1. Doctoral students’ main activity during their first year is addressed towards the acquisition of type A/type B credits:
- Type A: obtained by passing compulsory exams, these credits are appointed by the PhD admitting Committee. These credits are intended to enhance students’ knowledge in the fields of computer science engineering;
- Type B: obtained by passing exams or attending doctoral schools selected according to doctoral students’ research interests.
First year students participated to following doctoral schools:
- Bertinoro International Spring School 2019 (May 2019)
- Summer School on Hot Topics in Cyber Security (July 2019)
- Summer School on Optimization, Big Data and Applications (OBA) (July 2019)
- International Computer Vision Summer School (ICVSS) (July 2019)
- International Summer School on System Security (September 2019)
- International Summer School on Intrinsically Motivated Open Ended Learning (June 2019)
- The 2019 IEEE RAS Summer School on Multi-Robot Systems (July 2019)
- 6th International Winter School on Big Data (January 2020)
All students have been admitted to the second year.
In addition to this activity, doctoral students have carried out research activities in the fields of interest and spread the results through publication (Conferences, workshops, journals).
The overall scientific output of the 11 first year doctoral students includes:
International Journals: 3 articles
International Conferences: 25 articles
National/International Workshops: 7 articles
Many doctoral students have been speakers in these publications.
Details about the scientific production of each PhD student can be found
here2. Doctoral students’ activity during their second year is oriented to doing research in the related field of interest. The outputs are measured in comparison with the international scientific production. The overall scientific output of the 12 first year doctoral students includes:
International Journals: 6 articles
International Conferences: 24 articles
National/International Workshops: 6 articles
Many doctoral students have been speakers in these publications.
Details about the scientific production of each PhD student can be found
hereAll students have been admitted to the third year.
3. Doctoral students’ activity during their third year is focused on completing their resarch and on drawing up the doctoral thesis.
Regarding the scientific results, the overall output of the 12 third year doctoral student includes:
International Journals: 9 articles
International Conferences: 25 articles
National/International Workshops: 1 artcle
Many doctoral students have been speakers in these publications.
Details about the scientific production of each PhD student can be found
hereDuring Academic Year 8 students have been awarded the PhD title.
With regard to internationalization, co-tutelle agreements have been signed and many PhD students have spent periods abroad in order to carry out their researches:
- During XXXV cycle an out-bound co-tutelle has been activated with York University, Ontario, Canada.
- During XXXIII cico an in-bound co-tutelle has been activated with Sorbonne Université, Paris.
- A XXXIII cycle PhD student has spent a 12 months mobility at Caltech JPL (starting October 15, 2018).
- A XXXIII PhD student has spent a mobility period at London Facebook AI Research (from July 13, 2019 to October 8, 2019).
- a XXXIII PhD student has spent a 5 months mobility at University of Bonn (startimg September 26, 2019).