External cosupervisios
Currently, 3 external co-supervised thesis project has been launched within the SESS PhD. The project is developed in partnership with folloeing institutions: Università Federale di Minas Gerais (Brasile), Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spagna), Univeristé de Bordeaux (France).
International agreements
THe PhD students deveoping a thesis in external co-supervision are:
- Giorgio Michalopoulos (PhD student in Applied Economics presso il Center for Development and Regional Planning (Cedeplar) della Università Federale di Minas Gerais). Supervisor in Sapienza: Prof. Giuseppe Attanasi.
- Vinicius Zuniga (PhD student in Economics and Innovation Management presso la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid). Supervisor in Sapienza: Prof. Carlo D'Ippoliti.
- Massimo Cingolani (PhD student in Economia presso l’Université de Bordeaux). Supervisor in Sapienza: Prof. Carlo D'Ippoliti.
Other agreements
There are also 2 international agreements with the following universities to promote the mobility of PhD students:
- Masaryk University (Czech Republic);
- Eötvös Loránd University of Budapest.
International networks
Il PhD SESS is actively involved through its board members and its students in the following networks:
1. Network "Inequality and Social Welfare Theory": Ifo Munich, Université de Montpellier, LISER in Luxembourg, University of Verona, London School of Economics, University of Antwerp (Belgium)
2. Network SEET (Southern Europe Experimental Team): the PhD Coordinator was Presindent of the SEET in 2018-2019
3. Network SABE (Society for Advancement in Behavioral Economics): the PhD Coordinator is Presindent-Elect of the SABE in 2022-2024
4. Network con Burgundy School of Business, Dijon (Francia), University of Paris 8 (Francia), University of Antwerp (Belgio), University of Gothenburg (Svezia) and University of Arizona (Stati Uniti) for the organization of a summer school with 100 PhD and Master students since summer 2023 (https://sites.google.com/a/uniroma1.it/cimeo/workshops/experimetrics-behavioral-economics)