
The Doctoral Program (Ph.D.) in Economics is a three-year program where students are trained to conduct theoretical and empirical research in economics. After completion of the program, people awarded our degree can fruitfully develop worldwide their research skills in academia, policy institutions, and research centers, or undertake managerial responsibilities in private corporations or public organizations. A distinguishing feature of the Program is the emphasis on quantitative methods for microeconomic, macroeconomic, and policy effectiveness analysis. The first year is devoted to several courses. In the first two terms, students are asked to attend courses in Mathematics, Statistics, Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Econometrics, and more specialized topics. In the third term a variety of specialized courses in economics, in the form of academic seminars, are offered and students can choose among them. Admission to the second year is conditioned upon successful results in the exams of the first-year courses. Since the beginning of the second year, students work on their research projects. They are also encouraged to spend periods of research abroad. The Ph.D degree is awarded based on the quality of the research done for completing the thesis, which is expected to be an original and innovative piece of scientific work in economics.


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