Prof- Mayo - Lectures

11 June, 11.00 a.m., lecture room Mauro Wolf: Gramsci, the Southern Question and the Mediterranean, a sociological analysis 12 June, 11 a.m., lecture hall Mauro Wolf: Popular Education, Culture and Power 9 July, 11 a.m., lecture hall Mauro Wolf: The sociological analysis of Don Milani: An international overview 10 July, 11 a.m., lecture hall Mauro Wolf: The 150 hours and working-class education: Industrial democracy

Giugno-Luglio / 2024

On the occasion of his stay as visiting professor at the Department of Communication and Social Research, Prof. Peter Mayo, Head of the UNESCO Chair in Global Adult Education at the University of Malta, will hold a series of lectures, addressed to PhD students, students and teachers. In particular, the seminar series is part of the integrative training offer of the PhD courses in Communication, Social Research and Marketing and Joint International Doctorate In Social Representations, Culture and Communication.

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