time, he/she will be asked to prepare the activity plan for the third academic year, by completing the third-year Doctoral Program Form (DPF).

The temporal planning of the second year of Doctoral study is sketched below.

The plan for the second year of activity was presented by the candidate and approved by the PhD Board before the beginning of the second year, so that the activity is already planned from the very beginning and can proceed without delays.

A minimum of two meetings with the PhD advisory committee are planned during the second year: - during the second half of February (Intermediate Meeting) - during the first two weeks of September (Preparatory Meeting)   By October 1st, the doctoral student must submit: (i)  a report of the activity carried out during the second academic year,      by filling the second-year Doctoral Report Form (DRF) (ii) the activity plan for the third academic year,      by filling the third-year Doctoral Program Form (DPF)      

Method of preparation of the thesis

At the end of the year, it is expected that the PhD student has a preliminary structure of his/her Doctoral thesis or at least some of its main contributions have been identified, together with the PhD Advisor.   The preliminary structure of the thesis is presented to the PhD Advisory committee and by the PhD Board during the month of October and is modified (if needed) by including the suggestions and comments of the committee.

Admission to the third year

The activities of the doctoral student are monitored during the year by the doctoral student PhD Advisory committee. The written short notes prepared by this committee after Intermediate Meeting and Preparatory Meeting notes are available to the Ph.D. board for his evaluation. In particular, the note of the Preparatory Meeting reports both on the coherence of the activity described in the second-year DRF with respect to the second-year DPF and on the proposed third-year DPF.   Admission in the third year is subject to approval by the PhD board. This approval is based on the following elements: 

  • a report (second-year Doctoral Report Form) presented by the doctoral student that reports which seminars were actually taken; it must also contain a synthetic description of the research and formation activities of the year, as well as, when present, the list of scientific publications that have been published, submitted, or are in preparation

  • an oral report presented by the PhD advisor to supplement the report presented by the doctoral student

  • an oral presentation of the achievements to the PhD board

  • the written notes of the PhD advisory committee

  Together with the admission to the third year, the PhD Board approves the third-year Doctoral Program Form (with appropriate modifications, where needed).  

List of courses / activities for the third year

Seminars and laboratory activities 6
Research activity 48
Additional independent formation and research activities 6

More information

The third-year Doctoral Program includes a total of 60 Credit Formation Units (CFU), assigned as illustrated in the Table above. In particular:  

  • The doctoral student is expected to attend seminars and laboratory activities for 6 CFU, with the aim to be open to innovation and to get involved with experimental activities (see section Seminars). The attendance of 3 seminars (certified by the speaker) is equivalent to 1 CFU.

  • The research activity will be a major part of the activity (quantified in a minimum of 48 CFU). The aim of the research activity in the third year is to consolidate the preliminary results and get to a fully developed research activity in a selected area of interest, under the guidance of the Advisor.

  • Additional independent formation and research activities shall be carried out for 6 CFU, with the aim to be open to studies and practices not necessarily strictly related to the personal research topic.

The activities of the doctoral student are monitored during the year by the doctoral student PhD Advisory committee.

Stays abroad by the doctoral student can occur or be completed during the third year. Any plan for visiting other institutions should appear in the Doctoral Program.  

This research work will lead to the final PhD output, that is the PhD dissertation.

By the end of the second academic year, the doctoral student is required to write a report of the activity carried out, by completing the final-year Doctoral Report Form (DRF).

The temporal planning of the third year of Doctoral study is sketched below.    The plan for the third year of activity was presented by the candidate and approved by the PhD Board before the beginning of the third year, so that the activity is already planned and can proceed without delays.   A minimum of two meetings with the PhD advisory committee are planned during the third year: - during the second half of February (Intermediate Meeting) - during the first two weeks of September (Preparatory Meeting)   The PhD Thesis will be submitted for review not later than October 31st and sent to External Reviewers.   Before December 1st, a Final Meeting with the PhD Advisory committee is planned, that can be replaced with an open presentation of the content of the Thesis.   By December 1st, the doctoral student must also submit a report of the activity carried out during the third academic year, by filling the final-year Doctoral Report Form (DRF).  

Method of admission to the final examination

The activities of the doctoral student are monitored during the year by the doctoral student PhD Advisory committee. The written short notes prepared by this committee after Intermediate Meeting and Preparatory Meeting report are available to the PhD Board for his evaluation. In particular, the note of the Preparatory Meeting reports both on the coherence of the activity described in the final-year DRF with respect to the third-year DPF.   The PhD Thesis must be submitted by the doctoral student not later than October 31st. By mid October the PhD Board assigns two External Reviewers to each doctoral student, among the national and international Professors. They will receive the PhD Thesis, as soon as they are made available by the students, and provide a review report on it.   Admission to the Thesis Defense (Final Exam) is subject to approval by the PhD board (second half of December). This approval is based on the following elements:

  • a report (final-year Doctoral Report Form) presented by the doctoral student that must also contain a synthetic description of the research and formation activities of the year, as well as the list of scientific publications that have been published, submitted, or are in preparation

  • an oral report presented by the PhD Advisor to supplement the report presented by the doctoral student

  • an oral presentation of the achievements to the PhD board

  • the written notes of the PhD Advisory committee

  • the review reports provided by the External Reviewers.

Final examination

In order to be awarded with the PhD degree in Information and Communications Technologies, the doctoral student must defend his/her thesis.   The Thesis defense PhD Committee that evaluates the work and awards the degree is formed by external academics selected by the PhD board within national and international universities and research centers.   The Thesis defense takes place not later than the end of February. The doctoral student is asked to present the innovative research results to the Thesis defense PhD Committee and is invited to reply to all questions posed by the committee. A positive evaluation from the Commitee is required for the title to be officially awarded by the Rector of Sapienza University in the following days.

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