Annual report

Doctoral Course in Aeronautical and Space Engineering
Academic Year 2022-2023

This document summarizes the activities carried out as part of the PhD course in Aeronautical and Space Engineering in the academic year 2022-2023.

The period affected is from 1 November 2022 to 31 October 2023.

In this academic year, and as regards the 35th cycle, 6 doctoral students obtained the title in the first session in January 2023, and 3 doctoral students obtained the title in the second session in May 2023.

Doctoral student Lorenzo Angelilli of the 36th doctoral cycle obtained the title of PhD in co-supervision with the Kind Abdullah University of Technology (KAUST)

As regards the 36th cycle, 6 doctoral students will take the final test in the first session by January 2024; a further 5 doctoral students will take the final test in the second session by May 2024.

As regards the 37th cycle, 18 doctoral students were admitted to the third year.

As regards the 39th cycle, 23 doctoral students were admitted to the course and included in the first year.

There are currently 3 Marie Curie-ITN projects active.

Overall, there are 63 doctoral students enrolled in the 2023-2024 academic year and in the 37-39 cycles, divided into different types of scholarships.

For each candidate for the final test, two renowned international reviewers were invited to carry out an independent evaluation.

1 judging commission has been appointed for the final test for the 36th cycle (first and second session) for a total of 3 full members and 3 alternates.

Here we would like to recall some of the most significant results achieved by students and recent graduates of the course in Aeronautical and Space Engineering:

Doctoral student Beatrice Latini of the 37th doctoral cycle has been awarded the AMELIA EARHART FELLOWSHIP by the Zonta International Foundation. This recognition attests to the achievement of excellence in aerospace research by female scholars.

ROME, 30 December 2023

In faith,

The Coordinator

Sergio Pirozzoli

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma