


Architettura della cooperazione con l'Africa subsahariana
a cura di
Maria Argenti, Anna Bruna Menghini, Francesca Sarno
Edifir-Edizioni Firenze, Firenze, 2023

DO-IT-YOURSELF / DO-IT-TOGETHER. Architecture for Cooperation in Sub-Saharan Africa investigates the theme of contemporary dwelling in the Global South: while apparently distant, in reality it directly touches the Western World, increasingly more involved in emergencies and questions of sustainability. Investigating the rural areas and urban contexts of Sub-Saharan Africa suggests a series of reflections also for those not directly involved with this part of the world; it allows us to approach the original and essential acts of building, universal and simultaneously linked to local contexts, and now weakened by the effects of globalisation. Additionally, it allows us to reflect on the permanence of diffuse material cultures, on the crisis of rural development and the criticalities of urban growth, on diverse forms of dwelling from those consolidated in Western culture, on the principles of simple design, on sustainable techniques, integrated with the environment, with assisted self-construction, and the development of participatory models and processes of construction that unite designer, builder and user.
Articulated in different sections, this publication promotes a comparison between contemporary lines of research and design experiences, identifying synergies and theoretical-applied fields that cut across both disciplines and sectors.


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