Massawa is a port city in the Northern Red Sea region of Eritrea. It has historically been an important port for many centuries. As a result, Massawa has been ruled or occupied by a succession of polities during its history: the Ottoman Empire, the Egyptian Empire, the Kingdom of Italy and the Ethiopian Empire. As a result of this colonization, Massawa has unique blend of architecture. The historical buildings now crumbling as a result of ravaged by war, earthquakes, aging & deterioration, and lack of maintenance. To develop a heritage building information modelling (HBIM), this presentation will highlight the modeling steps undertaken relying on rectified images through segmentation, tracing polygonal outlines, and developing synthesized façade drawings. Where the current buildings are severely damaged, contextual relation was used in the digitization. The current progress will be discussed, and future collaboration and opportunities with Sapienza University of Rome will be highlighted.
10 dicembre 2024, 17:00-18:00
Il seminario si terrà in modalità mista: in presenza presso l'Aula Seminari Capannone C, Facoltà di Architettura, via Gramsci 53, Roma, e online tramite l'applicazione Zoom.
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