PhD Courses

For each course a virtual class has been activated on Google Classwork
for sharing material and a room on Google Meet.
The lessons will be held with the calendar specified in the following.

Title: Bayesian Inference and Uncertainty Quantification with aerospace engineering
Instructor: Dr. Riccardo Malpica Galassi

Number of ECTS:  3

Start: 23 March
End: 7th May
Hours: Monday, 3:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Classroom code: TBD

Room: TBD
Title: Theory and Modeling of high pressure flows in propulsion systems  
Instructor: Dr. Pasquale Edoardo Lapenna
Number of ECTS:  3

Start: 23 March
End: 7th May
Hours: Wednesday, 2:00 - 3:30 p.m.
Classroom code: TBD

Room: TBD
Title: Spray combustion modeling for aeronautical propulsion systems  
Instructor: Prof.Pietro Paolo Ciottoli

Number of ECTS:  3

Start: 23 March
End: 7th May
Hours: Wednesday, 15:30 - 17:00
Classroom code: TBD

Room: TBD
Title: Optimization methods in spaceflight trajectory design  
Instructor: Prof. Alessandro Zavoli

Number of ECTS:  3

Start: 23 March
End: 7th May
Hours: Thursday, 2:00 - 3:30 p.m.
Classroom code: TBD

Room: TBD
Title: The gravity field of a planetary body: how is it described?
Instructor: Dr. Daniele Durante
Number of ECTS:  3

Beginning: April 3rd
End: 15th May
Hours: Friday, 14:00 - 15:30. 
Classroom code: TBD

Room: TBD

TitleBasic issues on random processes in linear dynamical systems

Instructor: Prof. Franco Mastroddi

Number of ECTS:  3

Beginning April 6

End: May 4

Hours: Monday,  13:30 – 15:00

Classroom code: TBD

Room: TBD

Titolo: Nonlinear spacecraft attitude control

Docente: Prof. Fabio Celani

Numero crediti formativi:  3 CFU

Inizio:  18 Aprile

Fine: 27 Maggio

Martedi, 15:00 – 19:00
Giovedi, 15:00 – 17:00

Classroom code: TBD

Stanza: TBD

Titolo: Scientific Programming for Aerospace Engineering

Alessandro Zavoli
Pasquale Eduardo Lapenna 
Simone D'Alessandro 
Mario Tindaro Migliorino
Riccardo Malpica Galassi 

Numero crediti formativi:  3 CFU

Inizio:  TBD

Fine: TBD

Orario: Mercoledì, TBD

Classroom code: TBD

Stanza: TBD

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