Theoretical-methodologic Seminars: lectures, meetings and critical readings on topic proposed by the PhD

The activities of this seminar have a training purpose aimed at specialized exploration of the methodologic disciplinary aspect, at the development of a theoretic-methodologic research attitude and are therefore shared by all the PhD candidates of the cycle, who are invited and encouraged to work and interact transversally in respect to the tree curricula. In the specific, the 1st year PhD candidates are invited to choose one of the following topics, to carry a research – supported by a bibliographic structure – and to include the results in a critical writing, an essay, within the deadline.

The first experience corresponds to a seminar with theoretical-methodologic in-depth studies aimed at setting up and exposing the PhD candidates to contemporary research and experimentation related key-topics.

In the context of this seminar the 1st year PhD candidates are invited to choose one of the following topics, to carry a research – supported by a bibliographic structure – and to include the results in a critical writing, an essay, within the deadline.
The topics available are alternative options: the PhD candidate is required to select only one topic, and within the latter he is asked to offer a personal interpretative key and an individual topic development, on one part or on a sub-question of the broader topic.

7 method steps
Integral part of the PhD candidate’s task is to apply the following method steps, with the aim of perfecting his/her organizational, relational, and interpersonal skills, in addition to improving his/her capacity and opportunity to develop research and render its results in an essay/paper.:
1_ meeting with the other PhD candidates to collectively divide the topics, following the indications concerning the maximum number of readings allowed for each topic, which will be provided by the PhD coordinator;
2_ developing the research on the topic, with a solid national and international reference frame, both in terms of bibliography and relevant scientific readings, and in terms of design experimentation of the most interesting case studies;
3_ associating to the written contribute a title coherent with the proposed topic outline and representative of the essay contents;
4_ developing the written contribute and organizing it as follows: framing of the topic; development of the topic outline; conclusions and potential further development of the topic (the afore mentioned organization should not be considered strict, it can be further developed in line with the essay contents, but in general terms an introductory and concluding paragraph are required);
5_ building References in line with the selected topic and the articulations of the essay organization and development, placing them at the end of the written contribute; to this respect it’s required to follow rigorously the indications contained in a document provided by the coordinator; such document is aimed at illustrating the "editorial_notes_References";
6_ respecting the format and the provided minimal-maximal dimensions of the text;
7_ submitting an intermediary version of the essay aimed at an immediate confrontation with the academic staff, and successively, by the deadline, developing a final version of the essay.

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