Suspension bridges have become essential elements in the transportation network of major metropolitan areas. However, some of these bridges are reaching a service life of over 100 years. Main cables are the most critical elements for the overall safety of such structures; however, it is very difficult to inspect and assess the condition of a main cable of a bridge that has been in service for many years. Currently, all agencies responsible for the maintenance of suspension bridge cables base their plans mainly on previous experiences and, when possible, on visual inspections.
In this presentation, a study focused on the development of a corrosion monitoring system for main cables of suspension bridges is presented. These sensors measure corrosion rate as well as quantities like temperature and relative humidity that are directly correlated to corrosion activity. The results show that the selected sensor network system was successful in providing information on the interior environment of a main cable, helping to understand the conditions in which main cables of suspension bridges operate. Field testing of the developed monitoring system on the Manhattan Bridge in New York City was used to determine the functionality of the system in in-service conditions. In addition, having the possibility of measuring temperature and relative humidity inside the cross-section also allowed us to test the effectiveness of the cable dehumidification strategy. The information provided by sensors embedded in the main cable has been very valuable to understand the mechanical behavior of such cables when subjected to extreme temperature (e.g. external fire) and it has been used to estimate the remaining strength of a cable in service.
March 27, 2024, 10:00am-12:00pm
The seminar will be given in ENGLISH and will take place in blended mode: in presence at the Aula Caveau - DISG, Faculty of Engineering, via Eudossiana 18, Rome and online via Zoom.
For the courses supplied by the PhD Program of the DISG credits are not provided: A certificate of attendance will be produced upon request (only after a check of the effective presence)