Annual report

PhD Program in Political Economy

Academic Year 2023-24

The PhD program in Political Economy, operating under the Doctoral School in Economics, involved faculty members primarily affiliated with the school in its educational and scientific activities. A notable portion of the teaching staff included external professors from national and international universities.

Program Structure and Curriculum

  • First-year courses consisted of 20 two-hour lessons in the first term and 12 two-hour lessons in the second/third term. Examinations were held at the end of each term, with one recovery session permitted in October. Admission to the second year was contingent on exam results. All first-year students from the previous year were eligible for advancement based on their academic performance.
  • Second Year: Each student was assigned a supervisor (internal or external) to guide their research. Students who did not request or obtain suspensions (granted for research training, international placements, or work-related reasons) identified a doctoral thesis topic. The doctoral college regularly evaluated research progress through "work in progress" presentations. Second-year students presented their research plans and preliminary scientific articles at a doctoral workshop attended by peers, supervisors, and faculty.
  • Third Year: In collaboration with supervisors, thesis research quality and progress were closely monitored. Third-year students presented their finalized research plans, thesis outlines, and key scientific articles at a doctoral workshop.

Student Progress and Admissions

38th Cycle Students Admitted to the 3rd Year:

  • Andresciani Clara
  • Coltrinari Elisa
  • De Fabrizio Angelica
  • Federico Antonio Pietro
  • Ferreira Vicente
  • Geri Nicolo
  • Memishaj Sevdije
  • Musa Oriola
  • Tomasone Francesco

39th Cycle Students Admitted to the 2nd Year:

  • Bik Mirabela Roxana
  • Bossola Benedetta
  • D'Angelo Francesco
  • De Tollis Sara
  • Gatto Matteo
  • Guerriero Alessandro
  • Rosin Danilo
  • Scola Gagliardi Elena

Graduation Outcomes

In the academic year 2023-24, the following students successfully defended their theses:

  • Colcerasa Francesco
  • D'Amario Federico
  • Giannantonzi Costanza
  • Tarquini Giulio
  • Ciganovic Milos
  • D'Andrea Sara
  • Marrocco Alessia
  • Vassalli Federica

Academic and Research Initiatives

The program strengthened its focus on teaching and advanced analytical techniques, particularly statistical learning algorithms for large-scale empirical data (Big Data). These efforts included developing predictive tools for economic trends and structural analysis methods using high-dimensional controls. The program acquired an additional high-performance server for parallel computing, accessible remotely to all doctoral students.

Collaborative Events

III Sailing the Macro Workshop (September 2023)

A three-day event attended by over 60 participants, including international experts from academia and central banks. Doctoral students presented their research in dedicated sessions and received feedback from leading economists.

IV Sailing the Macro Workshop (September 2024)

A three-day event attended by over 80 participants, including international experts from academia and central banks. As in the previous edition, doctoral students presented their research in dedicated sessions and received feedback from leading economists.

19th Edition of the Advanced Course on "Innovation, Growth, and International Production: Models and Data Analysis" (May 2024)

This event was a collaboration between:

  • Sapienza University of Rome, Department of Economics and Law
  • University of Urbino Carlo Bo, Department of Economics, Society and Politics
  • Scuola Normale Superiore, Istituto di Studi Avanzati 'Carlo Azeglio Ciampi'
  • Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies, Institute of Economics
  • Marche Polytechnic University, Ph.D. Programme in Economics
  • Roma Tre University, Ph.D. Programme in Economics

The course took place from 27-31 May 2024 at the Faculty of Economics, Sapienza University of Rome. It featured lectures, Stata classes, and discussions on topics such as:

  • AI, innovation, and employment
  • Global Value Chains (GVCs) and innovation
  • Firm-level innovation and performance
  • Technology and inequality
  • Industrial policy and the green transition

Key speakers included:

  • Dario Guarascio (Sapienza University of Rome)
  • Marco Vivarelli (Catholic University of Milan)
  • Antonello Zanfei (University of Urbino)
  • Valentina Meliciani (LUISS)
  • Giovanni Dosi (Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies)
  • Antonio Andreoni (SOAS)
  • Mario Pianta (Scuola Normale Superiore)

20th Edition of the Advanced Course on "Innovation, Growth, and International Production: Models and Data Analysis" (May 2025)

This event is a collaboration between:

  • Sapienza University of Rome, Department of Economics and Law
  • University of Urbino Carlo Bo, Department of Economics, Society and Politics
  • Scuola Normale Superiore, Istituto di Studi Avanzati 'Carlo Azeglio Ciampi'
  • Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies, Institute of Economics
  • Marche Polytechnic University, Ph.D. Programme in Economics
  • Roma Tre University, Ph.D. Programme in Economics

The course will take place from 26-30 May 2025 at the Faculty of Economics, Sapienza University of Rome. It will feature lectures, Stata classes, and discussions on topics such as:

  • AI, innovation, and employment
  • Global Value Chains (GVCs) and innovation
  • Firm-level innovation and performance
  • Technology and inequality
  • Industrial policy and the green transition

Key speakers include:

  • Dario Guarascio (Sapienza University of Rome)
  • Marco Vivarelli (Catholic University of Milan)
  • Antonello Zanfei (University of Urbino)
  • Valentina Meliciani (LUISS)
  • Giovanni Dosi (Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies)
  • Antonio Andreoni (SOAS)
  • Mario Pianta (Scuola Normale Superiore)

The course is open to Ph.D. students, post-docs, and young scholars. Participants will receive a certificate of attendance, which can be used for academic credit.

Seminars and Guest Lectures (2021-2024)


  • Kharazi Aicha (University of Exeter): Collateral-Constrained Agents and Macroeconomic Fluctuations
  • Ludwig Alexander (Goethe University Frankfurt): Climate Change Mitigation: How Effective is Green Quantitative Easing?
  • Rachedi Omar (Esade Business School): Robot Adoption and Inflation Dynamics
  • Horii Ryo (Osaka University): Non-Exponential Growth Theory
  • Ding Sitong (LSE): The Market for Inflation Risk
  • Gaballo Gaetano (HEC Paris): Spending Allocation under Nominal Uncertainty: A Model of Effective Price Rigidity
  • Sawyer Malcolm (Leeds University): Monopoly Capitalism in the Past Four Decades
  • Pitelis Christos (Leeds University): Big Tech and Platform-Enabled Multinational Corporate Capital(ism)
  • Ietto-Gillies Grazia (South Bank University): A Dialogue on Evolutionary, Structural, and Post-Keynesian Research Perspectives
  • Rossi Barbara (Pompeu Fabra): Euro Area Monetary Policy Effects: Does the Shape of the Yield Curve Matter?
  • Bilbiie Florin (Cambridge University): Greed? Profits, Inflation, and Aggregate Demand


  • Stoellinger Roman (Delft University): AI and the Reconfiguration of Global Value Chains
  • Wirkierman Ariel (Goldsmith University): Advanced Course on Input-Output and Structural Analysis
  • Romei Federica (Oxford): Monetary Policy During Unbalanced Global Recoveries
  • Pappa Evi (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid): Common Trends in European Labor Share Dynamics and US Comparisons
  • Giacomini Raffaella (University College London): Perceived shocks and impulse responses

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma