
The doctoral program "European Ph.D in Socio-Economics and Statistical Studies" (SESS.EuroPhD) is a multidisciplinary study program managed by a consortium of universities from five European Union member states (Humboldt University of Berlin, Loránd Eötvös University of Budapest, Masaryk University Brno, Sapienza University of Rome, and University of Tampere) and two non-EU states (University of Haifa and University of Southampton) (D.M. 21-6-1999 N. 313 Art. 7).

The Ph.D. program promotes the use of the scientific method in analyzing the relationships between economic, social, and demographic phenomena, with the ultimate goal of contributing to the advancement of the international scientific debate and designing economic and social policies that support social cohesion, equality, growth, and the well-being of today's population and future generations. This is particularly relevant in addressing challenges posed by globalization, technological development, and adverse shocks (such as the COVID-19 pandemic and recent international conflicts).

The research conducted by Ph.D. candidates and faculty members in the Ph.D. board primarily takes place, but not exclusively, in the disciplinary fields of Political Economy, Economic Policy, Public Economics, and Applied Economics, always with an interdisciplinary approach. They utilize methodologies from Experimental Economics and Econometrics. This focus aligns with the disciplinary sectors to which the faculty members of the Ph.D. board belong. It's noteworthy that a significant percentage of those in SECS-P/01 – POLITICAL ECONOMY are involved in Experimental Economics, a methodology that, combined with Econometrics, constitutes the statistical analysis part of the program. In turn, this aligns with the distribution of courses in the first year, reflecting the new structure of the Ph.D. board, with a substantial part specializing in Behavioral and Experimental Economics, a discipline within the field of Political Economy. The remaining part equally represents the fields of Economic Policy, Public Finance, Applied Economics, and Econometrics.

At an aggregate level, SESS.EuroPhD aims to:

1. Develop interdisciplinary research through a common and coordinated educational strategy among the consortium universities.
2. Encourage comparative research along the lines indicated above.
3. Promote in the member countries of the consortium a doctoral culture similar to the Anglo-Saxon one, while preserving the specificities of local cultural traditions.
4. Contribute to the design of economic and social policies aimed at improving social cohesion, intra- and intergenerational equality, economic growth, and the well-being of today's population and future generations.

At an "individual" level, our training program aims to train a professional figure with research autonomy and high organizational skills. SESS.EuroPhD doctoral students and graduates are able to critically analyze and methodologically rigor the ongoing economic, institutional, social, and political transformations in Europe and the world, evaluate the effects of economic and social policies, and develop increasingly effective new measures.

The faculty has a strong international profile. Eight of its twenty-one members exclusively belong to international institutions; specifically, the University of Southern California (US), Universität Passau (Germany), Université Côte d'Azur, Université de Lille, Université de Strasbourg, and Burgundy School of Business (France), University of Luxembourg.


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