
- Seminars are organised by all members of the teaching board and by invited international guests

During the three years further courses will be dedicated to "transferable skills" and to the acquisition of advanced skills in the field of scientific and popular design and writing (additional CFUs - and acquisition of open badge-certified skills ( These courses and seminars will be activated at the institution of affiliation or at the destination sites of the international mobility.
In particular:
- advanced training courses on current and expanding research topics and methodologies,
- advanced training courses on the use of statistical software,
- training in the design and submission of research funding applications for competitive calls: Marie-Curie, European Commission, Foundations, etc.
- training in the use of scientific dissemination tools,
- training in research publication methods typical of the various scientific communities and international contexts (e.g. retrieval and analysis of sources and bibliographic apparatus; drafting and project writing; choice of publication format, open access and predatory publishing; management of the publication process and special issues; scientific dissemination and communication for teaching purposes) to guide editorial choices and publication strategies

Details of all seminars held in the first year are given below
For the following years, winter and summer schools and lectures by external lecturers are reported


2nd Summer School - University of Iași
July 9-12, 2024

Prof- Mayo - Lectures
June-July / 2024
11 June, 11.00 a.m., lecture room Mauro Wolf: Gramsci, the Southern Question and the Mediterranean, a sociological analysis 12 June, 11 a.m., lecture hall Mauro Wolf: Popular Education, Culture and Power 9 July, 11 a.m., lecture hall Mauro Wolf: The sociological analysis of Don Milani: An international overview 10 July, 11 a.m., lecture hall Mauro Wolf: The 150 hours and working-class education: Industrial democracy
2nd Winter School - University of Lecce
February 14-17, 2024

Mangone - Narrative as a Mode of Understanding: Theory, Method, and Praxis
January 12-19, 2024


1st Summer School - Sapienza University of Rome
June 27-29, 2023

First Winter School - University of Pécs (Hungary)
from 30/01 to 02/02/2023

Norton - Sapienza Italy (Invited) - Developing a research plan - Interviews and discourse analysis

Granié and Adele - Eiffel University (France) - Examples of studies of social representations in mobility and road safety

Binotto - Sapienza Italy - The sociological view of culture: an overview

Massa - Sapienza Italy (Invited) - Investigating culture in complex societies.

Valsiner - Aalborg University Denmark (Invited) - GLORY AND MISERY OF SOCIAL REPRESENTATION THEORY: Finding the center in a centerless world

Popescu-Jourdy - Université Lumière Lyon II - Communication and Cultural Diversity: challenges, concepts and practices

Sarrica - Sapienza Italy - Using Images: from content analysis to participatory methods

Ben Alaya - El Manar University Tunis - The social representations theory and the rationality issue

Binotto-Bruno - Sapienza Italy - Communication and social construction of reality: the 'framing' perspective in media studies


Rizzoli - Sapienza Italy (invited) - Developing a research plan - Studying Social Representation through the Quantitative Analysis of Textual Data

Vincze - Univ. Pécs Hungary - Social representation and collective memory

Valentim - Univ. Coimbra Portugal - Levels of analysis in social psychology - The study of SR with three basic assumptions

Brondi - Uni Venice Ca' Foscari Italy - Developing a research plan

Bigazzi - Univ. Pécs Hungary - Social identity and social representation theories

Bigazzi - Univ. Pécs Hungary - SR: Social construction of reality

Negura - Univ. Ottawa Canada - Representational naturalization as a process of social construction of reality

Permandeli - ICSRS Indonesia - Cultural resistance and changes. A glimpse of field experiences from non-western society

Pievi - UNSAM Argentina - Life experience and everyday knowledge in learning processes

Bertoldo - UNAM France - The normative aspects of social representations

Wachelke and Giacomozzi - UFU & UFSC Brazil - Moscovici and Jodelet's founding studies

Contarello - Uni Padua Italy (Invited) - Researching meaning. Social constructivism vs. Social constructionism

Sonetti - NOVA University Lisbon Portugal (Invited) - Inter-Trans Disciplinarity. Meanings, practices, challenges for early stage researchers

Salvatore - Uni Salento Italy - Mind and culture

De Rosa - Sapienza Italy (Invited) - The story will continue: for a biography of a theory between Scientific Literature, People and Events.

Sarrica - Sapienza Italy - Introduction to the doctorate

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma