
The PhD program in “Engineering-based Architecture and Urban Planning” is aimed to train researchers through a high educational level to operate in the field of architecture and/or town planning by using a multidisciplinary and crossdisciplinary approach and appropriate methodologies and technologies.

Indeed, today, in the national scenario, a strong demand is felt for specialized, but not sectoral, researchers capable of interacting with the various components of the productive, administrative and cultural world in order to contribute, through their multidisciplinary training, to govern the complexity of both architectural work and urban design as a whole.

In conclusion, the PhD program has two aims pursued by the two following curricula:

• "Engineering-based Architecture" curriculum: to endow doctoral students, at the end of the training process, with research capacity that can be employed by Institutions and public or private organizations in the fields of design, building and management (until the end of the life cycle and ultimate recycling and/or disposal) of the architectural organism, the building elements and materials, both in constructing new buildings and in the rehabilitation and restructuring of existing buildings.

• "Urban Planning" curriculum: to prepared qualified PhD students in the organization and planning of cities and territories, in urban and environmental redevolepment and in the knowledge of the effects produced on the environment by the processes of anthropization of nature (and more broadly of the city-nature relationship), through the research and development of new tools, social practices, complex interactive processes to inhabit the city and the territory according to integral ecology perspectives. The PhD-program develops an educational synergy with the cultural fields of anthropology, sociology, history of the city, philosophy, geography and ecology, but also enhances the relationship with artistic practices, sensitive rationalities and the use of innovative languages.


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