3D concrete Printing (3DcP) is a digital construction technology to transform the construction industry by replacing the currently used casting-in-the-mould methods with digitally controlled layer-by-layer additive-construction technology. 3DcP removes the need for formwork (temporary moulds used for casting concrete), thus eliminating a very significant source of waste from construction. Further, the use of standard formworks limits the creativity of architects and options to build varied geometries unless expensive bespoke formworks are produced. This presentation covers the recent advancements in 3DcP technology and the printing process. It also provides information about the printable material requirements and formulations. Further, experimental and numerical techniques to model the pumping and extrusion process of printable concrete will be discussed.
9 settembre 2024, 11:00-12:30
Il seminario si terrà in modalità mista: in presenza presso l'Aula Seminari del DISG, Capannone C, Facoltà di Architettura, via Gramsci 53, Roma, e online tramite l'applicazione Zoom.
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